For The Record: Homewood Campus Parking and Traffic Regulations Effective September 1995 All parking and traffic regulations are published annually in The Johns Hopkins University Gazette. Any changes will be announced by the administration, with the advice of the Homewood Parking and Traffic Advisory Committee, and be published in The Gazette. The university does reserve the right to make changes in "urgent situations" without prior notice. ADDITIONALLY, THE UNIVERSITY ADMINISTRATION RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REFUSE PARKING PRIVILEGES TO ANYONE FOUND TO ABUSE THE PARKING SYSTEM'S RULES AND REGULATIONS. ALL VEHICLE OPERATORS ARE ALSO REMINDED THAT THEY ARE SUBJECT TO EXISTING MARYLAND MOTOR VEHICLE LAWS, WHILE ON CAMPUS. All parking on the Homewood campus is reserved for the exclusive use of active members of the Campus Paid Parking System, except where specifically provided for by designated visitors' area, by written notice, or by special permit issued by the university. Violators are subject to citation and/or towing. 1. VISITOR PARKING --------------------------------- A. Visitors may use only the visitors' section on the "P" lot located southwest of Shriver Hall or metered areas (designated in yellow on the campus map). B. Visitor hang-tags are available from a host department for visitor use without charge at campus parking meters and the paid parking lot located southwest of Shriver Hall only. Visitor hang-tags are not for use by Homewood faculty, staff, and students. C. Visitors' parking areas (meters and paid parking lot) are in operation from 7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday and 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday. 2. FACULTY, STAFF, AND STUDENT PARKING ----------------------------------------------- A. Parking facilities for two and four-wheeled vehicles are available to faculty, staff, and eligible students who have cause to park on the Homewood campus. B. Faculty, staff and eligible students wishing to park on the Homewood campus must purchase a parking access card, or faculty sticker/hang-tag, or use the visitors' parking areas for the appropriate fee. Parking registrations are not transferable among individuals. C. Areas designated on the map as special permit parking are available to eligible Homewood faculty only. D. Homewood staff and eligible Homewood students may use the controlled access surface lots or use the visitors' parking areas (at additional cost). E. Part-time students in the School of Continuing Studies and G.W.C. Whiting School of Engineering may purchase parking access cards valid after 3 p.m., (Monday through Friday) on lots F, H, J, P, R, S and U only. F. Graduate and undergraduate students living within the 3/4 mile radius of the campus are not eligible to park on the campus in areas other than the visitors' paid parking area, except during periods parking restrictions are suspended. 3. HOPKINS CLUB ------------------------ Members and guests of the Hopkins Club may use "C" lot and the Hopkins Club circle during lunch and dinner hours. 4. PARKING REGISTRATION ------------------------------- A. Parking registration is handled by Broadway Services, Inc., located in the Parking Office, Room 16, Shriver Hall (lower level). The telephone number is 516-PARK. B. JHU vehicle identification stickers must also be obtained from the Parking Office, Room 16, Shriver Hall, as part of the normal parking registration process. These stickers MUST be displayed as specified. C. Separate registration procedures apply to disabled members of the Hopkins community. Information may be obtained at the Parking Office (516-PARK). 5. PARKING RESTRICTIONS/PROHIBITIONS ------------------------------------------------- A. Official posted signs shall govern the use of all areas. B. Failure to park so that the entire vehicle lies between the lines which designate the parking space. C. Parking at any time on the campus roads, lawns, loading docks, walkways, delivery entrances, disabled areas, resident adviser areas or any other unauthorized parking area. D. Parking at meters after time has expired. E. Securing or using parking privileges through misrepresentation or fraud. F. Unauthorized parking in restricted areas such as "Disabled Parking Only," "Service Vehicle Only," "Special Permit Parking Only" (A, B, D, E, F, K, M, N, T & V). G. Failure to display JHU vehicle identification stickers. H. Unauthorized or improper use of visitor hang-tags. I. Vehicle storage (parking over 48 hours) is prohibited without permission of the Security Department. 