Johns Hopkins Gazette: June 24, 1996

On The Move!

The Division of Communications and Public Affairs is on the move. Physically.

On July 11 and 12, the departments of News and Information, The Johns Hopkins Magazine, The Alumni Magazine Consortium, The Gazette, and the administrative and business support staffs will move from 212 Whitehead Hall to The Dell House located at the corner of 29th and Charles streets.

In August, the designers and staff of Design and Publications will move to 3301 N. Charles St., located at the corner of 33rd and Charles streets.

Divisional phone numbers will remain the same; however, callers will be required to precede the campus numbers with university access codes. During a transition period, dialing existing numbers will direct callers to the proper access codes.

For more information, call (410) 516-7109.

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