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Apartments/houses |
Roland Park, sunny, furn'd room in quiet house, 2nd floor front,
mid-April. Lois, 235-1594. Remington, 505 W 28th St, 3BRs, 1.5BAs, excel cond, walk to JHU, avail 4/1. $550/mo. 889-6190. Linkwood, 2BR apt, prkng, mins to JHU, avail end of March. $635/mo + utils. 516-6147 or 243-7796(eve). Charles Village, cute 1BR apt in great bldg, lg living area w/many closets, prkng, fenced yd, great neighbors. 889-5759. 3117 Guilford Ave, 4BR, 2.5BA house, portable A/Cs, dw, lr, dr, laundry, porch, deck, lots of space, avail 6/1. 366-2331 or 296-5951. Hampden, 3BR house, W/D, lr, dr, kitchen, laundry/util rm, porch, yd. Jerry, 486-3242. Roland Park, lg 2BR, 2BA apt, CAC, mod kitchen, w/w crpt, avail June. $875/mo. 377-4359. 1BR, 1BA Wyman Park efficiency in TH, W/D, fin'd bsmt, separate entry. $350/mo inc utils. 235-3222. Roland Park, sunny 1BR condo, lg deck, hdwd flrs, prkng, safe neighborhood. $600/mo incl heat, hot water. Lily, 889-3087. Cedarcroft, 1BR apt in TH, BA, kitchen, mins to JHU, priv entry. $400/mo + part utils. Leanna, 532-0056. Moravia/Belair, 4BR, 2BA detached house, W/D, in-law apt, sec system, lg yd, prkng, quiet street. $700/mo + utils. 483-1872. Lg 1BR apt, 4 rms, 2nd flr, nr Super Fresh/Rotunda, no smokers, no pets, need good refs/1-yr lease. $390/mo incl utils. 235-1777 or [email protected]. Roland Park, sunny exec studio apt, superb view, balcony, hdwd flrs, walk to shuttle. $537/mo incl utils + sec dep. 366-2330(eve). Owings Mills, 2BR, 2BA condo, top flr, CAC, W/D, dw, fp, nr metro/shopping, tennis, pool. $850/mo. 964-2433 or [email protected]. Washington DC/Dupont Circle, furn'd apt, pref F nonsmoker, avail May/June. $485/mo + utils. (202)265-6474. Charles Village, lg 3-rm apt avail for summer sublet, 6/1-9/1, would suit single or couple. $525/mo incl utils (not elec). 467-5135. Charles Village, 4- and 5BR houses, many with W/D, dw, updated kitchens, BAs, avail 6/1. 889-5759. Big rm in 3BR apt, pref F nonsmoker. $220/mo incl heat, hot water. 385-1882.
Houses |
Mays Chapel North, 2BR, 2BA condo, cathedral ceilings, fp,
more. $108,900. Joe Smith, 955-8509(w) or 561-3146(h). Towson/Knettishall, 3BR EOG, new CAC/furn/roof, fp, bay windows, family rm, deck, trees, all appls. $105,000. Peter/Lee, 823-0633. Columbia, 2BR, 1.5BA TH nr Rte 32/I95, ground flr deck, all appls, new crpt. 614-2949. Canton Square, 3BR, 2.5BA TH, deck, prkng, full bsmt, nr waterfront park, mins to JHU. $147,500. 252-1509. Takoma Park, 2BR, 2.5BA house, wood flrs, lr, family rm, priv yd, great kitchen, skylights, nr metro. $169,900. (301)891-3337. Ednor Gardens, 3BR, 2BA stone TH, landscaped yd, sunporch, clubroom, garage. $67,500. 769-8016. Westgage, 3BR single family home, nice neighborhood, 7 mi to JHU. $80,000. Kim Barton, 461-1456.
Roommates |
Entire bsmt for rent, share house w/Hopkins students, nr JHU.
+ 1/3 utils. 276-0567. Clean, considerate F nonsmoker to share 2BR, 2BA Bonnie Ridge apt, W/D, A/C, dw, pool. $395/mo incl heat. 484-5159 or [email protected]. Roommate to share Hampden house, nr JHU. John, 235-3345. Nonsmoker to share single-family house w/prof F, quiet neighborhood, priv rm, full use of house. $350/mo + 1/2 utils. 254-1970. Live in the US, not on campus, share affordable, clean Reservoir Hill RH w/F prof, 2 dogs. Mary, 728-8823 or [email protected]. Friendly F nonsmoker to share 2BR Mt Washington apt, W/D, prkng, pool, short- or long-term. $353/mo + 1/2 utils. Liz, 486-8358 or [email protected]. Big rm in lg W 29th St apt, nr JHU shuttle stop, share w/2 JHU students. $200/mo + 1/3 utils. 665-5274(eve).
