The Race For The White House Is On Steve Libowitz --with Ben Ginsberg To provide some perspective on the 1996 presidential campaign, The Gazette has asked political science professor Benjamin Ginsberg, who also directs the Washington Center for the Study of American Government, to offer ongoing analyses of the campaign. In the first Q&A with editor Steve Libowitz, which precedes the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary, Ginsberg discusses what we might expect in the 1996 race and what each party has to do to win the White House this year. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: What's at stake in 1996? Ginsberg: A great deal, more than in the recent past. Certainly more than in the Reagan period. The Republicans are mounting a challenge to New Deal liberalism and are prepared to dismantle many of the institutions of [President Franklin Roosevelt's] New Deal as well as of [President Lyndon Johnson's] Great Society. They would like to return us to the era of Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover, which is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is a fundamental thing. Reaganism involved that rhetoric but once in office, Reagan compromised with congressional Democrats, fighting against spending on new social programs. But he did spend on existing programs at more or less the same rate. The present-day Republicans are trying to undo that compromise, balancing the budget by eliminating new programs and cutting way back on existing programs. These guys are serious, and the electorate is going to make a big decision. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: How far apart are the two parties? Ginsberg: As far apart as at any time in recent history, especially in Congress. The current Democratic delegation is quite liberal, and the Republicans are very conservative. So there is a lot of bitterness there. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: But Clinton's State of the Union address sounded anything but bitter. It sounded as if he was agreeing with the Republicans' agenda. Ginsberg: Clinton is best at running for office. And with that speech he was trying to position himself for the 1996 race without much regard for what he said yesterday or what he might say tomorrow. He says what his advisers and the polls say he should say today. And they're telling him that he should position himself between the House Democrats and Republicans. He's a product of the television age, where what happens on a series one week doesn't matter next week. In 1992, he focused on the issues, but this year, the Republicans own the issues, so Clinton's strategy is to eliminate the issues and make the '96 race about personality, saying in effect, "Who would you rather have as president, me or [Bob] Dole?" ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: Isn't that a risky strategy considering the president's character continues to be an issue? Ginsberg: It's extremely risky, but their calculation is that people are tired of the scandal talk, and his enemies can't knock him off. The Republicans are now very upset because they see Clinton's strategy, and it's a pretty good strategy. And they're not pleased with Dole. The Democrats aren't happy either because Clinton [in the State of the Union address] moved so sharply to the right. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: You don't consider his speech a genuine shift in ideas? Ginsberg: Nothing Clinton does is genuine, which is one of his big problems. It's one thing to be clever and tactical and adjust your position to the necessities of political debate, but he is too facile, and I think he's not credible. But [his political strategists ] think in a short race he can get away with it if Dole is the candidate and they can make it a personality contest. Me-tooism is not a good longtime strategy, but it is to Clinton's advantage in the short run. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: What can we expect from the '96 campaign? Ginsberg: The one question that is being asked, and will be answered early on, is whether Bob Dole is truly the front runner or just a paper tiger. He has endorsements and money and the lead in the polls, but he has yet to be tested in an actual race. I think the Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primary will be extremely important because there's a real question in my mind that Dole is a viable candidate. The Republicans are having nightmares about this. They see a weak president, a resurgence of their party and a standard bearer that is going to be Bob Dole. And as we saw [in his reply to the State of the Union] he just doesn't seem to have the steam anymore. He looked older and more tired than he really is, and we're just starting. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: Is there anyone else in the current field that could take the nomination from Dole? Ginsberg: The rest of the field is very weak. Phil Gramm is a stronger candidate than we northern intellectual snobs like to think, but he's failed to catch on. Pat Buchanan has departed the scene for all intents and purposes. Lamar Alexander is a very capable individual but has not caught on. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: Caught on in what respect? There hasn't even been one primary. Ginsberg: The first hurdle is being able to raise money. So far, the only ones to raise money are Dole and Gramm. Steve Forbes has caught on because he's using his own money. Gramm's standing in the polls is relatively weak. But the first primary and caucus can reverse everything if Dole flounders in either place. His endorsers will desert him, and there will be a move to find someone else. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: What does 'flounder' mean in these two contests? Ginsberg: He has to win handily. If anyone comes close to him he's going to be in big trouble. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: Who is likely to reap the benefits of an early Dole misstep? Ginsberg: Forbes. That's why everyone is suddenly gunning for him. By virtue of extremely heavy and extensive spending, he has made himself a very serious contender. But you see the problem with this primary process is that they start in these very tiny arenas, and someone with a lot of money to spend can make a major impression on the electorate in those states. If Forbes is able to come close to Dole, then there will be a scramble to find an alternative to Dole who may or may not be Forbes. Forbes is this year's Ross Perot, a businessman on horseback who says he is above politics and interested only in the bottom line. Some people like that, but I think it's more likely he'll play a spoiler role. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: If not Dole and Forbes is a spoiler and the rest of the field is weak, who then will step up for the Republicans? Ginsberg: I still do not rule out Colin Powell for either president or vice president. He did not rule himself out last fall when he announced he would not run. He's still there, and if the Republicans have to come to him begging him to save his country--which is the only condition he or any general since Washington ever answers the call to politics--he may get into it. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: So, what do the Republicans have to do to regain the White House in 1996? Ginsberg: They need to find a voice. They have a message but no voice. They used to in Reagan who could present ideas in a way that resonated with the people. For a while it looked like it could be [Speaker of the House] Newt Gingrich, but he's too shrill. Dole is too tired. It's interesting that we social scientists like to look at politics as a set of impersonal forces that evolve over long periods of time. But so often what happens is a function of particular personalities who are on the scene at a given time. Right now the Republicans have history on their side but not a spokesperson, so it just may be that history passes them by in 1996. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: What must Clinton do to stay in the White House? Ginsberg: The Democrats are the reverse. They have a voice but nothing to say. And it's more than Clinton, who is willing to say anything. The party does not seem to stand for anything or believe in anything. They have lost their way. They're in terrible shape. And Clinton doesn't even care about the party, which is why congressional Democrats have such disdain for him. They know he could care less about what happens to them. He's interested in the re-election of Bill Clinton, whatever that means for other candidates or policy or whatever. So Clinton needs to hope for Dole and then just make it a personality contest. ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gazette: What is your prediction for Iowa and New Hampshire? Ginsberg: I predict that Dole will win but by a relatively small margin, and then there'll be a scramble to see if another candidate can be identified or if Dole can be strengthened. And one way to do that is for him to take on a running mate who has more energy and appeal. For example, a Dole-Powell ticket would be a very powerful one. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The Gazette plans to check in with Professor Ginsberg after the New Hampshire primary, scheduled for Feb. 20. ----------------------------------------------------------------- If you want to follow the 1996 presidential campaign on the Internet, here are a few of the homepages that can keep you on line: PoliticsUSA, Countdown '96, The 1996 Campaign, Vote Smart, Consumer's Guide to Presidential Candidates, Welcome to the White House, C-Span, Politix Page, Doonesbury's Electronic Town Hall, -----------------------------------------------------------------