Hopkins OnlineA guide to interestingsites on the World Wide Web for members of the Johns Hopkins University community. |
Present mirth hath present laughter, wrote the poet, but on
one of those occasional workdays where nothing seems worth
smiling over, why not take a quick side trip to one of many
comedy sites on the Web? You can start right here at Hopkins with the Buttered Niblets, "Hopkins own improv comedy troupe," at http://www.jhu.edu/~nibs. Old-timers with a memory for great troupe comedy will no doubt want to check out the Firesign Theater homepage, containing newsgroups, faqs, sound and links. They're at: http://home.earthlink.net/~ritter/firesign/firesign.html A good source for comic links is Comedy Central Online at http://www.comcentral.com/, while Borderline Netzine, a comedy electronic magazine, can be found at http://www.the-borderline.com/. If it's anecdotes, jokes or a funny article you need to help brighten your day, turn to the Mother of All Humor Archives at http://www.cs.cornell.edu/Info/People/ckline/humor/maillist.html Finally, to witness the inanities, absurdities and foolishness that infects a thousand other offices (but not, of course, our own) consider a visit to The Dilbert Zone at http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/dilbert/ If laughter is the best medicine, these sites should provide a pharmacological cornucopia of mirth.
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