Johns Hopkins Gazette: April 7, 1997

Hopkins Online

A guide to useful and
interesting sites on the
World Wide Web for
members of the Johns
Hopkins community
A diverse group of industry, regulatory, advocacy and research organizations dealing with animal testing in research has created a Web site devoted to sharing information about alternatives to animal testing.

Accessible at, the new site is described as "a comprehensive global resource on alternative methods focusing on replacement, reduction and refinement in animal testing."

Among the resources available at the site, which is sponsored, in part, by the School of Public Health's Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing, are online journals, newsletters and other alternatives publications, bibliographies and frequently requested searches prepared by the Animal Welfare Information Center, and hotlinks to related databases.

Among the groups supplying either technical or financial support are Proctor & Gamble, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Humane Society of the United States and the Animal Welfare Information Center of the United States Department of Agriculture. The site plans to host bulletin boards and discussion areas to allow researchers to share information, as well as a search engine geared to enabling scientists to find alternate methods of testing already in use.

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