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In each issue The Gazette makes the equivalent of about one
page available for classified ads, which are free to Hopkins
faculty, staff and students. We do reserve the right not to run ads due to space limitations or because they do not adhere to the following guidelines:
Apartments/houses |
Charles Village/St Paul St, huge 1BR apt. $525/mo. 467-1419 or
[email protected]. Roland Park, lg 1BR apt, dw, w/w crpt, ceiling fan. $650/mo incl heat, hot water. Lynn, 685-1806. Butchers Hill, 1BR renov'd TH, A/C, W/D, dw, walk to JHH. 576-8322. Federal Hill, historic house, 2 fps, quiet, safe, short-term rent/option to buy. $950/mo + 1 mo dep. [email protected]. Charles Village, 2.5BR, 1BA apt, fp, sec system, 1-2 occup (pref no undergrads). $562/mo incl heat, hot water. 467-8070, 235-5756 or 243-0748. Charles Village, spacious 2BR apt, walk to JHU/shuttle stop. 833-5885. Charming Butchers Hill 1-2BR TH, W/D, CAC, dw, fp, all appls, brick patio. $525/mo. (717)397-5336. Roland Park, 1BR apt w/priv entry, new appls, hdwd flrs. $625/mo incl heat, hot water. 583-2999, (301)565-0793 or [email protected]. 3 rms + eat-in kitchen, quiet wooded location, prkng, priv entry. $450/mo incl heat, hot water. 426-6429. Lg 3BR, 2BA house nr JHH, lg kitchen, upstairs terrace. $870/mo. 563-7925. Overlea, 1BR, 1BA, 1st flr, W/D, lr, dr, den, kitchen. $565/mo + utils + sec dep. 661-0678 or 692-9628. Hamilton, 3BR, 1.5BA house, hdwd flrs, fenced yd, safe, quiet. $750/mo + utils. 433-5428 or 863-8167. Canton, 2BR, 1BA rehab, CAC, W/D, fp, hdwd flrs, patio, avail 3/97. $800/mo. 563-3561.
Houses |
Westgate, 3BR single-family house, nice neighborhood, 7 mi to
JHH. $90,000. Kim Barton, 418-8152. Owings Mills 3BR, 2.5BA TH, backs to woods, huge kitchen, CAC, all appls, lofts, 2 decks, sec system. $125,000. 581-0615 or [email protected]. Roland Park, sunny 1BR condo, hdwd flrs, lg deck, safe neighborhood, prkng. $57,500. Jim, 889-3087. White Marsh, 2BR, 1BA condo, top flr, w/w crpt, sunroom, deck, easy commute. $88,500. 931-1713. Carney, 3BR, 1.5BA TH, CAC, all appls, fp, deck, trees, new heat pump/crpt, assumable mortgage, must sell. 668-1625. Baldwin, 4BR, 2.5BA colonial, family rm, fp, deck, 2-car garage, CAC, heat, on 1.2 parklike acres. $239,000. 557-8812.
Roommates |
Share sunny 2BR apt nr JHU, W/D, part furn'd, secure bldg.
$388/mo + 1/2 utils. Gabrielle, 467-1912 or [email protected]. Share 3BR apt across from JHU w/2 others. $221/mo + utils. 366-8746. Quiet nonsmoker to share 3BR, 2BA apt in JHU/Roland Pk area, W/D, A/C. $265/mo + 1/3 utils. Patricia, 889-8302 or 934-7214(pager). Nonsmoker to share lg Roland Pk Victorian w/1 person, no pets. $300/mo + 1/2 utils. 366-8252. Canterbury Rd, F nonsmoker for furn'd 2BR apt, share w/F, 2 cats. $350/mo + 1/2 utils. 516-5367(w) or 467-0694(h). Nonsmoker wanted to share Fells Pt house, W/D, CAC, lg kitchen, w/w crpt, 3rd flr BR. $320/mo + 1/4 utils. Rob, 342-3620. Share affordable, clean house with prof F, 2 friendly dogs, your own space. Mary, 728-8823. Mt Washington/Roland Pk, nonsmoker to share 200-yr-old house on 3 acres w/2 grads, 1 dog, W/D, dw. $365/mo + 1/3 utils. 377-2938. Single F to share 2BR, 1.5BA house w/same in historic Canton. $400/mo (negot). Alyse, 767-6807. Nonsmoker wanted to share furn'd house in Hamil-ton, W/D, CAC, new kitchen, fenced yd. $375/mo incl utils. Jerry, 254-2678.
