Johns Hopkins Gazette: August 19, 1996

Retirements and

Staff members who retired or celebrated a five-year anniversary with the university during July are listed below. Anyone with a question about the staff recognition program should the Office of Faculty, Staff and Retiree Programs at (410)516- 6060.


30 years of service
Hills, Eleanor A., Human Resources
Kacala, Albin D., Management Information Systems

25 years of service
Decker, John J., Plant Operations & Maintenance
Friedman, Charlotte S., Office of the Dean of Engineering
Hector, Dewey, Plant Operations & Maintenance
Roberts, Herbert H., Plant Operations & Maintenance

20 years of service
Cobb, Sandra E., WORKlife Programs
Mote, Maxine Raines, Earth and Planetary Sciences

15 years of service
Buck, Rose Alice, MSE Library
Dean, William Reed, Engineering Development Office
Green, Joseph, Plant Operations & Maintenance
Moyer, Michael D., Engineering Development Office
Perry, Andrea M., Office of Dean of Students

10 years of service
Aranow, Ruth H., Academic Advising
Seward, Robert F., Facilities Management
Sharpless, Vida H., MSE Library
Shoemaker, Donna, Johns Hopkins Magazine

5 years of service
Bilello, Andrew C., Athletic Center
Boudreau, Priscilla R., Development Fund
Dulik, Anne B., Internal Audits & Management Services
Eadie, Jeanne M., MSE Library
Flournoy, Don, Plant Operations & Maintenance
Hatem, Christine L., Biology
Kean, Robert Charles, Jr., Materials Science & Engineering
Miller, Virginia Lynn, Office of the Provost
Olsen, Harriet P., Office of the Treasurer
Ptak, Eileen, CTY
Stroope, Laurie O., SCS/Development & Alumni Relations
Taliaferro, Bruce J., CTY
Toms, E. Diane, Office of the President
Weaver, Marguerite Mary, Materials Science & Engineering

Hygiene and Public Health

15 years of service
Belt, Patricia, Epidemiology

10 years of service
Chabot, Joyce B., Epidemiology
Costa, Dorrie A., Epidemiology
Harper, Deanna, International Health
Harrell, Audrey W., Epidemiology
Hayes, Maureen R., Health Policy & Management
Nelling, Joan E., Epidemiology
Sadler, Linda D., Population Information
Thakur, Mehar C., Maternal and Child Health

5 years of service
Booth, Norma E., Population Information
Crunkleton, Tammy Sue, Epidemiology
He, Xue Ying, Epidemiology
Huffman, Peggy, Epidemiology


Hare, Janet R., 43 years, Pathology
McCleary, Delores A., 21 years, Pathology

25 years of service
Kearney, Carlita M., Continuing Education
Wilkerson, Fannie, Pathology

20 years of service
Kaiser, Donald A., Cell Biology & Anatomy
Metcalf, Spring Marjorie, Medicine
Scheper, Susan, Cell Biology & Anatomy

15 years of service
Green, Connie Delores, Custodial Services
Harrison, Edward C., Maintenance
Hynson, Paulette, Human Resources
Koehler, Elizabeth, Psychiatry
Smith, Curtis H., Oncology Center Services

10 years of service
Barrick, Lori E., Psychiatry
Caplan, Donald P., Facilities Management
Dubs, Frederick W., Pathology
Edwards, Betty Ann, Oncology Center Services
Kemp, Robert Edward, Maintenance
Lee, Veronica Galvez, Laboratory Animal Medicine
Magee, Carolyn A., Radiology
Martin, Jo R., Pediatrics
Pasko, Deborah Claire, Orthopedic Surgery
Rader, Alice, Urology
Sparks, Gary Wayne, Purchasing Office
Smith, Barbara Lynn, Biological Chemistry
Sutton, Delilah Francine, Physicians Billing Service
Tabeling, Lisa Ann, Physicians Billing Service
Yazvac, Peggy Ann, Physicians Billing Service

5 years of service
Baldwin, Tonya, General Hospital Psychiatry
Cochran, Jaymie Marie, Human Resources
Cook, Melanie, Ophthalmology
Dumas, Ronald Lee, Custodial Services
Gilbert, Peter N., Pediatrics
Golding, Stephen D., Financial Affairs
Lay, Tricia, Medicine
Lindemann, Michael Steven, Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine
Lundquist, Christina, Orthopedic Surgery
McKew, Joan, Dermatology
Mullen, Robert E., Psychiatry
Rossell, Lisa Ann, Neurology
Sebour, Richard H., Jr., Facilities Management
Sherman, Duane Francis, Anesthesiology & Critical Care Medicine
Tepper, Marcia, Ophthalmology
Wilder, Stephanie W., Medicine
Wright, Andrea M., Medical Practice Plan


10 years of service
Gallagher, Patricia A., Business Office


5 years of service
Ryan, Carol Regina, Dean's Office


30 years of service
Famularo, Sabiha G., Library

15 years of service
Flores, Miguel A., Plant Operations
Martin, Gail, Library

5 years of service
Tobin, Ann P., European Studies

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