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Alumni Notes

Editor: Julie Blanker

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February's Alumni News

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Irwin Rubenstein, SAIS '54 (MA), who retired after 36 years in the foreign service and now chairs the Foreign Service Retirees Association of Florida, has edited Serving America Abroad: Real-Life Adventures of American Diplomatic Families Overseas.


Nancy Fidler Parr, Nurs '57, had a "delightful vacation" in Europe in June. She traveled to Rome, Florence, Venice, Geneva, and Paris.


John Corcoran, Engr '59, A&S '62 (MA), '63 (PhD), is professor of philosophy at the University of Buffalo. He was named doctor honoris causa in October 2003 by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) for his work in history and philosophy of logic, which was the focus of a two-day international conference held in conjunction with the investiture ceremony.


Bernhard D. Saxe, A&S '60, recently was named one of the top 10 patent prosecuting attorneys in the country by IP Law & Business Magazine. Saxe is a partner in the Washington, D.C., office of Foley & Lardner.


David Downes, A&S '61, writes: "I have retired after 30 years on the faculty and administration of the University of California, Berkeley. I am being recalled to teach again this spring, but I'm not sure what my wife and I will do after that — hopefully have more time to travel and enjoy life."


Karl R. Barnickol, A&S '63, former general counsel of Solutia Inc. and a nationally prominent authority in the areas of corporate governance and securities law, has joined Blackwell Sanders Peper Martin as a partner. He will focus primarily on helping companies comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which Congress enacted last year to deal with corporate governance, financial disclosure, and other issues.
    William F. Mugleston, A&S '63, a professor at Floyd College in Rome, Georgia, writes: "I am in my 37th year of college teaching and administration, having spent most of my academic career in Texas and Georgia. Along the way, I've authored, co-authored, and co-edited eight books on history, teaching, and academic administration, and some 54 articles."


Guy Hollyday, A&S '64 (PhD), writes: "After graduating from Hopkins, I moved out of state. Now I'm back home again, living on the other side of Wyman Park. I tend the park several times a week and monitor the quality of the water in Stoney Run. To publicize sewage conditions in the city, I have organized walks and safaris. For more information, e-mail me at [email protected]."


Roberto Toscano, Bol '67, SAIS '68 (MA), has been appointed Italy's ambassador to Iran.


Dick Oles, SPSBE '68, retired as head coach of the Johns Hopkins men's fencing team. He had been coaching at Hopkins for 45 years.
    Perrin L. French, Med '68, writes: "Baltimore's Own Little Italy Artist — The Artwork of Tony DeSales (Genovefa Press, 2003), the book that my wife, Rita, and I recently co-authored about her street artist brother Tony (1941-2000), just won its second national prize award: first place in Hollywood's DIY Award in the nonfiction literature category. Last May it was the silver medallist in the autobiography/biography/memoirs category of the Publishers' Marketing Association's Benjamin Franklin Awards. And on an even happier note, our daughter Leslie just got engaged to be married in the 30th episode of the Perfect Proposal show on The Learning Channel (TLC)."


Wayne R. McKinney, A&S '69, '71 (MA), '74 (PhD), welcomed his first grandson, David Jr., on March 25, 2001.


Bill Evans, A&S '72, writes: "After 30 years with Verizon Communications, I took early retirement to pursue a new career in the nonprofit human services sector. I recently accepted a position at Lutheran Services in America, headquartered in Baltimore, with responsibilities for finance and administration. I look forward to hearing from old (or new) Hopkins friends at [email protected]."


