The Johns Hopkins Gazette: May 11, 1998

May 11-18

Johns Hopkins Gazette Online Edition


Monday, May 11

East Baltimore

3 p.m. Otolaryngology Grand Rounds, with rotating roster of speakers; 6150 Outpatient Center.

4 p.m. "Structure-based Functional Genomics," a Biochemistry seminar with Gaetano Montelione, Rutgers University; W2030 SHPH.

4 p.m. "The Chesapeake Biological Laboratories Lecture Series," a Biological Chemistry lecture by Lubert Stryer, Stanford University School of Medicine; WBSB Auditorium.

5 p.m. New Approaches to Cancer Therapy 1998, Section III, New Treatment Discovery: "Antitumor Activity of E1A for HER-2/neu-Overexpressing Cancer Cells" by Mien-Chie Hung, Anderson Cancer Center, Houston; 119 Oncology.


4 p.m. Valedictory Lecture--"Non-Western Responses to Western Imperialism: Defensive Modernization in Buganda, Japan, Imerina, Hawaii and Siam" by Philip Curtin; Garrett Room, MSE Library. Sponsored by History.

4 p.m. The David Bodian Seminar in Neuroscience--"How Infants Find and Remember Words" by Peter Jusczyk; 341 Krieger.

Washington, D.C. Center

Noon. Open House for the SCS Division o Business and Management's master of science in organization development and human resources program; 1625 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. For more information or to RSVP, call 1-800-GO-TO-JHU. Sponsored by the Division of Business and Management.

Tuesday, May 12

East Baltimore

4:15 p.m. "T Cell Therapy of Viral and Malignant Diseases," an Immunology Council seminar with Stan Riddell, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research; 2030 SHPH.

7 p.m. Christian Fellowship Meeting, musical worship and Bible study; Reed Hall Library. All are welcome.


4:15 p.m. "Adventures in Fluorocarbon Chemistry," a Chemistry colloquium with David Lemal, Dartmouth College; 233 Remsen.

7:30 p.m. Gay/Lesbian/Bisexual Discussion and Social Group; 217 Ames. For information, call Bob at 410-889-7081.

Wednesday, May 13

East Baltimore

10:30 a.m. "HIV Vaccines," a Vaccine Sciences track seminar with David Schwartz; W4013 SHPH.

Noon. Midday Performance by the JHMI Choral Society, performing Haydn's Lord Nelson Mass; Hurd Hall. For information, call 410-955-3363.

1 p.m. "Chemoprevention of Liver Cancer: Molecular Approaches for Clinical Interventions," a Biochemistry seminar with Thomas Kensler; W2030 SHPH.

4 p.m. "Malaria Dihydrofolate Reductase-Thymidylate Synthase: New Lessons from an Old Drug Target," a Pharmacology and Molecular Sciences seminar with Pradip Rathod, Catholic University; 303 WBSB.

4 p.m. "Coagulation Disease" with William Bell; 1024 Blalock.

4:30 p.m. "Colon Cancer Tumor Progression--What Is the Role of Calcium Channels?" an Integrated Metabolism and Physiology seminar with Sandra Guggino; 709 Traylor. Sponsored by Radiology.

5 p.m. New Approaches to Cancer Therapy 1998, Section III, New Treatment Discovery: "Alterations in the HER-2/neu Gene in Human Breast Cancer: Diagnostic and Therapeutic Implications" by Dennis Slamon, UCLA School of Medicine; 119 Oncology.

Thursday, May 14

East Baltimore

Noon. "Targeting of Membrane Proteins to the Golgi Complex," a Cell Biology and Anatomy seminar with Carolyn Machamer; 110 WBSB.

Noon. "DNA Damage Repair and Checkpoint Regulation in Yeast," a Molecular Biology and Genetics seminar with Jim Haber, Brandeis University; 517 PCTB.

1 p.m. "What's So Special about Prohormone/Proprotein Processing Proteases? Three Short Stories," a Neuroscience research seminar with Robert Fuller, University of Michigan Medical School; 811 WBSB.

4 p.m. "Transcriptional Activation by the Human Androgen Receptor," a Biochemistry seminar with Terry Brown; W2030 SHPH.

Friday, May 15


2 p.m. "JAVA Revolution," a colloquium with Marty Hall; Parsons Auditorium. The program will be simulcast to 218 Maryland Hall on the Homewood campus.

East Baltimore

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free Skin Cancer Screening; 6th Floor, Outpatient Center. No pre-registration required. For more information, call 410-955-4940.

1 p.m. "Programmable Ultrasound Image Processor," a Biomedical Engineering seminar with Yongmin Kim, University of Washington, Seattle; 709 Traylor.


4:30 p.m. Black Faculty and Staff Association Second Annual Networking Social, with information on financial planning and investment, health and wellness, educational and career advancement, and home ownership, with representatives from the Baltimore and Hopkins communities; Great Hall, Levering. For more information, call 410-516-3975.

7:30 p.m. Agape Campus Ministry, weekly meeting; 100 Shaffer. All are welcome.

7:30 p.m. Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, weekly group meeting; Garrett Room, MSE Library.

8 p.m. The Mystery of Edwin Drood, a Theatre Hopkins production of Rupert Holmes play; Merrick Barn. Tickets are $10, $9 for senior citizens and $5 for full-time students. For more information, call 410-516-7159 weekdays from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Astronomy Open House, public viewing; Bloomberg Center Observatory. For more information, call 410-516-6525.

Saturday, May 16

East Baltimore

11 a.m. "New Devices in Cardiology," a Clinical Pharmacology conjoint clinic with Jon Resar; Turner Auditorium.


10:30 a.m. to noon. Open House for part-time undergraduate programs; 101 Shaffer. For information or to R.S.V.P., call 1-800-GO-TO-JHU.

8 p.m. The Mystery of Edwin Drood, a Theatre Hopkins production of Rupert Holmes play; Merrick Barn. Tickets are $12, $9 for senior citizens and $5 for full-time students. For more information, call 410-516-7159 weekdays from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m.

Sunday, May 17


2 p.m. "Gallery Talk," with Francesca Schuler Guerin, who will discuss national and local artists associated with teacher Jacques Maroger, and trace the career of her mother, Ann Schuler, co-founder of the Schuler School of Fine Arts; 4545 N. Charles St. Admission is $8 for members, $10 for non-members. Reservations are required. For more information or to make reservations, call 410-516-0341.


3 p.m. Benefit Concert for JHMI by the Hopkins Symphony Orchestra, performing works by Dvorak and Mozart; Shriver Hall. For ticket information, call 410-955-3363.

2:15 p.m. The Mystery of Edwin Drood, a Theatre Hopkins production of Rupert Holmes play; Merrick Barn. Tickets are $10, $9 for senior citizens and $5 for full-time students. For more information, call 410-516-7159 weekdays from 1:30 to 5:30 p.m. Final performance.

Monday, May 18

Columbia Center

5:30 to 7 p.m. Open House for part-time undergraduate programs; For information or to RSVP, call 1-800-GO-TO-JHU.


4 p.m. The David Bodian Seminar in Neuroscience--"Visual Attention and Cortical Circuits" by Jochen Braun, California Institute of Technology; 341 Krieger.

Summer Calendar

During the summer, The Gazette will be published biweekly; weekly issues return Aug. 31. Submissions to the calendar must be received by noon on Monday of the week prior to publication. Deadlines for the biweekly issues are as follows:

June 8/June 15 June 1
June 22/June 29 June 15
July 6/July 13 June 29
July 20/July 27 July 13
Aug. 3/Aug. 10 July 27
Aug. 17/Aug. 24 Aug. 10