Johns Hopkins Gazette: September 16, 1996


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for Rent

3BR RH, W/D, lg kit, 1 blk to JHU, avail 10/1. $650/mo + utils. 366-2548.

Wyman Park, 1BR, 1BA bsmt efficiency in RH, priv entrance. $350/mo incl utils. 235-3222.

Homeland, safe 3BR, 1.5BA house on cul-de-sac, CAC, yd, avail 10/1. $875/mo + utils. 323-3059.

Hampden, 3BR, 2BA house, spacious, nr shopping, bus. $550/mo + sec deposit. 561-3187.

Fells Point/Canton, huge 2BR, 2BA house, nr JHMI shuttle, avail 10/1. $495/mo. John, 669-1612.

Charles Village room, nr JHU, Union Memorial. $225/mo incl utils. (301)236-9834 or 617-2898.

Lg furn rm and BA, utils incl, 1 blk from Peabody. 727-8726. Charles Village 1-2BR apts, $375/mo + utils. 889-6203.

1911 Jefferson St, lovely 3BR, 1.5BA TH, W/D, CAC, prkng, fin bsmt, safe neighborhood. Kevin, 631-6249 (days) or 740-9958.

Lg rms, nr JHU, share remainder of house. R. Veiga, 252-6566.

Charles Village, 3 levels, 5BR, 2BA Victorian TH, perf for 5 students to share. $300/mo + utils, per student. Dana Kaplin, 276-9541.

Hamilton area, 2BR apt, mins to JHU, avail 10/15, sec deposit. 426-4183.

Mt Royal Terrace, 1-2BR apt, CAC, W/D, dw, hdwd flrs, prkng, responsive landlord, avail 11/1. $500/mo + utils. Dan, 225-3478.

Studio apt, 3rd flr, safe, quiet street, mins to JHU. $340/mo + utils, phone. Patsy, 955-4233(w) or 435-1770(eves).

Houses for Sale

Roland Park carriage house, 2BRs, 1BA, galley kitchen, priv driveway to secluded garden, patio. $189,000. 467-6418.

Bright, sunny 3BR, 2.5BA TH, EOG, CAC, den, patio, lg yd, nr Stoneleigh schools, hdwd flrs. $81,900. 377-2412 or [email protected].

Ednor Gardens, 3BR TH, garden w/deck, new kit, fin bsmt, new paint, nr JHU. $65,900. 366-3868.

3BR, 2BA resort condo in Outer Banks, NC, top flr + carport, dock, pool, tennis. $224,000. 955-6207.

Owings Mills/Garrison Woods, 3BR, 2.5BA TH, 6 yrs old, loaded w/extras, nr woods. Barbara, 581-0615 or [email protected].

Tuscany/Canterbury, 4BR, 3BA+ brick TH, superbly maintained, owner offers $1,000 toward closing costs. $169,000. 1-800-801-0034.

Retired JHU prof's house in Homeland, 3BRs, bookshelves, fin bsmt w/clubroom. $199,000. 433-2250.

Roland Park, sunny 1BR condo, lg deck, prkng, safe neighborhood, nr shuttle. $57,500. Lily, 889-3087.

Highlandtown, 3BR, 1.5BA brick-front, CAC, appls incl, new roof, walk-out bsmt, windows. 732-4933.

Federal Hill, 124 E. Montgomery St, sound but needs complete rehab. $150,000. Barbara or Steve, 955-8318 or 461-3845.

Roommates Needed

Prof to share 2BR, 2BA luxury apt in Fells Pt, security, prkng, avail 10/1. $435/mo + 1/2 utils. 327-3207.

Nonsmoking grad/prof to share 3BR, 2BA Charles Village RH, W/D. $225/mo + utils. 467-5451.

Nonsmoker to share sunny 2BR house in Fells Pt, W/D, deck, water view. $385/mo incl utils. 558-3677.

M/F nonsmoker wanted to share 2BR Mt Washington apt, rent and 1/2 bills. 764-7579(for appt).

Share huge Charles Village RH, nr JHMI shuttle, sublet until 12/31 (or longer). 235-4997 or 235-0654.

M/F to share 5BR TH in Tuscany/Canterbury. $250/mo + utils. Chuck or Tina, 366-6346, 516-7456 or 955-3811.

M to share 1BR house-sized apt w/den, W/D, crpt, clubhouse w/fitness center, nr light rail. $325/mo. JM, 415-5972.

Share 2BR Towson apt, lg sunny rm, quiet bldg, nr woods/downtown. $280/mo + 1/2 utils. 337-7536.

M/F prof to share house in Fells Pt, w/water view, nr JHMI, avail 10/1. $300/mo + 1/2 utils. 522-7617.

Items for Sale

Motebecane 10-spd bike, women's 26", white, perf cond. $160. Royce, 444-1273.

Lovable kittens need adoption. Debbie, 385-4427 (days).