Items for |
'69 Buick Skylark, A/C, auto, ps, pb, 389ci bored-out engine, 65K
excel cond. $2,000/best offer. 256-3615 or
[email protected]. '90 Suzuki Samurai, green, 4WD, 5-spd, good cond. $2,000/best offer. 590-5419. Motorola flip phone, charger, extra battery, cigarette lighter adaptor, leather case. $60/best offer. 235-7350. '87 Volvo 240DL, auto, A/C, new AM/FM cass, Md insp'd, 100K mi, great cond. $4,100. Elke, 484-9007 or [email protected]. 12" girl's bike w/training wheels, $30; Rhode Gear child carrier seat, $25. 550-9264 or 433-7898. 6-pc walnut BR set, Spanish-style headboard, dresser, mirror, chest, etc, good cond. $300/best offer. 636-1097. New crib, $100; Toshiba 20" TV, $130; exercise bike, $30; table, $25; file cabinet, $30; more. 655-3433. New 8' Brunswick-Hawthorne billiard table, ball return, cherry finish, Simonis cloth, 1" slate. 655-4455. Two Japanese pinball machines, all electric. $250/ea. Joe, 614-4539 or [email protected]. Ikea desk, $45; 4-drawer chest, $40; wall unit, $50; twin mattress/boxspring, $35. 563-9883(10am-10pm). Dell Notebook w/Pentium processor, 8MB/810MB HD; MEM/810MB HD, 4XCD/lithion battery, 6-mo warranty, case. 526-6334 or [email protected]. '85 Toyota Corolla LE, 4-dr, 5-spd, excel cond. $2,000/best offer. 884-9618. '85 Volvo 740GLE, 1 owner, loaded, auto, leather, 126K mi, runs great. $3,750. 435-9495. 13" Sanyo color TV, 3 mos old, under warranty. $125. 516-0258, 435-9683 or [email protected]. TV/4-head VCR, $200; Sharp microwave, $50; 3-person sofa, $15; recliner, $15. Ashis, 235-5232. Mazda Miata convertible, red, hard top, garage-kept, 24K mi. 521-3854 or [email protected]. Antique steamer trunk, good cond. $90/best offer. Anita, 955-3993(w) or 675-5951(after 5pm). 1000W microwave, good cond. $45/best offer. 889-6069 or [email protected]. Sharp QA350 color VGA LCD projection panel, $750; GRiD pen Notebook 486 w/modem, $500. Marc, 955-6488 or [email protected]. '86 Mitsubishi, auto, power everything, looks good, runs slowly, needs carburetor work. $200. 366-4428 or [email protected]. Dansk clogs, size 37, $50; 12,000 BTU A/C, $150; Sony 8mm camcorder, $300. Julie, 415-6026. '93 Mazda MX6-LS, dark red/beige, 2-dr, 5-spd, A/C, sunroof, power everything, 51K mi. $10,000. 825-9048. Bookshelves, coffee table, two-drawer chest, futon, excel cond. Catherine, 625-4396. Thick wool rug, light color, 9x12. $175/best offer. 955-7001(day) or [email protected]. Men's size 10 1/2 Hierling ski boot. $40. Scott, 893-2079. Wizard Zaurus personal organizer, 1MB, touch screen, stylus, fax-modem, manuals. $250/best offer. 435-0874. '89 Ford Taurus GL, A/C, AM/FM cass, insp'd, 94K mi. $2,500/best offer. 516-8906 or [email protected]. Compaq Presario 520, accessories, SVGA, DeskJet printer; computer desk/chair, bookshelf, etc. 528-1782. Musser Concert steel bells, 2 1/2 octaves, mallets, stand, case incl. $65. 433-0980. Cannondale road bike, 54cm frame, pink, Shimano components, helmet, frame pump. $250. David, 366-0760. Queen-size futon, frame, good cond. $225/best offer. 528-1638(eve) or [email protected]. Trek 1500 aluminum frame/fork, 52cm, red. $175. Anthony, 614-0941(w), 665-1377(h) or [email protected]. '88 Chevy Nova, auto, A/C, excel cond. $2,050. Mark, 955-8137. Dining table, chairs, $120; dressers, $50; coffee, end tables, $80; computer desk, $80; sofabed, $50; couch, $50. 744-2789. '87 Plymouth Reliant, manual, 95K mi, $800; antique brass pipe bed, fits queen, $500. Kathie, 538-8806(eve). Baby clothes, crib, two twin-size mattresses, infant car seat, women's winter coats, cheap. 235-5232.
Services/items |
Professional massage, soothe mind/body/spirit, Charles Village
Mim Caris, 235-9081. Discount, long-distance phone card. 467-0089. House painting, interior/exterior, custom detailing, free estimates. C&M, 687-3755. Premed students needed for clerical/patient liaison positions. Carolyn Dunn, 955-2830 or 550-5229(fax). Editing services: papers, articles, manuscripts, reasonable rates. Donna, 764-1666. Exp'd, loving child care avail in my home. 467-0960. Typing, editing of medical transcripts, manuscripts. Lin-da, 433-0132, 712-5243(pager) or [email protected]. Wanted: Child ed major to care PT for 6-mo-old boy in my Mt Washington home, must like dogs. 764-6456. Postdoc from Germany needs furn'd room/apt, $350-$450, 4/1-9/31, nr shuttle, Bayview. 614-0116(day). Need a babysitter? Chien, 433-4271. Classical music for weddings, receptions, all occasions, Peabody grads. The Dorian Trio, 462-6255. Piano lessons by Peabody grad, 10 yrs exp, HS/college level, also accompanying. Natasha, 889-3839. Care for your children in my Beech Ave apt, nr JHU. Huang, 467-8304(7:30-11pm). Energetic, affectionate dog needs loving home, Rottweiler/Lab mix, 15 mos, spayed. 662-6521. Summer sublet wanted nr SOM for F nonsmoker and dog, 5/26-8/14. (913)776-3116 or [email protected].
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