Johns Hopkins Gazette: April 28, 1997


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for rent

Homewood, 3BR, 1BA RH, W/D, A/C, part furn'd, yd, no pets, nr shuttle. $900/mo + utils. Helen, (301)340-7263.

Wyman Park efficiency, 1BR, 1BA bsmt apt in TH, W/D, separate entry. $350/mo incl utils. 235-3222.

Cedarcroft, 1BR apt in TH, lr, BA, kitchen, mins to JHU, priv entry. $400/mo incl some utils. Leanna, 532-0056.

Charles Village, lg 2BR, 1BA apt, lr, dr, lg porch, avail 6/1. $680/mo. 342-5125.

Summer sublet/take over lease, spacious studio apt in Marylander, 1 blk from JHU. $445/mo. Henry, 366-8952.

Waverly, 2 apts, 2BR and 3BR, sunroom, deck, fp, garage, garden, avail 6/1. $600/ea + utils. 426-8049.

Charles Village, lg efficiency, 11th flr, priv terrace on roof, avail 5/1-9/30(or longer). $465/mo + elec. 467-5716 or [email protected].

30th and N Calvert, lg 2-rm apt, semifurn'd, avail 5/1, option to renew lease. $350/mo + utils. Sergey, 889-9360 or [email protected].

2BR condo, CAC, w/w crpt, sec alarm, pool, pref nonsmoker, nr JHU. $495/mo + utils. (301)805-1739.

2BR, 2.5BA brick TH, all appls, fin'd bsmt, nr JHMI/shuttle, fenced yd. 955-6669 or 343-2648.

Washington DC/Dupont Circle, apt avail Aug, pref F nonsmoker. $485/mo + utils. (202)265-6474.

Abell and University, spacious 1BR apt, W/D, ceiling fans, secure, quiet bldg, refs required. $525/mo + sec dep. 516-6056.

Summer sublets avail, 5/15-8/31, RH nr JHU, quiet, safe, W/D, deck, yd. $200-$260/mo. Quy, 662-8646 or [email protected].

Lg bsmt apt in quiet Oakenshawe house, fully furn'd, all appls, full laundry privileges, priv entry, nr JHU. $330/mo. 243-1194.

3002 St Paul St, lg 1BR, 1BA apt, clean, sunny. $400/mo incl heat. 889-7650 or [email protected].

Efficiency for sublet, 6/1-10/31, nr JHU. $310/mo + utils. Seyon, 614-0021 or [email protected].

House avail 8/1, completely renov'd, crpt'd, W/D, good area, nr JHU. Reasonable rent. 366-0442.

2800 blk Maryland Ave, 3BR apt, W/D, lg bsmt, nr JHH shuttle. 560-0914.

Efficiency in Blackstone Apts, nr JHU, furn'd, avail May. $359/mo (negot). 889-5316.

Spacious 2BR, 1BA apt, garage, charming community in Towson. $625/mo. 377-4359.

Hampden/Wyman Pk, fabulous 3BR house, A/C, W/D, huge country kitchen, giant bsmt, fenced yd, avail 5/15. Reasonable rent. 243-7165.

Hampden, 3BR house, W/D, lr, dr, kitchen, laundry/util rm, porch, yd. Jerry, 486-3242.

Homeland, lg 1BR apt in gatehouse community w/pool, CAC, balcony, hdwd flrs, avail 6/1. Rent reduced. 339-7618.

Roland Park, charming 3BR, 1.5BA duplex, CAC, W/D, bsmt, fenced yd, gardens, porches, avail June. $850/mo. (800)747-2820.

Priv BR in 3BR, 2BA TH, full house privileges. $300-$600/mo + utils. (301)596-2620.

Mt Washington, furn'd rm, BA, telephone in lovely house, share kitchen, gardens, W/D. $425/mo incl utils. 486-1947.

Condo on 3rd flr in classy, low-rise bldg just off JHU campus, A/C, 2BRs, country kitchen, avail 6/2. Lois, 235-1594.

Upper Fells Point, 1BR duplex, CAC/heat, W/D, dw, appls, yd, excel neighborhood, nr JHH, avail May. $500/mo. Luz, 732-5718.

Ednor Gardens, 3BR, 1.5BA stone/stucco TH, W/D, dw, deck, sunporch, nr JHU. $750/mo. Brian, 235-3801.

2428 Foster Ave/Canton, 1BR + study, nr JHH/Harbor/Fells Point. $450/mo + utils + sec dep. 866-1021.

for sale

Charles Village, renov'd 3BR, 1.5BA RH, exposed brick, hdwd flrs, quiet street, walk to JHU. $72,900. Toni or Chris, 467-4988.

Homeland, 2BR, 2BA condo, gated community w/pool, nothing down to qualified buyer. $68,000. 296-5770.