Katherine Seavey Bryant, A&S '73, a postulant from the Episcopal Diocese of New York, recently moved from the New York area to New Haven, Connecticut, to begin studies as a first-year MDIV student at Yale Divinity School.
    Irv Litofsky, A&S '73, writes: "I recently was promoted to the position of director of the forensic services section of the Baltimore County Police Department. I have spent the last seven years as a forensic chemist with the county crime lab, and prior to that, I was section director of bioanalytical chemistry at PharmaKinetics Laboratories and section head of analytical research for Procter & Gamble Cosmetic and Fragrance Products. I am also in my 35th year of playing trumpet in the JHU Band, where they let me be 18 years old again for a few hours each week."
    Joseph Vogten, Bol '73, writes: "After a secondment in the second half of 2002 to J.P. Morgan Securities Inc.'s Entertainment Industries Group in Los Angeles, my responsibilities within the European Investments Bank (EIB) have shifted from the international capital markets to the European audiovisual sector. As an adviser in the audiovisual sector finance, I'll foster the bank's lending to the European audiovisual sector (production of films, TV-programs, etc.), assist loan officers by arranging new business contacts, provide background insight, and advise with regard to structured finance."
    Art Weiss, A&S '73, a professor of medicine and an investigator in the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at the University of California, San Francisco, was elected to the National Academy of Sciences and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.


Peter Agre, Med '74, won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for his 1991 discovery of aquaporins, proteins that form channels for the transport of water through cell membranes. E.F. Charles "Chuck" LaBerge, Engr '74, '75 (MSE), is married with three children and is employed as a senior principal engineer with the Communications and Surveillance Center of Excellence of Honeywell AES Laboratory in Columbia, Maryland. He writes: "I probably established the current Class of '74 record for longest time between degrees when I received my PhD in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland — Baltimore County in 2003."
    Robert N. Parrish, A&S '74 (PhD), retired in March from the Aerospace Corporation, a federally funded research and development center based in Los Angeles. He and his wife of 39 years, Joan Kay, now live in West Virginia. They can be reached at [email protected].


David S. Frutko, SPSBE '78, chief financial officer for Agent 16 LLC, has added the title of chief operating officer. The advertising agency recently changed its name to reflect its new ownership structure and marketing philosophy. Frutko writes: "Clients have come and gone over the past 12 years, but I have never had the pleasure of working with a fellow alum, so if there is anyone in the Johns Hopkins University family looking for a hot creative shop, give me a call."
    Helen Tangires, A&S '78, has published Public Markets and Civic Culture in Nineteenth-Century America, which examines the role of the public marketplace as a key site in the development of civic culture in America. She is administrator of the Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts at the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C.


