The Johns Hopkins Gazette: April 20, 1998

Apr. 20-27

Johns Hopkins Gazette Online Edition


Monday, April 20


Noon. Classical Guitar Performance by Stephen Turley, traditional favorites and original arrangements; Main Floor Auditorium, Asthma and Allergy Center, 5501 Bayview Circle.

East Baltimore

3 p.m. Otolaryngology Grand Rounds, with rotating roster of speakers; 6150 Outpatient Center.

4 p.m. "Health Effects of Global Climate Change: Research Challenges," a Center for a Livable Future symposium with panelists Jonathan Patz, Donald Burke, R. Bradley Sack and J. Hugh Ellis; 2030 SHPH.

5 p.m. New Approaches to Cancer Therapy 1998, Section I, Prevention of Cancer: "Breast Cancer Prevention: How Are We Going to Achieve It?" by Malcolm Pike, Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Los Angeles; 119 Oncology.


12:10 p.m. Weight Management Class, for Hopkins faculty and staff; Sherwood Room, Levering. For information, call 410-516-0450.

4 p.m. "American Revolution and National Identity," a National Cultures and the Construction of the Modern World seminar with Peter Onuf, University of Virginia; 315 Gilman.

4 p.m. The David Bodin Seminar in Neuroscience--"Characterization of Proteins Involved in Alzheimer's Disease" by Mervyn Monteiro, University of Maryland Biotechnology Institute and School of Medicine; 341 Krieger.

4 p.m. Open House for prospective part-time students in the schools of Arts and Sciences, Continuing Studies and Engineering; Great Hall, Levering. Advisers will be available to discuss programs.

7 p.m. The Sydney and Mitzi Blumenthal Award and Lecture for Contributions to Management in Technology--"The Role of Information Technology in National Security" by William Perry, former U.S. secretary of defense; Bloomberg Center Auditorium.

7 p.m. "Opportunities in Veterinary Medicine," a Prehealth Program lecture by Malcolm Keiter, University of Pennsylvania; Sherwood Room, Levering.

Tuesday, April 21

East Baltimore

8:30 a.m. Networking Opportunity and discussion; SHPH Atrium (yellow chair section). Network with women on campus; coffee and danish will be served. Sponsored by the Women's Forum/JHMI Caucus. Noon. "Cytoplasmic Structure and Cell Movement: Structure and Function of Actin Cross-linking Proteins in Dictyostelium," a Biological Chemistry seminar with Marcus Fechheimer, University of Georgia; 612 Physiology.

7 p.m. Christian Fellowship Meeting, musical worship and Bible study; Reed Hall Library. All are welcome.


9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Johns Hopkins University Blood Drive; Glass Pavilion, Levering. To sign up for a donation time, call Peggy Jones, 410-516-8039.

3 p.m. "Science, Policy and Coastal Eutrophication: The Chesapeake Experience," a Geography and Environmental Engineering seminar with Donald Boesch, University of Maryland Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies, Cambridge, Md.; 234 Ames.

4 p.m. "Struggles in Amazonia: Shaping Ecology, Power and Knowlege" by Michael Dorsey, and "Religious Minority or Part of the Nation's Fabric: A Debate on the Status of the Copts in Egypt" by Boris Nikolov, an Institute for Global Studies seminar; 404 Macaulay.

4:15 p.m. "Shedding Light on Met-Cars: A Unique Class of Molecular Clusters," a Chemistry colloquium with A.W. Castleman, Pennsylvania State University; 233 Remsen.

4:30 p.m. "From Resource Management to Call Home--A Little Science, A Little Art and Still a Long Way to Go," a Center for Language and Speech Processing seminar with Andrej Ljolje, AT&T Labs; 100 Shaffer.

7:30 p.m. Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Discussion and Social Group; 217 Ames. For information, call Bob at 410-889-7081.

Wednesday, April 22

East Baltimore

4 p.m. "Graves Ophthalmopathy: Immunopathogenesis and Clinical Management," Endocrine Grand Rounds with Kenneth Burman, Washington Hospital Center; 1 Marburg.

5 p.m. New Approaches to Cancer Therapy 1998, Section II, Radiation Oncology: "Radiosensitivity and the Cell Cycle" by Ruth Muschel, University of Pennsylvania; 119 Oncology.


9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Johns Hopkins University Blood Drive; Glass Pavilion, Levering. To sign up for a donation time, call Peggy Jones, 410-516-8039.

Noon. A Barbershop Harmony Experience, a performance by the Towson Valley Chorus of Sweet Adelines, International; Shriver Hall. Part of the "Wednesday Noon Series" sponsored by Special Events.

4 p.m. "Free Black Families and Freedom in Albemarle County, Virginia, 1787-1860," an American History seminar with Kirt Von Daacke; 315 Gilman.

4 p.m. "Plasticity in Social Behavior and Neuropeptide Hormones in Mice and Frogs," a Psychology colloquium with Cathy Marler, University of Wisconsin; 234 Ames.

