To donate blood or volunteer your time, call Wanda Cartwright (East Baltimore), 410-614-3050, or Daria Bollinger (Homewood), 410-516-0138.
Instruction in English -- The English Language Program for International Teaching Assistants has scheduled two sections of Communication Strategies in the American Classroom (307-601). The course, offered by the Language Teaching Center, is designed to assist international graduate students with their English and teaching. Classes will meet Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10 to 10:50 a.m. or 11 to 11:50 a.m. For more information, including classroom locations, contact Doris Yaffe Shiffman at [email protected], call the Language Teaching Center at 410-516-4466 or visit the Web site at < http://jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu/~dshiffma/.
English instruction volunteers -- The Johns Hopkins International Society is looking for English as a Second Language instructors to volunteer for the fall semester. The International Society program is informal, with most classes meeting one or two times a week for two hours at a time. Class schedules can be arranged according to each instructor's availability. The commitment may involve as little as two hours a week. Emphasis is placed primarily on improving conversational skills at the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels. Volunteers with the International Society will have the opportunity for personal satisfaction and growth as well as the chance to work with people from around the world and to acquire letters of recommendation for future positions in teaching English as a Second Language. Individuals who have tutored or taught English or any foreign language to non-native speakers, or are interested in gaining valuable teaching experience, should contact the Johns Hopkins International Society at 410-955-3370 or send e-mail to [email protected].
Medical care abroad -- "Topics in International Medical Care Travel Medicine" is a two-and-a-half-day course intended for medical professionals who care for employees and their families who travel or work in the global community. Scheduled for Sept. 16-18, this course will take a comprehensive approach to providing medical care to employees abroad, including updates on travel vaccines, ways to reduce health risks for expatriates living abroad and discussions of recent medical and surgical advances. Tuition is $595. Day 1 of the course will take place in Suite 2140, Outpatient Center, on the East Baltimore campus; days two and three are scheduled to take place at the Cross Keys Inn. Speakers will include Neal Halsey, Mary Lou Clements-Mann, John Bartlett, David Thorne, Frederick M. Wigley, Donlin M. Long, Patrick C. Walsh, Jonathon A. Patz and David A. Sack, of the schools of Medicine and Public Health; David Gootnick, of the U.S. Peace Corps; Gershon Bergeisen, of the Environmental Protection Agency; Nils M.P. Daulaire, of the U.S. Agency for International Development; Allen Koski, of CIGNA; and Martin S. Wolfe, of the Traveler's Medical Service. For more information, call International Services at 410-614-4331.
Elder Care series -- These workshops are designed for caregivers as well as for those interested in the topics that will be discussed. The first of three workshops, "Legal Issues" with Jason Frank, is scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 17, at noon, in Conference Room A, Levering. Frank, an elder law attorney, will cover such topics as medical advance directives, durable power of attorney and estate planning. Additional noon workshops are scheduled for the following dates: "Long-Term Care Insurance" with Ellen Flaherty on Thursday, Oct. 8, in the Shriver boardroom; and "Housing Options for the Elderly" with Grace Clark, on Thursday, Nov. 5, in Conference Room A, Levering.