Colin Chinn, A&S '79, '82 (MA), placed 25th at the 2002 ITU Aquathlon World Championships as a member of Team USA. He has been promoted to captain in the U.S. Navy and is now assigned as executive officer of Naval Hospital Lemoore in California. His first son, Kelly, was born on May 13, 2003. Stacy Hinderliter Clark, A&S '79, writes: "I work as a pediatrician for the Central Virginia Health District and provide healthcare to low-income children in five county and city areas. I'm active as a PTA leader at the local, county, and district level. I also teach family practice residents and am in my sixth year as a Girl Scout leader. I have one child and seven cats."
    Stuart Davidson, A&S '79, writes: "I'm still pursuing my twin passions of representing workers in the labor movement and supporting the survival of Israel by serving as co-chair of the Labor Advisory Board of Israel Bonds and as a member of the executive committee and board of directors of the Development Corporation of Israel."
    Lisa Strauch Eggers, A&S '79, was just elected to the school board for Mercer Island. She also serves on the local Seattle chapter committee for the alumni association. Nate Graham, A&S '79, and his son are involved in the hobby of model warship combat ( He is a small-town surgeon doing the full spectrum of general/laparoscopic surgery. He writes: "Cindy and I celebrated our 23rd anniversary. We bike and blade regularly and are busy with the lives of our two teenagers. I also enjoy woodworking."
    Ross Heisman, A&S '79, recently completed two years as president of the Anne Arundel County Dental Society. Everett Hills, Engr '79, is vice president of the Dauphin County Medical Society (fourth largest in Pennsylvania). He writes: "I enjoy flying and recently became an FAA-designated airman medical examiner. I'm involved with my kids' school activities and jump at the chance to chaperone field trips."
    Edward Kasper, A&S '79, writes: "After a decade as director of the Johns Hopkins Cardiomyopathy and Heart Transplant Service, I have become the chief of cardiology at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center."
    Debra McCarty, Engr '79, enjoys gardening, biking, walking, and playing with her dog. She writes: "Philly continues to surprise, delight, and sometimes depress me, but I do love it up here."
    Nancy Olszewski Ryan, A&S '79, writes: "I'm still juggling the mom/career thing (notice which one comes first?), managing a small office around swim team, Girl Scouts, piano, field trips, etc., etc. I just wish my kids wouldn't grow up so fast."
    Eric Scott, A&S '79, writes: "I'm very busy in the private practice of neurosurgery but also participate in teaching conferences/research at the University of Florida. My wife and daughters now hold first-degree black belts in karate. We travel extensively as a family and enjoy time together at our beach house."
    Susan Shannon, A&S '79, writes: "After 25 years of work, travel, career developments, etc., we are finding great pleasure in the simple joys of home, church, and community. We hope to leave a positive impact on the next generation and are striving toward that purpose."
    Julie Smiddy, A&S '79, writes: "I have been home schooling my eight children for the past 19 years."
    Gare Smith, A&S '79, is now a partner at the law firm Foley, Hoag, where he heads the corporate social responsibility practice.
    Rebecca Stith, A&S '79, was recently appointed by the governor of Missouri to a four-year term in the state's Public Defender Commission. A senior trial attorney at the EEOC in St. Louis, she has two daughters, Emma and Taylor. Karen C. Williams-Drakeford, A&S '79, has incorporated a holistic private practice in New York City called Mut's Mer. It is a holistic approach to psychotherapy for family, individuals, couples, and children that emphasizes nutritional impact, dream analysis, visualization, and energistic bodywork.
    Casey C. Younkin, A&S '79, has joined the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine as an associate professor of obstetrics and gynecology. He is married and has four children.


Petar Arsenovic, A&S '84, writes: "I've worked at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center since 1988, where I've worked on several projects as a scientist and subsystem manager." David Baker, A&S '84, writes: "Law school led to lawyering, which led to politics, which led to lobbying. The downward spiral continues. All kidding aside, I'm enjoying my career and have a wonderful family. Seventeen years in Atlanta; it's a great place to live. Send more alumni south."
    Michael Goldrich, A&S '84, is chairman of the AMA's Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs. He practices otolaryngology in New Brunswick, New Jersey, and subspecializes in care of the professional voice. He and his wife, Judy, A&S '84, live in East Brunswick with their 11-year-old triplets.
    Anna Lueje, A&S '84, is an in-house attorney with Northrup Grumman. Her son, D.C., is 9 years old.
    Catherine Lux, A&S '84, writes: "With both boys — ages 3 and 5 — in preschool now, I am increasing my part-time hours at Oak West, a pediatric clinic of Parkland Hospital where I have worked for eight years. I still have several pets. Currently my menagerie includes Wilbur and Grendel (dogs), Chaya and Camus (cats), and Elvis (cockatiel) — all ex-strays. Life is busy!"
    Paul Rubery, A&S '84, writes: "I am an orthopedic spine surgeon in full-time academic practice at the University of Rochester. My wife is a professor of political science at SUNY-Brockport, and we have four children: Paul, 13, Aidan, 11, Katie, 7, and Hugh, 2."