Thursday, April 23

East Baltimore

Noon. Welch Internet Lecture--"Remote Access via Modem," options for accessing information; Hurd Hall. No registration required.

Noon. "Novel Regulation of Yeast Golgi Function by Phosphatidylinositol Transfer Protein," a Cell Biology and Anatomy seminar with Vytas Bankaitis, University of Alabama, Birmingham; 110 WBSB.

3 p.m. "Medicine in Flux: Laxatives and Medical Regimen in Medieval Paris," a History of Science, Medicine and Technology colloquium with Walton Schalick III, Chil-dren's Hospital, Boston; Seminar Room, 3rd floor, Welch Medical Library.

4:30 p.m. "Role of SRC and JAK Kinases in IL-3-Mediated Stat Activation," an Oncology director's conference with E. Premkumar Reddy, Temple University; 119 Oncology.

5:30 p.m. The 8th Annual Sidney Ann Wilson Memorial Poetry Lecture, a reading by Allen Grossman; Doctors Dining Room. Sponsored by Cultural Affairs.


3 p.m. "Tetrobots, Transformers and Modular Robotics," a Mechanical Engineering seminar with Arthur Sanderson, Rensselaer Polytechnic University; 106 Latrobe.

3:30 p.m. "Children's Syntactic Knowledge," a Cognitive Science colloquium with Rosalind Thornton, University of Maryland, College Park; 234 Krieger.

4 p.m. "Integer Programming Formulations for a Network Design Problem," a Mathematical Sciences seminar with Leslie Hall; 304 Whitehead.

4 p.m. "Sexual Morality in the Paris Condemnation of 1277" by Matthew Klemm, and "The Letter Collection of Hugh of Champfleury" by Stephen Swisdak, a Medieval History seminar; 315 Gilman.

4 p.m. "Modeling Pronunciation Variability in Conversational Speech," an Electrical and Computer Engineering seminar with Murat Saraclar; 117 Barton.

Friday, April 24


2 p.m. "Digital Cellular and Personal Radio Systems," a colloquium with Bernard Keiser, Keiser Engineering Inc.; Kossiakoff Center. The program will be simulcast to 218 Maryland Hall on the Homewood campus.


4 p.m. The Carolyn and Edward Wenk Jr. Lecture in Technology and Public Policy--"Two Traditions in Research and Development Whose Time is Past" by John Lyons, U.S. Army Research Laboratory; 110 Maryland.

4 p.m. The Robert H. Levi Lecture in Bioethics and Public Policy--"Privacy and Medical Information" by Lawrence Gostin, Georgetown University; Schafler Auditorium, Bloomberg Center. Sponsored by the Bioethics Institute.

7:30 p.m. Agape Campus Ministry, weekly meeting; 100 Shaffer. All are welcome.

7:30 p.m. Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship; Garrett Room, MSE Library.

8 p.m. The Mystery of Edwin Drood, a Theatre Hopkins production of Rupert Holmes play; Merrick Barn. Tickets are $10, $9 for senior citizens and $5 for full-time students. For more information, call 410-516-7159 weekdays from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.


8 p.m. Concert by the Peabody Singers, the Peabody Chorus and the Peabody Concert Orchestra, performing works by Richard Wagner, Vaughn Williams and Aaron Copland; Friedberg Concert Hall. Tickets are $16, $8 for senior citizens and $5 for students with I.D. For information, call 410-659-8124.

Saturday, April 25

East Baltimore

11 a.m. "Management of Cushing's Disease," a Clinical Pharmacology conjoint clinic with Gary Wand; Turner Auditorium.


8 p.m. The Mystery of Edwin Drood, a Theatre Hopkins production of Rupert Holmes play; Merrick Barn. Tickets are $12, $9 for senior citizens and $5 for full-time students. For more information, call 410-516-7159 weekdays from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Off campus

8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Third Annual Health Fair, free screenings and information on health concerns for all age groups; 400 block 32nd St. (between Barclay and Greenmount). Referrals will be made to the People's Community Health Center at 3028 Greenmount Ave.

Sunday, April 26


2:15 p.m. The Mystery of Edwin Drood, a Theatre Hopkins production of Rupert Holmes play; Merrick Barn. Tickets are $10, $9 for senior citizens and $5 for full-time students. For more information, call 410-516-7159 weekdays from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Monday, April 27

East Baltimore

5 p.m. New Approaches to Cancer Therapy 1998, Section II, Radiation Oncology: "Modulation of Radiation-induced Apoptosis" by Richard Kolesnick, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center; 119 Oncology.


4 p.m. The David Bodian Seminar in Neuroscience--"Parallel and Hierarchical Features of Local Circuits in Primary Visual Cortex" by Edward Callaway, Salk Institute; 341 Krieger.

4 p.m. "Global Coloniality: Knowledge and the Epistemological Potential of Border Thinking," an Institute for Global Studies in Culture, Power and History Distinguished Lecture by Walter Mignolo, Duke University; Mudd Hall Auditorium.