West Virginia, great cabin, Woods Resort, 2BRs, fp, deck, furn, appls, 1.1 acres. $55,000. Brian, 515-0311.

3BR, 1.5BA TH, fenced yd, deck, garage, clubroom, hdwd flrs. 323-7527(eve).

Ednor Gardens, 3BR, 2BA TH, sunporch, clubroom, garage, mins to JHU. $62,000. 769-8016.

Cedarcroft, 3BR house w/nice yd, renov'd kitchen, vinyl windows, new deck, updates, mins to JHMI. $114,900. 323-5589.

Notre Dame/Loyola area, 3BR semidetached house, high ceilings, pay less than rent. $49,995. Dr. Monk, 321-0746.

3BR, 1.5BA house, CAC, new roof/windows, full bsmt, good neighborhood, mins to Bayview. $68,900. 477-2729.

Perry Hall, lovely 3BR, 1BA TH on cul-de-sac, family community, community pool, fenced yd, deck, fin'd bsmt. $79,900. 668-9618.

Mayfield, 4BR, 2.5BA house, w/w crpt, huge rms, walk-in closets, mod appls, new furnace/water heater, quiet, safe. $125,000. 366-4851.


Rm in 3BR Mt Vernon apt, nr Peabody, possible summer rental. $220/mo + 1/3 utils (heat, hot water incl). 385-1882.

Nonsmoker for rm in 2BR Mt Vernon apt, nr shuttle, no pets. $225/mo + 1/2 utils ($20). 783-2733.

Nonsmoker to share RH w/two students, bsmt BR, max convenience to JHMI. $200/mo + 1/3 utils. 276-0567.

Grad nonsmoker wanted for lg, furn'd bsmt rm, nr JHU/JHMI shuttle, avail end of May. $200/mo + 1/4 utils. Kimberly, 235-7565 or [email protected].

Roommate wanted for Charles Village apt, W/D, A/C, dw, safe area. $265/mo. Judy, 337-7052(eve).

F grad to share 3BR RH in Charles Village, A/C, dw, new kitchen, pref nonsmoker. $333/mo + 1/3 utils. 243-9952.

Housemate wanted in Hampden, pref well-balanced individual. Jon, 467-5925.

Housemate wanted for 3BR house nr JHU, own rm, share lr, dr, kitchen, dw, W/D, garden, prkng, fenced yd, avail 6/1. 889-5759.

Grad/prof to share 3BR Little Italy apt, nr JHU shuttle, subway. $300/mo + 1/3 utils. 685-0760.

Roommate wanted to share Hampden house, nr JHU. John, 235-3345.

Owings Mills/Newtown, F nonsmoker to share 2BR apt, W/D, fp, dw, nr metro. $335/mo + 1/2 utils. 654-1595.

Items for

Bookshelves, 6x9 natural cotton rug, 4x6 green coir rug, desk, chair, odds & ends. 467-7610.

'90 Toyota Corolla wagon, auto, loaded, dependable, 82K mi, will inspect. $5,350/best offer. 750-3540 or 799-3748.

'89 Ford Mustang LX, hatchback, 5-spd, 4-cyl, 2.4 liter, loaded, A/C, 74K mi. $3,900/best offer. 825-5024.

5000 BTU GE air conditioner, ideal for midsize rm. $75. 366-2714.

Mazda Miata MX5 convertible, auto, red, mint cond, hard top, 24K mi. $12,900. 521-3854 or [email protected].

Complete Oster kitchen center, $50; 12 five-pc Mikasa stoneware place settings. Dolores, 614-0596.

Full bed, $150; sleep sofa/chair, $110; oak computer desk/printer cart, $105; kitchen table/chairs, $35. 328-6881(day).

Admiral window air conditioner, cooled half a ranch-style house. $100. 614-5022 or 882-4924.

Soloflex w/all attachments, excel cond. $400/best offer. 366-7183.

Yamaha stereo (CD broken, can be fixed), $300; two rugs, $10/$20; lamp, $15; deep fryer, $15. Gyula, 516-8583 or [email protected].

Marshall & Wendell piano, oak finish, plays well, $500/best offer; Ikea computer desk/chair/dresser, $90. Mariana, 528-1782.

'93 Acura Integra, 3-dr, 5-spd, A/C, sunroof, alloy wheels, new tires, excel cond, 50K mi. $13,500. 516-7874 or [email protected].

MCAT review books: Princeton Review, $75; Kaplan (set of 5), $50; Best Med Schools Handbook, $15. 243-8772.

'89 Toyota Supra, 5-spd, white/maroon leather interior, Sony CD, 73K mi. $6,500. 337-8642.

A/Cs: Westinghouse 5,000 BTU, Sears Coldspot 7,800 BTU, both w/variable fan, thermostat. $60/ea or $100/both. Sam, 467-1799.