Gary D. Anderson, Engr '85 (PhD), designer of the recycling symbol, was recently honored by the National Recycling Coalition for his contribution to the recycling and sustainability movement. A certified professional planner, architect, and 30-year resident of Baltimore's Bolton Hill neighborhood, he is vice president of STV Incorporated, a consulting engineering, architectural, planning, environmental, and construction management firm, where he directs the company's Baltimore planning department.
    Linda Fried, SPH '85 (MPH), the director of the Bloomberg School's Center on Aging and Health, has been appointed to the National Advisory Council on Aging by the U.S.
    Department of Health and Human Services. Fried, who is also a professor of medicine and the director of the Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology and the Epidemiology of Aging at JHMI, will help advise the National Institute on Aging on research and training matters associated with diseases and conditions of aging.
    Paul DiMuzio, A&S '85, assistant professor of surgery and radiology at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, was awarded a multiyear research grant by the Pacific Vascular Research Foundation (San Francisco) as the Wylie Academic Scholar in Vascular Surgery for 2003-2006.
    Walter T. Wilson, A&S '85, has been promoted to associate professor of New Testament with tenure at Emory University's Candler School of Theology. His current research interests focus on the letter of James. Since 1995, he has led the Hill Neighborhood Tutoring Project. He also has served as teacher, youth group coordinator, and co-director of an open kitchen program in various Evangelical Lutheran Church in America congregations.


Michael Lewis, A&S '86, has joined the Norfolk office of McGuire Woods LLP as an associate in the Products Liability and Litigation Management Department. He will focus his practice on products liability, commercial contracts, medical malpractice, and intellectual property litigation.


Tristan Davies, A&S '87 (MA), who teaches in the Writing Seminars program, has published his first collection of short stories, Cake (JHU Press). (See Alumni News.)


Don H. Braswell, A&S '88 (MS), recently received his fifth Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal while assigned to Strike Fighter Squadron 25, Naval Air Station Lemoore, California. He flew 16 combat missions during 19 days in support of the liberation of Iraq and engaged enemy forces attacking coalition ground units.


Peter Carlesimo, A&S '89, writes: "Our family recently moved to the beautiful state of Colorado. We just celebrated the first birthday of our precious daughter, Sage."
    Raphael Cung, A&S '89, writes: "My legal practice focuses on entertainment litigation. My hobbies include listening to jazz, reading fiction and current affairs books, studying midcentury architecture, and collecting vintage film and travel posters."
    Grace Kung, A&S '89, Med '93, will be leaving Baylor College of Medicine and has accepted a position as assistant professor of pediatrics in the Division of Pediatric Cardiology at Children's Hospital in Los Angeles. She is looking forward to returning to the West Coast. Amy Nagler, A&S '89, is a happy mother of two little girls, Brooke and Emily. She writes: "I was working as a lawyer and then in human resources before I became a full-time mother."
    James Stofan, A&S '89, has accepted an appointment with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, creating a new program as director of the Informal Education Department. He is responsible for helping NASA engage the public in sharing the experience of exploration and discovery.


Noam Neusner, A&S '91, completed his first year as a special assistant to the president for economic speechwriting. He joined the White House after working at U.S. News & World Report, where he was chief economic correspondent. In May, Noam and his wife, Andrea, had their third daughter, Miranda Arielle.


Nicholas Gianaris, Engr '92 (MS), '96 (PhD), a lightweight-materials specialist at Visteon Corporation, was honored as an American Society for Materials Fellow for 2003 on October 14 in Pittsburgh. He was recognized for his work in high-strength engineered plastics and metals offering lightweight solutions.
    Nitin Khakee, A&S '92, and his wife, Lisa, announce the birth of their daughter, Sophia Lilia Khakee. She weighed in at 6 pounds, 7-3/4 ounces, and she and her parents are doing great.
    Jeremy Kranowitz, A&S '92, '03 (MS), writes: "I couldn't get enough as an undergrad, so I returned to JHU and received a master's degree in environmental science this year. I am approaching my first anniversary with the Keystone Center, a public policy mediation group, where I focus on resolving environmental and energy disputes. My family and I still love living in quirky, hippy Takoma Park, Maryland. Met up recently with Liz Eckstein, A&S '92, who works at the Washington City Paper, and Meg Searing Young, A&S '92, who works at the D.C. City Museum. Both are doing well and enjoying life."
    Beverly Moy, A&S '92, writes: "My husband, Brian, and I are thrilled to announce the birth of our second child, Daniel. He joins his big brother, Corey. On the work front, I am a medical oncologist at the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston."
    Nicole Winfield, A&S '92, works as an Associated Press foreign correspondent and lives in Rome with her husband, Vernon Silver. Nikie, who is fluent in Italian, French, and Spanish, has undertaken tours of reporting and editing duties in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Jerusalem, Qatar, and Iraq.