6. ENFORCEMENT ------------------------ Campus parking and traffic regulations are enforced by Homewood Security commissioned special police officers. 7. UNIVERSITY HOLIDAYS AND WEEKENDS ---------------------------------------------- A. Parking lot restrictions are suspended on University holidays and weekends except in designated disabled areas, posted resident adviser areas and other special parking areas designated by sign (see Parking Restrictions: 5-C). B. Parking meters are not enforced. C. Parking restrictions remain in effect for all campus roads, fire lanes, delivery entrances, walkways, lawns and other unauthorized parking areas. 8. PENALTIES AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEES AND TOWING FEES ---------------------------------------------------------------- The following penalties are in effect: A. $15--Each parking violation, unless otherwise specified. B. $50--Securing parking privileges through misrepresentation or fraud. C. $50--Parking illegally in a designated disabled area. D. $25--Altering the date on a visitor hang-tag. E. Vehicles parked in fire lanes or in disabled areas or blocking access doors may be towed without notice. F. TWO UNPAID PARKING CITATIONS SHALL SUBJECT A VEHICLE TO BE PLACED ON THE BOOT LIST OR TOW-AWAY LIST WITHOUT FURTHER NOTICE. THE VEHICLE SHALL BE BOOTED IF THERE ARE TWO (2) OUTSTANDING FINES THAT ARE NOT UNDER APPEAL OR IN THE PROCESS OF PAYROLL DEDUCTION. IF A BOOTED VEHICLE IS UNCLAIMED AFTER 48 HOURS, OR IN AN EMERGENCY SITUATION, OR IF DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE UNIVERSITY, THE VEHICLE SHALL BE TOWED. G. Failure to comply with the regulations or to pay parking fines shall result in booting or towing at the vehicle owner's expense and risk to Greenwood's Garage, 1370 West North Avenue. Parking privileges may also be cancelled. H. Administrative Fees: Release of booted vehicle_$20 plus outstanding fines; after 14 days $10 research of vehicle registration fee plus outside search fee; return check fee $25. I. Towing to Greenwood's Garage: $100.00 maximum towing charge, exclusive of outstanding fines. Fines must also be paid. J. Fines must be paid before vehicle is released to owner. 9. PAYMENT OF FINES ----------------------------- A. Fines must be paid in person or mailed to Homewood Parking System, c/o Security Office, Shriver Hall (lower level), 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. 21218. B. Persons who do not have parking privileges are subject to booting and/or towing. C. Persons with parking privileges who are on the university payroll will have their fines deducted from their salary/wages, if not paid within seven days of issuance of ticket(s). D. Persons who have parking privileges and are not on the payroll and students with two outstanding parking fines will be placed on the boot list. In addition, students' accounts will be billed for all outstanding fines and fees. E. Diplomas and transcripts will not be issued to students having outstanding fines. 10. APPEALS PROCESS ------------------------------ INDIVIDUALS WHO FEEL THAT A NOTICE OF VIOLATION HAS BEEN IMPROPERLY ISSUED MAY SUBMIT, WITHIN 14 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF A PARKING CITATION, A WRITTEN APPEAL TO THE HOMEWOOD PARKING AND TRAFFIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE, SHRIVER HALL ROOM 14, 3400 NORTH CHARLES STREET, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21218. NO APPEAL WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER FOURTEEN 14 DAYS FROM THE DATE OF THE VIOLATION. 11. MOVING VIOLATIONS -------------------------------- Maryland Motor Vehicle Law is in effect on the Homewood campus. In addition, university traffic regulations apply. Violations include: A. Driving in a manner or speed that is not reasonable or proper. B. Exceeding 15 mph on any campus road or lot. C. Operation of bicycles, motorcycles, or scooters on university walks, lawns, or in other unauthorized areas of the campus. 12. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY ----------------------------------- Persons with parking privileges are entitled to the use of appropriate parking spaces. Acceptance of parking privileges (access card, hang-tag, or optional faculty sticker) constitutes an agreement between the holder and the university and that the university shall not be responsible for the loss or damage to the vehicle, its accessories or contents, resulting from theft, fire, collision or any other cause.