Classified |
In each issue The Gazette makes the equivalent of about one
page available for classified ads, which are free to Hopkins
faculty, staff and students. We do reserve the right not to run ads due to space limitations or because they do not adhere to the following guidelines:
Apartments/Houses |
Deep Creek Lake, 3BR luxury lakefront condo, views of Wisp, conv
to everything, great fall rates. 461-7876. Charles Village 1- or 2BR apt. $375/mo + utils. 889-6203. Furn 1 BR for sublet 11/15/96 to 1/15/97, W/D in bldg, clean, safe. $500/mo incl utils, cable. Cara, 366-7354. 3BR, 2.5BA TH, CAC, W/D, yd, patio, wonderful location/neighborhood. $1,000/mo. 679-0979. 3120 St. Paul St., lg 1BR apt for sublet until 5/97, lr, dr, suitable for 1 or 2 people. $570/mo + elec. (412)683-0835 or [email protected]. Spacious unfurn efficiency, kit, crpt, walk to JHU, 5-mo lease. $420/mo (negot). 662-6791. New waterfront condo, fully loaded, 24-hr sec, indoor prkng, workout facility, pool, jacuzzi. 563-5386. Sunny room in friendly Roland Park home, 2nd flr front. Lois, 235-1594. Lg, bright furn room in Roland Park Victorian, priv BA, snack kitchenette. $300/mo. 235-0546. Bright, sunny 3BR, 2.5BA TH, EOG, CAC, den, patio, lg yd, nr Stoneleigh schools. $850/mo. 377-2412 or [email protected]. Charles Village, 3 levels, 5BR, 2BA Victorian TH, perf for 5 students to share. $300/mo + utils, per student. Dana Kaplin, 276-9541. 2BR apt, A/C, new crpt/tiles, close to bus lines, park. $450/mo + utils. Gail, 558-3979 or 855-0112(pager). 1911 Jefferson St, 3BR, 1.5BA TH, CAC, W/D, fin bsmt, prkng, safe neighborhood. Kevin, 631-6249(days) or 740-9958. 2BR, 1BA Towson apt, W/D, A/C, fp, easy prkng, spacious. $725/mo. 433-9259. Glenmont/Hamilton, 3BR, 1.5BA house, CAC, W/D, yd, pool, refrigerator, conv to JHH/JHU. Sec dep required. 575-7860. 2BR, 2-story apt, W/D, eat-in kit, dw, fenced yd, nr I-95, safe neighborhood, avail Oct. $550/mo + utils. Frank, 366-2508.
Houses for Sale |
Cedarcroft, 3BR single-family house, hdwd flrs, .25 acre, deck,
dead-end street, bus to JHMI. $98,000. 614-1998. Idlewylde/Stoneleigh, 6621 Parkway Rd, 3BR, 2BA house, remodeled, lg priv lot, open Sun, Sept 22, 2 pm. 377-8750 or 338-4804. Columbia, 3BR brick TH, 3 levels, all appls, wood stove, painted, nr school/pool/shops. $99,500. 531-2182. Rodgers Forge EOG TH, remodeled kit, fin bsmt, CAC, quiet area, good schools. 828-9025(eves). Hampden 3BR, 1.5BA EOG house, newly renov, breakfast rm, lg backyard, garden. $92,500. 252-6920. Carroll Island, 3BR, 1.5BA TH, fin family rm, deck, 30 mins to JHU, buyer may qualify for $0 down. $78,500. Cleve, 335-0430. Perry Hall, 3BR TH, excel cond, 1 full and 2 1/2BAs, W/D, refrigerator, bay window. $103,000. Anne, 955-8858 or 529-0246. Roland Park stone carriage house, 2BRs, 1BA, galley kitchen, priv driveway to secluded garden, patio. $189,000. 467-6418. Ednor Gardens, 3BR TH, clean, remodeled kitchen, hdwd flrs, garden/landscaping. $65,900. 366-3868. Highlandtown, 2BR, 1BA house, all new roof/furnace/water heater/CAC/fence. $50,000. 732-2908. Rodgers Forge, 3BR, 1.5BA brick EOG TH, new kit, BA, fin bsmt, clubroom, well-maintained. $127,900. 955-2144. Owings Mills/Garrison Woods, 3BR, 2.5BA TH w/loft, loaded w/extras, nr woods, 1 mi to 695. 581-0615 or [email protected]. Perry Hall, lg 3BR, 4BA TH, deck, walkout bsmt, 3 yrs old, assume mortgage w/no down payment or rent/rent-to-own. Dr. Jett, 614-3910(w) or 529-3692(h). 3BR, 2BA resort condo in Outer Banks, NC, top flr + carport, dock, pool, tennis. $224,000. 955-6207.