Kathleen Curry-Sparks, A&S '93, and her husband, Jim, welcomed their daughter, Raina Curry Sparks, on May 26, 2002. Kathleen, Jim, and Raina live in Berkeley, California, where Kathleen is studying nurse-midwifery at the University of California-San Francisco.
    Mohan Sathyamoorthy, Engr '93, '95 (MS), writes: "My wife, Heather, and I live in Nashville in an eclectic, up-and-coming part of town. Heather is a partner in a small advertising and marketing agency, and I'm a fellow in cardiovascular medicine and physician-scientist trainee investigating topics in vascular genomic biology." Anne Shachoy-Clark, A&S '93, and her husband, William Clark, announce the birth of their first child, Justin William Clark. He was born on June 2, 2003, and weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces.
    Raphael Yook, A&S '93, and Sandy Tang Yook welcomed their second child, Natalie Takmai, into the world on July 10, 2003. They write: "Big brother Adam loves and dislikes his sister at the same time, while Mom and Dad are trying to adapt to the increasing chaos."


Zafar S. Kahn, A&S '94, is currently doing a fellowship in spine surgery at the Leatherman Spine Institute in Louisville, Kentucky. He was recently married to Iram, who is also a physician, and they plan to move to San Diego this summer, where he will begin a practice in spine surgery.
    Sarah Manchester, A&S '94, has been a math teacher for eight years and coached a Mathcounts team that came in third in the nation last spring. She is the very happy mother of a wonderful 3-year-old girl, and she loves to play Scrabble.


Rachel (Schwartz) Murray, Engr '95, had a paper, "SPC Software for Section Control," accepted for a symposium on "Rail for the Future." The symposium was held by the American Railway Engineering and Maintenance-of-Way Association (AREMA) in Kansas City in September, 2003.
    Steven Winig, Engr '95, a principal in American Management Systems' Communications, Media, and Entertainment Group, is married with a 2-year-old daughter, Megan. He writes: "My family and I have been living in Texas for longer than the grandparents would like. In between visits from the grandparents, we have entertained a few Hopkins alumni, including Amy Berks, A&S '95, and Nemo Nguyen, Engr '95. Jason Levitz, A&S '95, and Joseph Bushey, Engr '95."


Irving Kau, A&S '96, is proud to announce the birth of Bailey Isaiah on September 20. He weighed in at 7 pounds, 13 ounces. Kau and his wife, Linda, were married on August 18, 2001. In attendance were groomsmen Thomas Yoo, Engr '96; Michael Lee, A&S '96; Cedric Cheung, A&S '96; as well as Wing Sze Shum, A&S '96; Sami Kanderian, Engr '98; and Mag Tan, Engr '99. He is currently working on his PhD in strategy at the University of Southern California after finishing his MBA at Rice University.
    Monica J. Maurer, Engr '96, gave birth to a baby boy, Lucas Kian George, on October 27 at Princesse Grasse Hospital in Monte Carlo. Her e-mail address is [email protected].


British A. Robinson, A&S '97 (MA), gave a speech at the United Nations ECOCSOC chamber at the invitation of the Hold See Mission to the U.N. on October 7, 2003, the 40th Anniversary of "Pacem in Terris" — a papal encyclical issued in 1963 on peace on Earth.
    Solito Sumulong, A&S '97, married Stephanie Per Due on July 5, 2003. Several JHU alumni attended, including best man Brian Katz, A&S '97; groomsman Derek Fahnestock, A&S '97; Neil Sander, Engr '97; Anthony DeBella, Engr '96, MS '98; Jason Hughes, Engr '02; and Tina Johnson, A&S '02. He writes: "We are both happy living in Delaware. I am currently working for DuPont and on opening the first chemistry museum in the country."
    Matthew Zaft, A&S '97, married Erin Chlopak, A&S '00, on August 31 at the Newark Museum in Newark, New Jersey. There were many Hopkins alumni in attendance. They spent their honeymoon in Hawaii, where Erin will remain for a one-year federal court clerkship. They will eventually settle in the Washington, D.C., area.


