Johns Hopkins Gazette: October 30, 1995

WJHU Radio Program Notes

     The Marc Steiner Show airs five days a week, from noon to 2
p.m., and features a different guest or topic in each hour.
Guests and topics are subject to change.

     Scheduled for this week:

Monday, Oct. 30
Noon--Dinesh D'Souza, author of The End of Racism.
1 p.m.--Wayne Gilchrest, Republican congressman from the first

Tuesday, Oct. 31
Noon--Anthony Cobb, Republican candidate for City Council
1 p.m.--David Rusk, author of Baltimore Unbound: A Strategy for
Regional Renewal.

Wednesday, Nov. 1
Noon--Victor Clark, Republican mayoral candidate.
1 p.m.--To be announced.

Thursday, Nov. 2
Noon--To be announced.
1 p.m.--To be announced.

Friday, Nov. 3
Noon--Congressman Benjamin Cardin.
1 p.m.--Local news roundup with Bill Zorzi.

     The Lisa Simeone Show airs every Sunday at 10 a.m. The
hourlong program features conversations and interviews with
provocative thinkers and newsmakers and includes weekly
commentary by Hopkins professor and media critic Mark Crispin

     WJHU can be heard at 88.1 FM.

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