Twin bed, desk, dining table, nightstands, lamps, chairs, microwave, coffeemaker, rice cooker. Ted Fong, 752-8273 or [email protected].

Sm refrigerator, perf for dorm room, virtually new. $50. Chris, 661-1234 or [email protected].

Schwinn road bike, black, 14-spd, 18" frame, free lock, garage-kept, excel cond. $150. Stephen, 516-5298, 889-6712 or [email protected].

Moving sale: rugs, car vacuum, chair, fan, two desk lamps, floor lamp, many more household items. Reasonable prices. 235-9134.

Two "Dux" chairs w/cushions, $100/ea or $175/both; six folding wood chairs, $10/ea or $50/all; Ikea utility shelf, $25. Anne, 243-1910(eve).

1924 Chickering full-size grand piano, great cond, prof rebuilt, new strings/pinblock/keytops, black lacquer finish, bench incl. $5,400/best offer. 243-1194.

'83 BMW 320i, 5-spd, AM/FM cass, California car, orig owner, sunroof, 160K mi. $3,000/best offer. 675-4478.

'87 Mitsubishi Mirage, 4-dr, auto, AM/FM cass, rear defrost, 56K mi, will inspect. $2,000/best offer. 338-4472 or [email protected].

'85 Volvo 740GLE, 1 owner, auto, leather, loaded, runs great, 126K mi. $3,250. 435-9495 or [email protected].

'88 Mazda RX-7 GXL, red, 5-spd, power everything, excel cond, must sell. Ramzi, 366-7267.

'92 Volvo 240 wagon, 1 owner, A/C, loaded, roof rack, new tires, garage-kept, will inspect. $11,700. Eileen, 955-3934 or 465-3659.

Baby rabbits, beautiful long-haired angoras. $30/ea. Linda, 614-1069 or Chuck, 614-8353.

Computer table, children's desk, wall lamps, trinkets, lacrosse equipment. Barry or Sun-Hee, 889-6114(after 8pm).

Pro-Form treadmill, 2.5HP, power incline, pulse monitor, many programs, barely used. $700. 366-2609(after 6pm).

Toyota Camry, gold, 4-dr, auto, very good cond. Frank, 385-1768.

Beautiful blue and white striped sofa, canvas material, very good cond. $400. Lisa, 366-1590.

Breakfast bar/stools, futon frame/mattress, pushcart, briefcase, clothes, more. Joanie, 955-3636 or 882-6550.

Household furniture, bicycle, stereo, ice skates, more. 433-6424. Wood dinette, 6 chairs, $200; love seat, $50; Ikea bookshelves, $15/ea; oil-filled radiator, $40; futon, $25. Sheila, 955-5099, 243-1556 or [email protected].

Pro-Form 730 treadmill, programmable, still under service contract. $650/best offer. 955-3096 or 366-7199.

offered or wanted

Summer sublet wanted by student in Baltimore this summer. Elise, (215)772-0323 or [email protected].

Summer sublet wanted in Mt Washington/Bonnie Ridge area, 7/15-8/30. 665-6189 or [email protected].

Wanted: inexpensive laptop for travel notes, able to do WP 5.1; also external modem, 14K+. 377-0038.

Classical music for weddings, receptions, all occasions, exp'd Peabody grads. The Dorian Trio, 462-6255.

Babysitter needed to help w/7-mo-old baby, transportation required, pref Chinese speaker. 484-7746 or [email protected].

Premeds needed for tutoring during summer, $15/hr guaranteed, transportation req'd. Mitchell Yang, 10526,[email protected].

Will care for your children in my Beech Ave apt, nr JHU. Huang, 467-8304(7:30-11pm).

Seeking MT w/3 yrs min inpatient MR experience, FT/PT, at home w/own equipment. (814)353-3435(to fax resume), ref #JH360.

Home-based business opportunity, PT. 385-9563.

While I visit her dad (a patient at JHH), sitter needed for 1-2 eves for 6-yr-old in Charles Center apt. Nancy, 385-6046.

RAPA Internet consultant, sell your products on the Web, reach 40,000 Internet users. 772-0393(fax).

Piano lessons, incl summer sessions by concert pianist, former Goucher/Loyola faculty, all levels. 467-4969.

Convert business/personal files to automated dBASE menu program, X-ref, update, print reports, reasonable cost. Bruce, 486-9742.

Mike's Light Moving & Hauling, careful handling, reasonable rates. 813-6825(pager) or 558-1731(h), Mon-Sat, 7am-11pm.

Motherless daughters join together across the country May 10 to honor their mothers. Annie, 866-3924.

Discount long-distance phone card. 467-0089.

Computer services for home and office, PC installation, upgrades, problem solving, professional service. 444-6850.

Do you need help with typing? 10pt: $4.08/page; 12pt: $3.60/page. Terri, 955-4116.

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