Matthew Edward Schernecke, A&S '98, has finished his clerkship with a judge in the Eastern District of New York (Brooklyn) and is living in Manhattan. He is now working for the firm of Morgan Lewis & Bockius in New York. He writes: "Drop me a line if you're ever in NYC."


Arvind Bakhru, Engr '99, is a medical student at the University of Rochester, class of 2005. He married Julie Mallinger, A&S '01, on June 22, 2003, on the Homewood campus.
    Neil Lobron, SPSBE '99, writes: "After spending 11 years at the White House Budget Office, I have recently moved to the consulting firm of Booz Allen Hamilton, where I hope to continue helping to maximize the taxpayers' return on investment by helping federal agencies and firms improve their capital planning processes."
    Tameika Lunn, A&S '99, Peab '99, writes: "I graduated from the George Washington National Law Center in May 2002, and I plan to practice law in Baltimore. I'm still singing." Daniel Okenfuss, A&S '99 (MA), is engaged to Ericka Peasley. They live in Sacramento, where he works as a legislative aide for California State Assembly member Dario Frommer.
    Rebecca (Geddes) Swisdak, A&S '99, writes: "I married Stephen Swisdak in October 2001. I've been working at JHU in the Romance Languages Department since December 2000, and I'm pursuing a master's in liberal arts in my spare time."
    NOTE: In the November issue we incorrectly referred to Shashi Murthy, Engr '99, using the female pronoun. He is now a postdoctoral research fellow at Harvard Medical School. We regret the error.


Karin Caifa, A&S '00, has been chosen by MSNBC for a new experiment to see what would happen if "cub reporters" were sent out on their own to cover the "political and personal dramas of eight men and one woman competing for the most powerful positions of leadership in the world." Caifa will be covering Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-Ohio) and is responsible for all shooting, reporting, editing, and producing of the pieces.
    Jason Hardy, Peab '00 (MM), was recently awarded the Rick Berg audience favorite award at the 10th biennial Fort Worth Opera Guild McCammon Voice Competition. He was awarded $1,000, in addition to a discretionary award of $1,000 for his performance of an aria from Benjamin Britten's Billy Budd.


Larry Lonergan, A&S '01, writes: "I received my commission as an officer in the United States Navy in September of 2001. Since then, I have completed pilot training and was designated a naval aviator in January of 2003. I am currently flying E-6B 'Tacamo's'. You can reach me at [email protected]." Melinda Rose, Nurs '01 (PhD), was presented with the 2003 Frank Lamendola Award for Leadership in HIV Nursing from the Association of Nurses in AIDS care. She was also awarded a phase II continuation grant from the Special Projects of National Significance, HIV/AIDS Bureau to continue her work in AIDS care. In August, she was promoted to chair of the Department of Professional Nursing at Georgetown's School of Nursing and Health Studies.


Kaisha Askins, Engr '02, writes: "Since graduation, I have been pursuing my love for music by singing professionally. I have been touring as one of two background singers for Vivian Green, a new R&B artist on Columbia Records. We began touring with Maxwell, another Columbia artist, in the summer of 2002 and most recently with Musiq Soulchild in the summer of 2003. We have appeared across the U.S. and Europe and on television programs varying from Jay Leno to Dateline. While continuing to travel, I am currently working on my own solo project and running my own marketing company."


