Course: Primate Behavior & Ecology
Instructor: Mark Teaford, Professor,
Center for Functional Anatomy and Evolution, School of
Medicine. For his research into the diet of our early
ancestors, Teaford studies the teeth of human ancestors,
museum collections of modern animals, and live primates in
the wild.
Course Description: This course, offered on the
Homewood campus, gives undergraduates a close look at
mankind's closest living relatives. Topics include past and
present distributions of primates, primate taxonomy,
feeding and diet, reproduction, social organization,
community relationships, and conservation.
Reading List:
Primates in Nature, Alison F. Richard (1985).
The Nonhuman Primates, Phyllis Dolhinow and Agustin
Fuentes (1999).
Plus selections from:
The Human Career, 2nd ed., Richard G. Klein
This Is Biology: The Science of the Living World,
Ernst Mayr (1997).
Sudden Origins: Fossils, Genes, and the Emergence of
Species, Jeffrey H. Schwartz (1999).
Primate Behavioral Ecology, Karen B. Strier
In the Shadow of Man, Jane Goodall (1971).
Lucy's Legacy, Alison Jolly (1999).
How Monkeys See the World, Dorothy L. Cheney and
Robert M. Seyfarth (1990).
The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of
Extinction, David Quammen (1996).