F E B R U A R Y 2 0 0 4 | V O L 5 6 N O 1 |
Theme and
Variations |
Students: Students Win Rhodes, Marshall Scholarships Sports: D-I Tradition Continues Politics: Historic Shift in Hispanic Voting Policy: Secret Service Hits the Books Humanities: Novel Approach to Nigeria Research: Fruit Flies' Clues to the Birds and Bees Mathematics: Mathematical Pluck Sports: Great Autumn for Athletics Music: Peabody Expands Its Repertoire In Memoriam: Hugh Kenner, Revered Literary Critic Health: Nursing Abused Women Back to Health
Wholly Hopkins:
Syllabus | Datebook | Academese | Forever Altered | Here &
Abroad | Bottom Line | Vignette | Up & Comer | Findings |
JHUniverse | Vital Signs | Backlist
Contributors to the February
The Johns Hopkins Magazine |
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Baltimore, MD 21231 Phone 443-287-9900 | Fax 443-287-9898 | E-mail [email protected] |