Roommates Needed |
Housemate wanted for 1 lg BR in 3BR RH, 5 mins to JHU. $285/mo +
1/3 utils. 889-6003 or
[email protected]. Looking for 1-4 roommates to share Charles Village RH, 3000 blk Guilford Ave, W/D, garden, sec prkng. Lisa, 614-0723(w) or Mita, 955-6278(w) or 243-5683(h). Share 7BR, 2BA house in Charles Village w/2 others, semi-furn BR + study. $345/mo + 1/3 utils. 235-4997 or 235-0654. Nonsmoker to share sunny 2BR house in Fells Pt, W/D, deck, water view. $385/mo incl utils. 558-3677. M postdoc fellow wants to share 2-3BR apt with M/F, am interested in living nr shuttle bus. Mirza, 614-0142(w) or 342-5819(h). Nonsmoker to share 2BR Northway apt w/quiet undergrad. $350/mo + 1/2 utils. 235-3683. Share 4BR Parkville house, W/D, bsmt, trees and flowers. $350/mo. Elise, 319-7729. Nonsmoking grad/prof to share TH, W/D, CAC, hdwd flrs, yd, mins to JHU. $350/mo + 1/2 utils. 377-2106. Grad/prof for 3BR, 2BA apt in Little Italy, W/D, A/C, cath ceilings, courtyard. $300/mo + 1/3 utils. 685-0760. Nonsmoking grad/prof to share 3BR RH, lg furn BR w/balcony, until 12/31. $215/mo + 1/4 utils. 235-2000. Nonsmoker to share Cape Cod house in Towson, 2nd level w/priv BA, use of house, patio. 337-8971. M to share house-size Bonnie Ridge apt w/den, W/D, clubhouse w/fitness center, pool, nr light rail. 415-5972. F nonsmoker to share Owings Mills TH. $250/mo + 1/3 utils. Hilla, 356-2674.
Items for Sale |
Nordic Track 505 ski exerciser. $200. 516-6135 or
[email protected]. '84 Honda Accord, 5-spd, new trans, AM/FM cass. $1,200. Monika, 467-5451. Fax/data modem w/software, $60; fax-modem, $40; cell phone w/case, $50. 296-6434. Bench press w/bar and all weights. Best offer. Tracy, 366-0920 or [email protected]. Furniture, filing cabinets, appls, bicycles, grills, lawn mowers, inflatable raft, more. From $10-$70. 377-0038. Queen-size waterbed w/heater, pine frame, shelves, excel cond. $250/best offer. Paul or Kiely, 484-1519. '84 Toyota Tercel wagon, blue, auto, AM/FM cass, runs well, 117K mi. $1,500(negot). Reiko, 764-8380 or [email protected]. Microsoft Office for Windows 95 (CD full standard version), incl manuals, registration. $45. Darshak, 602-5048 or [email protected]. Antique oak parlor organ, w/carving/galleries/mirror, bellows needs work. $400/best offer. Lawrence Schramm, 532-6152 or [email protected]. 940-C Stamina stepper, good cond. $50. Linda, 955-1697 or [email protected]. Scuba tanks, aluminum 80s, like new. $140/ea. 363-0886 or [email protected]. Weslo's Cardioglide and Abflex, both excel cond. Best offer. Karen, 235-2890 or [email protected]. Mac IIsi w/19" monitor, fax-modem, extras. Best offer. Tom, 433-8675 or [email protected]. '93 Nissan King Cab, $7,000; 486DX66, $1,000; golf clubs/cart, $300; bunk beds, $100; microwave, $100. Zak, 494-0084 or [email protected]. Nordic Track Walkfit treadmill, barely used, perf cond. 516-5412 or [email protected]. Ravens tix for 10/6 Patriots game, $25/ea, great seats. 563-5489 or [email protected]. '94 Honda Civic EX, 2-dr, white, auto, ABS, fully loaded, power everything, 19K mi. $13,600. 366-2330. Mac LC w/12" color monitor. $300. Larry, 516-8741 or [email protected]. Ikea sofas, side tables, sets of drawers, ski rack/components. Prices negot. [email protected]. Denise Austin health rider. $100. 223-1625(days) or 335-7307(eves). Baldwin spinet w/bench, well-maintained. $1,380/best offer. 