Pier 1 kitchen table, $110; gold Victorian-style sofa, $100; dresser, $15; chair, $15; more. 243-5644.

Drafting table, 40x30, w/supply compartment, stool, $50; office chair, $30. Carolyn, 532-7480.

'82 Volvo, good tires, brakes, engine, runs but needs work. Very negot. [email protected].

Sweet M cat needs home, white, orange patch on forehead, neutered, declawed. Julie, 542-6752.

'90 Ford Tempo. $3,500. Joe, 519-3151.

'89 Saab 900S, 5-spd, new trans, A/C, sun-roof, AM/FM cass, phone, excel cond. $6,900. 337-8479.

'94 Volkswagen Golf, A/C, airbags, excel cond, one owner. $9,500. Hideaki, 955-2337(w) or 366-2848(h).

Lt blue crpt w/padding, 9x12, $55; 3-spd cruiser-style bike w/ lock, $60. 243-0894.

Mac Classic, w/system upgrade, keyboard, mouse, pad, orig case. $350. Jason, 366-6085.

Compaq 486DX/66, w/fax-modem, keyboard, monitor, software, more. $800. 243-6713 or [email protected].

'85 Jeep CJ-7, hard- and soft-top, 145K mi. Tom, 614-1953 or 321-7704 or [email protected].

Baldwin player piano, solid oak. $3,000/best offer. 223-1625(days) or 335-7307(eves).

'76 BMW 2002A, 26K mi on new engine, very little rust, interior intact. $4,000/best offer. 366-9281 or [email protected].

Power Mac 6100/66, w/CD-ROM, fax-modem, DOS card, ext keyboard, software, games, etc. $2,100. [email protected].

Kawai consolette piano, black, like new. 484-8624.

Computer table, Casio keyboard, rug, coffee table, 2 crpts, toaster, more. 668-1957 or [email protected].

Furniture, filing cabinets, appliances, bicycles, grills, bookcase, lawn mowers, inflatable raft, more. From $10-$70. 377-0038.

'80 Volvo 240 diesel, 181K mi, new clutch, good body, 30 mpg, runs well. $750/best offer. 467-0473.

Nordic Track Walkfit 4000, nearly new. $150. 516-4486 or [email protected].

Stroller, $60; stairstepper, $50. Paul or Tricia, 744-1734.

Vinyl sofabed, black w/matching ottoman. $30. Emma, 366-4162 (after 6pm).

Semi-antique furniture: camelback sofa, 6-chair mahogany dining set w/buffet, china, single chairs, more. 433-6424.

'89 Honda Accord LXi, teal-green, 4-dr, 5-spd, sun-roof, loaded, mint cond, Md.-insp'd. $7,800. 243-4589.

'87 Plymouth Reliant SW, $600; '83 Honda Civic 4-dr, $400; microwave, $75; wardrobe, $25. 366-6346.

Household items and furniture, child's bicycle. 550-2149(w), 631-7445(h).

12-spd bike, $35; desk, dining table, chairs, lamps, air conditioners. From $7, prices negot. John, 467-0108(eves).

Bookshelf, computer desk, full-size feather bed, lamp, coffee maker. Best offer. 467-6948.

Sofa, $50; table w/4 chairs, $60; step machine, $50; chair, $30; black china, $25. Annemarie, 955-7402(w) or 835-7649(h).

'94 Ford Escort LX, red, 5-spd, 3-dr, 39K mi, A/C, one owner. $7,200/best offer. 522-7617.

Cellular phone, accessories incl case, batteries, $199/best offer; desktop pay-phone, $345/best offer. 242-8989.

Gemeinhardt flute, solid silver, open holes, gold-plated lip plate, C-foot. $600/best offer. 235-4116.

Services / Items
Offered or Wanted

Coxswain wanted for women's 4+, Baltimore Rowing Club, 3-4 mornings each week. Nancy, 602-1194.

Managers needed at residence for oncology patients, families, Fri, 5pm-Mon, 7am, use of TV, W/D, quiet time to study. Fran, 955-1338(10am-5pm).

Bird cage wanted, check your attic, basement! John, 889-7054 or [email protected].

Toddler carseat wanted, good cond, w/instructions. Tara, 516-6982 or [email protected].

PT financial aid opportunity, make $$$ saving $$$ for students, limited number of college reps needed. 538-7466.

Piano instructor w/PhD from Peabody now accepting students, Homeland area, limited times. 532-6955 or [email protected].

Experienced and loving childcare available in my home, nr JHU, excel refs avail. 366-0304.

Flute lessons by Oberlin/Yale grad, beginner through advanced, reasonable rates. 523-3963, 614-2611(fax) or [email protected].

Yoga beginners start 9/23, 6 wks/$30, 3500 Harford Rd. Baltimore School of Yoga, 235-7027.

Work from home, spare/part/full-time. Eric, 385-9563, or [email protected].

Super Nintendo or Sega Genesis system, games, wanted for reasonable price. 876-3898(eves) or [email protected].

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