Johns Hopkins Gazette: September 5, 1995

Editors's Note

     With this issue, The Gazette begins its regular weekly
publication schedule. 

     This issue also marks the beginning of the paper s 25th year
as the official weekly newspaper of  record for all divisions of
the university. 

     Ten thousand copies of the four-page first edition were
printed on Sept. 7, 1971, with stories announcing the opening of
Garland Hall on the Homewood campus, the Medical Institutions 
goals for the 70s, the chartering of the credit union and the
appointment of Yvonne Th�odore as the university's affirmative
action officer a position she still holds.

     In 1971, the paper was to have no original reporting as it
served to improve communication within and among all divisions.
While the commitment to improving communication has not wavered
in the past two and a half decades, The Gazette has embraced a
tradition of providing readers with outstanding original
reporting primarily by writers working in the news offices
throughout the university.  These articles not only describe
outstanding research, scholarship, teaching and program
development, but also the people and the processes behind the
developments, behind the hard work, behind the headlines. We also
plan stories on issues and ideas relevant to those living an
academic life.

     As the year moves along, The Gazette will be distributed in
new display boxes placed at prominent locations on each campus.
The Hopkins blue boxes were designed, and are being produced, by
the Homewood Department of Plant Operations, under the
supervision of Carpentry Shop manager Tom Wheatley. We have 
eliminated some of the existing drop spots and added a few new
ones. Please contact our office after Sept. 28 for a complete
list of distribution locations.

     The Gazette has circulated new classified ad and calendar
forms to all university administrators along with the 1995-96
publication and deadline schedule. Please let us know if you have
not received these materials, or if you would like to receive

     The Gazette office can be reached at (410) 516-8514.  Have a
great year. 

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