662-7898 or [email protected]. Queen-size futon, slatted futon frame, folds to make couch, $85; Abflex stomach exerciser, $45. 235-7350. Oriental rugs, exercise stand, computer table, dehumidifier, calico swags, roller blinds, ladies' ice skates. From $50-$195. Jennifer, 825-0423. Brand-new color TV w/4-head VCR and universal remote. $400/best offer. Bill, 516-3573. '86 standard-issue, metal gray Fender Stratocaster. $445. Vu, 243-9325. 386-33MHz computer w/fax-modem. $120, printer, sound, Pentium processor, extra. Victor, 653-3747. '80 Pontiac, runs well, low miles. $500. 661-5175 or 550-2010. '83 Toyota Corolla hatchback, 125K mi, rusty but runs. $500/best offer. 516-5367(w) or 467-0694(h). PowerMac 6100/66, 15" color monitor, fax-modem, CD-ROM, w/software (Internet, graphics, games, etc). Joe Vinetz, 467-9485 or [email protected]. '76 BMW 2002A, very little rust, interior intact, 26K mi on new engine. $4,000/best offer. 366-9281 or [email protected]. Two Black Knight squash racquets, new stringing, grommets, w/carrying cases. $60/ea, $100/both. Jason, 366-6085. Lovable kittens need adoption. Debbie, 385-4427(days). Cardioglide exerciser, $150; Sony Handycam w/9 special FX, $500. 882-4495. Arcade-like Slam Shot basketball game, great cond. Best offer. 931-0906. '83 Mazda B2000 pick-up, new exhaust, brake work, tires. $1,500/best offer. 655-9064 or [email protected]. Bench press w/bar, all weights. Best offer. Tracy, 366-0920 or [email protected]. '90 Toyota Corolla DX, 66K mi, 4-dr, auto, A/C, ps, pb, excel cond. $5,500/best offer. (717)531-3369. '90 Honda Accord EX, loaded, 4-dr, 5-spd, sunroof, mint cond, 53K mi, Md.-insp'd. $9,200. 243-4589. Matching sofa and loveseat, neutral color. $150/best offer. 467-4770. Dinette set, dk pine, round pedestal table w/4 chairs, excel cond. $100. 955-3338(days) or 877-2804(eves). Workout station, Wilson 3-station, 7 exercises, 250-lb weights, excel cond. Bob, 285-1261. '91 Mercedes 300D, mint cond, loaded, 69K mi. $25,000. 243-2767. Labeled Strad copy violin w/Glasser fiber bow, hard case, excel cond. $600/best offer. Terry, 955-7390(w) or 285-4667(h).
Services/Items |
Handyman avail for yard or house work, house repairs, exp'd in
painting and drywall, refs avail. 235-0539. Work from home, spare/part/full-time. Eric, 385-9563 or [email protected]. Will pay cash for '92-'93 Ford Festiva, must be in excel cond, pref w/records and no major accidents. $1,500-$2,500. 545-4910 ext 351. Yoga beginners start 9/23, 6 wks/$30, choose weeknight series, 3500 Harford Rd. Baltimore School of Yoga, 235-7027. Loving, structured daycare, birth to 4 yrs old, 20 yrs exp, Hopkins refs. 243-7207. Cleaning service, professional, reliable, affordable. Cindy, 342-1314. Flute lessons by Oberlin/Yale grad, beginner to advanced, reasonable rates. 523-3963, 614-2611(fax) or [email protected]. Pressenda String Quartet brings ambience to your wedding, reception, other social event. 837-1850. Co-op playgroup for American and int'l families w/children 1-4 (also caregivers), Mon-Fri, 9:30-11:30am, corner University Pkwy/St. Paul, English classes offered. 366-4425. Guitar lessons, classical and folk by prof guitarist, exp'd teacher/Peabody grad, all levels. 243-2014. Transcription services avail, med dictation, CVs, reports, tapes, exp'd in all specialties. Dawn, 522-6708.
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