Elizabeth Book, A&S '03 (MA), has been awarded the Robert Bosch Foundation Fellowship. Through this program, she will join a group of 20 American leaders who receive up to eight months of intensive German language training prior to the fellowship, complete two executive-level internships in the public and private sector, and participate in three seminars focusing on contemporary German and European issues.
    Melissa Sky-Eagle, Peab '03, is currently pursuing her Doctor of Musical Arts degree in piano performance at USC's Thornton School of Music. She recently received a distinguished academic scholarship and was named to the adjunct music faculty at the California Baptist University's School of Music in Riverside, California.

In Memoriam

1929: Harry D. Biele, A&S '29, died on April 11.

1934: Amalie Hafer Frank, A&S '34, a former minister of Unity Church on Capitol Hill and founder of CommUnity on the Hill Church, died on December 31. Ms. Frank retired in 1997. At the age of 67, Ms. Frank flew a Cessna 150 solo and learned to ride a motorcycle. She is survived by four children, nine grandchildren, and 16 great-grandchildren.

1940: Robert H. Fisher, A&S '40, a retired partner in a paper products distribution company and World War II veteran, died in October 2003. After World War II, he joined Robins Paper Co., a product distributor for paper mills, which his father co-owned. He was vice president and treasurer at his 1976 retirement. He was a founding member and trustee of Severna Park United Methodist Church and enjoyed sailing and power boating, fishing and square dancing.

1940: Charles W. Perry, Engr '40 (PhD), a retired chemical engineer, died on December 24. Mr. Perry, who wrote 16 publications and held two patents, retired in 1999 as a senior adviser to the Environmental Protection Agency. He was a member of several professional engineering organizations, a fellow of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, a member of Gaithersburg (Md.) Presbyterian Church, an avid reader, and a Civil War buff.

1943: Robert Day, Med '43, an ophthalmologist who practiced in Washington for more than a half-century, taught at George Washington University's medical school, and was a consultant to the National Institutes of Health, died on October 5, 2003. Dr. Day specialized in corneal transplants and glaucoma and was senior adviser at Washington Hospital Center, where he had been chief of the corneal clinic from 1958 to 1980.

1948: George H. Eichner, Engr '48, died in December. During his 49-year career with URS Greiner, he served on the engineering team that designed major projects such as the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, the Francis Scott Key Bridge, and the NASA Space Shuttle Landing Facility at Cape Canaveral. As vice president and senior airport consultant, he became known nationally in the profession. He was probably best known for his extensive work at BWI Airport.

1949: Jerome E. Shapiro, A&S '49, a psychiatrist and retired Social Security Administration official who was a lifelong Baltimore resident, died in September 2003. Dr. Shapiro was chief of Social Security's mental health branch in the Office of Disability from 1988 until his retirement in 2000. Previously, he had a private psychiatric practice and was a consultant for the Social Security Administration and the Methodist Board of Child Care.

1951: John T. "Jack" Gorsuch, Engr '51, '67 (MS), an accomplished engineer from a family with ties to Baltimore that go back centuries, died in September 2003. Mr. Gorsuch worked for General Electric, Westinghouse, and the Social Security Administration, and was an avid camper.

1952: William Campbell, Med '52, a pediatric urologist who also made huge contributions to the rose world, died on August 30. Dr. Campbell made great strides in the treatment of chronic bed-wetting, which is sometimes attributed to a hormonal imbalance. He was also an internationally recognized rose expert who established the High Country Rosarium in Denver, which his daughter moved to Utah when it outgrew its space.

1954: Julian T. Buxton Jr., Med '54, one of South Carolina's most well-known and beloved physicians and humanitarians, died in October. Dr. Buxton received numerous honors for his many achievements, including the Order of the Palmetto, South Carolina's highest civilian honor. Roper Hospital honored him last year when a surgical suite in its new tower was named in his honor. He is survived by his wife, seven children, and five grandchildren.

1957: Marie L. De Pasquale, Peab '57, who taught music in Baltimore public schools for nearly 40 years, died in October 2003 at Stella Maris Hospice in Timonium. Mrs. De Pasquale also enjoyed cooking, entertaining, and planning parties. She is survived by husband Joseph De Pasquale, Peab '55, two children, and five grandchildren.