Items |
Stereo system, bookcase, coffee/end-tables, glass/silverware,
dinner set, sports equipment. 655-3433. Ski boots, men's size 11. $125. Claire, 435-1978. Desk, lg, solid oak, plenty of drawers. $75. 955-0728(w) or 467-2116(h). Girl's 26" Huffy 3-spd bike, $30; VCR(needs repair), $10; window fans, $10; mirror, $5; more. Javier, 659-5709 or [email protected]. Magnavox 5-disc CD w/tuner, dual cass, excel bookshelf speakers; $200/best offer; more. Tom, 889-7616 or [email protected]. VTR-100 microcassette phone recorder, unopened, dual-speed, mike, cue, AC battery, adapter incl. $55. 550-6241 or [email protected]. King-size mattress, extra firm, 6 mos old, like new, perf cond. $250/best offer. 276-8911(after 7pm). '89 Toyota Corolla 4-WD wagon, auto, A/C, Md insp'd, 96K mi, excel cond. $3,800. Konomi, 955-8286 or [email protected]. Techniques turntable (direct drive), perf cond, $50; CD player, $60; 10-cup coffeemaker + filters, $10; backpack, $40. 243-2958. '89 Toyota Camry, auto, 66K mi. $5,200/best offer. 338-4965(w), 486-3518(h) or [email protected]. Excel couch for college dorm/suite/apt, comfortable, good cond, full size. $50. Ric or Katy, 276-8820. Compaq LTE Notebook 386 w/case, works great, WP6.0, Windows. $500/best offer. Jennifer, 223-1618 or [email protected]. 90 sq ft of 4x4" imported Elon Mexican white tile, $375; decorative pcs, 75�/ea. Kathy, 539-2788. '94 Toyota Tercel, 4-spd, AM/FM cass, 22K mi, excel cond. $8,200. Lawrence, 235-8065 or [email protected]. '91 Honda Civic DX, 4-dr, auto, A/C, 56K mi, insp'd. $6,000/best offer. Annelies, 614-3825(w) or 889-4296(h). '84 Peugeot Turbo diesel wagon, auto, ps, rebuilt engine/transmission, reliable. $1,900. 665-6809. '87 VW Fox, 2-dr, A/C, 145K mi, excel cond. $900. Bill, 817-4556 or [email protected]. Kohler piano, good cond. $900/best offer. Betty, 282-0541. New film for slides, 20 rolls Kodak EliteII, 100asa/36 exp4/98, also EPP and E100S, all must go. 889-1146 or [email protected]. Mac6200/75MHz PowerPC, 15" color monitor, CD-ROM, fax-modem, stereo, never used. $1,250. [email protected]. Bed, $20; desk, $30; Mac LC3, $300; typewriter stand, $20; microwave, $60; Sega Genesis w/7 games, $70. 889-6493. Dorm-size refrigerator, $50; 15" mountain bike, $150; 18" Schwinn road bike, $150. Stephen, 516-5298, 889-6712 or [email protected]. '83 Plymouth Sapporo, gray, summer/winter tires, many new parts, 75K mi. Best offer. 426-7973. '90 VW Passat, auto, A/C, sunroof, power windows/locks, very good cond, 100K mi. $5,000/best offer. Mike, 550-2438. '87 Toyota Tercel 4-spd hatchback, excel cond, A/C, AM/FM cass, 113K mi. $2,000. 366-2732. '88 Toyota Corolla FX, auto, A/C, Md insp'd, good cond. $2,850/best offer. Wanfung, 550-2013(day) or [email protected]. '88 Olds Toronado, loaded, Md insp'd, 90K mi. $4,000. 792-7412. Snowboards: '92 Burton 160cm, $125; '95 Ride 155cm, $225. 