Women's Board Decks the Halls for JHMI Center It's not just world-class physicians and researchers working at a world-class institution that make Johns Hopkins the nation's leading medical center. Working behind the scenes for nearly 70 years, the Women's Board of The Johns Hopkins Hospital has organized several generations of committed women to help promote the work of the hospital and to hold fund-raising projects for the hospital's many patient-related medical and social services. Over the years, the board has contributed more than $6 million to the institution for, among other things, scholarships for physicians and nurses, a patients' library, a child advocacy program for countering child abuse and a social work emergency fund. It also has funded numerous special projects and new programs, many of which might have been stalled by lack of support, such as the first heart-lung machine, Hopkins' first intensive care unit and the Child Life Program, which is among the oldest in the country. The board now is committed to raising $1 million for the new Comprehensive Cancer Center. To raise money, the Women's Board sponsors the Best Dressed Sale--the board's annual fall gently used clothing sale at Evergreen House--and maintains The Carry On Shop--Baltimore's oldest thrift shop--gift shops in the Nelson Patient Tower of the Outpatient Center, the Coffee Bar in the Outpatient Center and the Springtime Kitchen Tour of some of the Baltimore area's most interesting and architecturally significant homes. And this week, the Women's Board conducts its annual holiday shopping event, The Carriage House Collection at Evergreen, with proceeds to benefit the cancer center. Because the event has grown in 39 years, it will expand to the historic Evergreen House, in part to provide more comfortable space for browsing among the more than 50 distinctive boutiques from all over the country. New this year will be a holiday showcase of floral creations by prominent designers from across the region. This year's silent auction will feature antiques, china, silver, crystal and collectors items. The Carriage House Collection at Evergreen, which began Saturday with a gala opening night party, will be open Monday, Nov. 13, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Tuesday, Nov. 14, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. General admission tickets are $8 and will be available at the door. Evergreen House is located at 4545 N. Charles St.