Johns Hopkins Gazette: October 13, 1997

Hopkins On-Line

A guide to useful and
interesting sites on the
World Wide Web for
members of the Hopkins
The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing has launched a completely revamped Web site designed for use by scientists and the general public.

The Alternatives to Animal Testing Web site, called AltWeb (, is the site for news, information, discussion and resources from the field of alternatives to animal testing.

This site is a collaborative effort funded by the Alternatives Research & Development Foundation, the Doerenkamp-Zbinden Foundation, the Humane Society of the United States, the Office for Protection from Research Risks at the National Institutes of Health and the Procter & Gamble Company. It is being developed by CAAT to serve academic, industrial and government scientists, educators, the media and the general public.

AltWeb is intended to foster the development of scientifically acceptable in vitro and other alternatives to animal testing. Alternatives are defined as methods that reduce animal use, replace whole animal tests or refine existing tests by minimizing animal distress.

Need help locating alternatives databases or funding sources? Want to learn about the latest software and other computer resources available for your junior high? Want to know more about the history of the alternative movement? It's all here, plus many valuable resources found nowhere else on the Web, in some cases not even the site of the originating organization.

This site will change rapidly, based on user feedback, says Alan Goldberg, CAAT's director and associate dean of corporate affairs at the School of Public Health. So check back often.

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