389-5080(pager). '87 Ford Taurus LX, V-6, auto, A/C, power everything, sunroof, more, 130K mi. $1,800/best offer. Alex, 550-2438(day) or 486-4638(eve). '79 Chevy half-ton pickup, V-8, auto, AM/FM cass, new tires, insp'd 11/95. $1,600. 235-7350. NordicTrack Pro w/personal performance monitor-pulse sensor, perf cond. $400. 516-8860(w), 523-2737(h) or [email protected]. Weight bench, $40; sit-up board, $25; 75-260 Tokina lens for Nikon, $100. Ron, 467-5653. '96 Ford Explorer XLT pkg, 4-dr, 4x4, dk green, 16K mi. $24,900 (negot). 877-3700, ext 3630(day) or (717)235-7827(eve). Akai CD player, made in Japan, $120; baby carseat, $50. 296-6901. '89 Honda CRX, great car, new timing belt/tires, battery, insp'd, 79K mi. $4,500. 243-4589. Skis! Men's size 11 boots and size 180 Rossignol skis, indings/poles incl. $100. Corrie, 955-5918.
Services / Items |
Medical transcription, clinic notes/manuscripts, all specialties,
reasonable prices. Linda, 433-0132, 712-5243(pager) or
[email protected]. Singing lessons: improve breathing, technique, exp'd teacher w/active career, Mt Vernon studio. 752-5926. Best Friends Dog Obedience, group/private, your place/ours. Lorrie, 750-3037 or [email protected]. Parents w/babies approx 8 mos old needed for language development study. 516-6843. Got pets? Have new pet stuff, call for details. 655-4455. Clarinet/saxophone lessons, all levels, exp'd teacher, Peabody grad. 837-8051. Piano urgently needed for 25 senior citizens at adult day care center, will pick up/deliver. 955-7806. CRM Career Consulting & Resumes, affordable, day/eve/wknd hours, free estimates. 319-7565. Spring Tai Chi class will begin Jan 31, 2hr/wk and 8wk/level. Chien, 433-4271 or [email protected]. Entry-level volunteer position in Oncology tumor registry office, clerical/data entry experience, flex hrs, good environment. Anne Kammer, 955-5404. Get help before it's too late! Organic chemistry tutoring from PhD organic chemist. 771-7825. Student to assist w/clerical tasks in career management office, flex hrs, 10hrs/wk, $6.25/hr. 516-4992. Image consultants wanted, flex hrs, training provided, small start-up fee. Montressa, 381-7540. Middle River, licensed daycare, infants-6 yrs, computer/learning activities, snacks, meals. 686-8178. Table tennis players wanted for Howard Co Table Tennis Club, open play, tournaments. 747-6176. Classical guitar lessons, beginner/intermediate/advanced, exp'd teacher, prof guitarist w/degrees from Peabody. James Flood, 243-2014. Misc craft items--yarn, beads, scrap fabric--wanted for school bazaar. Teri, 955-5032 or 477-0577. Hatha yoga classes, Sat-10am, Homewood Friends, Wed-7:45pm, Stony Run Friends. 486-5452. Wake-up calls for pennies a day, Madison Wake-Up Service. 283-3794(pager). Piano lessons w/European-trained concert pianist, former Goucher/Loyola faculty, all levels. 467-4969. Voice lessons w/prof singer, master's from Peabody, exp'd teacher. Carol Westcott, 323-8314.
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