J. L. Burgess - Research Site

Fernando, B., MacKenzie, S., Bill C., Kloewer,M., Burgess, J.L., Czaplinski E., Egan, E., Seltzer C., Trainer, M.G., and Turtle E.P.. The Environmental Impact on Earth of Planetary Science Exploration. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting (2024)

Van Staal, C., Lin, S., Valverde-Vaquero, P., Dunning, G., Burgess, J.L., Schofield, D.I., and Joyce, N. Tectonic evolution of high grade metamorphic tectonites of the Meelpaeg nappe near Port aux Basques, southwestern Newfoundland during the Silurain Salinic and Early-to-Middle Devonian Acadian orogenies. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences (2024)

Burgess, J. L., Blake, D., and Viete, D. New approaches to discern the timing of the metamorphic history of the horse creek schist, North Carolina eastern piedmont. Southeast Sectional Meeting Geological Society of America (2024).

Van Staal, C., Lin, S., Valverde-Vaquero, P., Dunning, G., Burgess, J.L., Schofield, D.I., and Joyce, N. Tectonic evolution of Salinic and Acadian high grade metamorphic tectonites of the Meelpaeg nappe near Port aux Basques, southwestern Newfoundland: Silurian Salinic underthrusting of the Gander margin beneath composite Laurentia followed by bi-vergent nappe formation and dextral transpression during the Acadian orogeny. Northeast Sectional Meeting Geological Society of America (2024).

Burgess, J. L. Forest carbon sequestration along a mafic-ultramafic lithosequence. Annual Meeting Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical Association of Canada, Sudbury Ontario (2023).

George, F.R., Viete, D. R., Nelson, L.L., and Burgess, J.L. Conditions, rates, and timing of metamorphism in Baltimore City: a correlative record of Acadian metamorphism between the central and northern Appalachia? Northeast Sectional Meeting Geological Society of America (2022).

Viete, D.R., Becker, N.A., Junkin, W.D., Burgess, J.L., George, F.R. and Holder, R.M. The Baltimore Mafic Complex: key record of earliest convergence in the central Appalachians. Northeast Sectional Meeting Geological Society of America (2022).

George, F.R., Viete, D. R., Nelson, L.L., and Burgess, J.L. Conditions, rates, and timing of metamorphism in Baltimore City: a correlative record of Acadian metamorphism between the central and northern Appalachia? Northeast Sectional Meeting Geological Society of America (2022).

Burgess, J.L., George, F.R., Piccoli P., and Viete D.R. New approaches to discern the potentially polymetamorphic history of the Gassetts Schist, Vermont. Geological Association of Canada – Mineralogical Association of Canada Annual Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia. (2022).

Guice, G., Ackerson, M., Holder, R., George, F., Browning-Hanson, J., Burgess, J., Foustoukos, D., Becker, N., Nelson, W., and Viete, D. Suprasubduction zone ophiolite fragments in the central Appalachian orogen: Evidence for mantle and Moho in the the Baltimore Mafic-Ultramafic Complex (Maryland, USA) (2021). Geosphere

Becker, N.A.,, Browning-Hanson, J., Holder, R., Nelson, W., Burgess, J.L., and Viete, D.R. Geochemical progression in lavas and shallow intrusives of the Appalachian–Caledonian Leka ophiolite complex, Norway. Annual Meeting Geological Society of America (2020).

Guice, G., Acherson, M.R., Holder, R.M., George, F.R., Browning-Hanson, J.J., Burgess, J.L., Foustoukos, D.I., Becker, N., and Viete D.R. The Baltimore Mafic Complex, Maryland: ophiolite fragments in the southern Appalachian Orogen? Geological Society of America Annual Meeting (2020).

Burgess, J.L., Becker, N.A,  Holder R,M., Piccoli P., and Viete D.R. Geochemical and Themobarometric constraints on the Perry Hall and tectonically associated gneisses from the Baltimore Area Piedmont, Maryland. Northeast-Southeast Sectional Meeting Geological Society of America (2020).

Burgess, J.L., Hilgartner, W.B. and Rajakaruna, N. Forest expansion on serpentine grassland communities: the impact of atmospheric N and land use. European Convention on Conservation Biology, Finland (2018).

Burgess, J.L. Serpentine Vegetation Dynamics and Mesophication in the Mid-Atlantic Area. Northeastern Natural History Conference Burlington, VT (2018).

Burgess, J.L. and Hilgartner, W.B. Serpentine Vegetation Dynamics and Conifer Encroachment in Conjunction with Anthropogenic Disturbance. Society for Conservation Biology's International Congress for Conservation Biology Cartegena, Columbia (2017).

Burgess, J. L., K. Szlavecz, N. Rajakaruna, S. Lev, and C. M. Swan. Vegetation dynamics and mesophication in response to conifer encroachment within an ultramafic system. In Australian Journal of Botany. Volume 63 (4) 292-307 (2015).

For more information look at our TeMPO research group run by Dr. Viete or send me an email.

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About Me

Dr. Burgess joined the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences as the Director of the Environmental Science and Studies Program. He received his doctorate at Hopkins and MS in Geology at the University of Maryland. His research is highly interdisciplinary, ranging from geology to exploring serpentine ecology community dynamics. Current research interests center around using petrologic and geochemical tools to investigate igneous and metamorphic rock histories, with focus on petrogenesis and the growth and evolution of the Appalachians. Field work focuses on Newfoundland, Vermont, and the central and southern Appalachian piedmont of Maryland and North Carolina.