Johns Hopkins Gazette: January 30, 1995

Student Jobs

     The following jobs and services are available to students in
Arts and Sciences and Engineering. A sampling of jobs may be
obtained by calling the Student Job Line at 516-5478. 
     For more information about any of these jobs, visit the
Office of Student Employment, 17 Merryman Hall, lower level, or
call the office at 516-7232. Federal work-study jobs are marked
"fws"; non-federal-work-study jobs are "nfws."

Homewood            Job #          Type
Research Asst.      009            fws
Clerical            108            fws
Unclassified        267            fws/nfws
Clerical            299            fws/nfws

East Baltimore      Job #          Type
Clerical            067            fws
Clerical            138            fws
Clerical            224            fws/nfws
Clerical            227            fws

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