Johns Hopkins Gazette: September 15, 1997

Upperclassmen Urge
Freshmen To Climb
Ever Higher

The Class of 2001 got down to some serious school spirit last week as eight members of the 1997 Orientation Committee, the Outdoors Club and ROTC clambered down Gilman tower at 5 p.m. on Sept. 5. In the crease of time between the Student Activities Committee Activities Fair and the All-School Picnic, the climbers unfurled a banner reading "JHU Rules" to the cheers of incoming students, who were no doubt assured that this was not an activity they should try on their own.

The first-time event was proposed by senior Joslin Heyn, of the Outdoors Club, as a way to get freshmen excited about the coming academic year and their life at Hopkins.

An initiation ceremony for freshmen also was added this year to help focus positive attention on the students' academic careers. At midnight before the first day of classes, about 700 members of the freshman class took a Founder's Tour of the Homewood campus, strolling from the steps of Shriver Hall to Gilman Hall. Once there, they lit candles and heard senior Lisa Lundy, accompanied by student council president Matt Schernecke, read excerpts on the purpose of a Hopkins education from the inaugural address of first president Daniel Coit Gilman. Orientation director Andrea Perry said she hopes both events become a freshman tradition.

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