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The World, in Eight Weeks
By Michael Anft
As foreign news coverage decreases, the Johns Hopkins- affiliated International Reporting Project bridges the news gap between Americans and the rest of the world.

Highlights from the Collection
By Catherine Pierre
The Alan M. Chesney Medical Archives just celebrated its 30th anniversary with an updated and more user-friendly Web site. Here we offer a sampling of the collection.

Cue the Noise Section
By Dale Keiger
As Matmos, Krieger School assistant professor of English Andrew Daniel and his partner, Martin Schmidt, make music from some unlikely sources.

A Fired Cop, a Search for Justice
By Michael Anft
Teresa Chambers, an adjunct professor in the School of Education, was fired as chief of the U.S. Park Police after talking to a reporter. She wants her job back.

Facing the Oil Problem
By Charles F. Doran, SAIS '66, A&S '69 (PhD)
A call for an energy policy that would spark outside-the-box basic research, end dependence on foreign oil, and reduce death and destruction on the nation's highways.

  Wholly Hopkins

Wholly Hopkins: Matters of note from around Johns Hopkins

University: Daniels elected president

Capital Campaign: The final tally is in

Computational Science: A big idea for big data

Books: Memories no longer silent

Africana Studies: Recording a neighborhood

Chemistry: Circuits from peptides

In Memoriam: Elaine Stotko

Bioethics: The right pandemic response

Sports: Never better

Public Health: A mysterious rise in suicides

Wholly Hopkins:   Syllabus | Investigations | Academese | Forever Altered | Here & Abroad | Bottom Line | Vignette | Up & Comer | Findings | JHUniverse | Vital Signs


Contributors: Worldly Explorations
The Big Question: How Much of the Current Financial Meltdown Was Created by the Human Mind?
The Big Picture: On the Horizon
Editor's Note: News Hole
Letters: The Docs Weigh In on Health Care
Essay: Talking Pictures
Golomb's Gambits™ Genesis Trivia Quiz
Ruminations: No Small Wonder
Alumni Notes and Awards
Alumni News
Your Other Life: Arts and Sciences


Johns Hopkins
Magazine, February 2009

  The Johns Hopkins Magazine | 901 S. Bond St. | Suite 540 | Baltimore, MD 21231
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