1961: Elizabeth Snodgrass Smoley, A&S '61 (MA), former chair of Bethesda Help, an ecumenical nonprofit organization that provides services for the homeless and elderly, died on October 10, 2003. Mrs. Smoley was a Bethesda Help volunteer for more than 20 years, and in 1992, she received a Maryland's Most Beautiful People volunteer award, after being nominated by Montgomery County Community Service Partnership.

1962: Carol P. Lewis, A&S '62 (MA), SPH '76 (MA), '83 (PhD), a researcher who studied the prevention and control of chronic diseases, died in October 2003. Dr. Lewis worked for many years at the University of Maryland and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. She most recently held the title of research scientist emeritas and director of epidemiology at Bassett Healthcare in Cooperstown, New York.

1962: Robert H. Richard, Engr '62 (PhD), a defense industry scientist from Fairfax, Virginia, died on September 2, 2003. Dr. Richard retired from the Center for Naval Analysis in 1987 as group director. He had worked there since 1968, including a year as a visiting scientist at Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment in Portsmouth, England, and two years as the center's representative to the U.S. Sixth Fleet in Naples. Dr. Richard was a longtime volunteer at Food & Friends, the D.C. AIDS soup kitchen, and he helped to establish Friends of the Chantilly Library. He also was a painter, genealogy researcher, tennis player, and hiker.

1967: Anthony John Darin de Lorenzo, Med '67, A&S '50 (MA), physician, educator, medical researcher, and decorated war veteran, died on October 5, 2003, after a long illness. Dr. de Lorenzo published over 100 papers and contributed to more than a dozen books on the cellular structure and biochemistry of the brain. He was inducted as a fellow of several medical societies, including the American Psychiatric Association, the American Academy of Psychiatrists, the American Academy of Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, the American Academy of Neurology, and the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology.

1968: William B. Emison, SPH '68 (MPH), who worked for the Smithsonian Institute and the Chesapeake Bay Centre for Environmental Research, died in December 1999. He conducted research on the whistling swan and was part of the team undertaking an environmental impact study in Amchitka Island in the late 1960s. In late 1971, he emigrated to Australia, where he studied wildlife.

1969: Janet Miller, SPH '69 (MPH), a clinical psychologist and former Bel Air resident, died in September 2003. Dr. Miller was a past president of the Medical Alliance and Community Counseling Center, both in San Luis Obispo, where she moved in 1985 and had a private practice.

The Woodrow Wilson Award
Recognizes distinguished public service

Dr. Philip Russell, A&S '54, has served his country at the highest levels in the fields of infectious disease and vaccine development. He served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps from 1959 to 1990, specializing in medical research, and later became senior adviser to the assistant secretary for public health emergency preparedness and response in the Department of Health and Human Services, where he currently works on developing vaccines against bioweapons.

Heritage Award
Recognizes outstanding service to Johns Hopkins University

Catherine DeAngelis followed up her distinguished career at Johns Hopkins by becoming the first woman editor in the 116-year history of The Journal of the American Medical Association, one of the most prestigious positions in medical journalism. At Johns Hopkins Hospital, she established and served as the director of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, the director of the Pediatric Residency Program, and the deputy chair of Pediatrics. In 1990, she was appointed associate dean and was eventually promoted to vice-dean of academic affairs and faculty.

Distinguished Alumni Award
Recognizes personal, professional, or humanitarian achievement

Isabella Harrison, Med '38, who was one of the first women to be certified by the American Board of Surgery, is extending her philanthropic generosity to help other women follow in her footsteps. She completed her residency at Church Home and Hospital and, in 1947, became the first woman to serve as chief resident in surgery. In 1999, she established the Isabella Harrison, M.D. Scholarship for Medical Education, providing scholarships for women medical students at Johns Hopkins who are interested surgical careers.

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