Johns Hopkins Gazette: September 30, 1996 Form

Homewood Celebrates
Those Who Keep
Us Tidy

This is National Housekeeper's Week, and for the second year in a row, Homewood is recognizing the service its custodial crew provides all year long.

The goals for the week are rather modest but important, said Megeen Paschall of the Plant Operations Office. The department wants faculty, students and other campus staff to get to know their custodian by name and to establish a relationship with them as a way to help them better manage their areas of responsibility.

"And we want the community just to recognize the job the custodial staff does every day and make it a point to express their appreciation," Paschall said.

There are 87 custodians serving all the facilities on the Homewood campus with 24 more serving the dormitories and other student housing.

Members of the Homewood community this week are invited to stop by the Custodial Services offices to meet some of the staff and munch on popcorn.

Just don't get any on the floor. At least not this week.

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