50th Anniversary Edition · · · · · · · · · · · · Johns Hopkins Pioneers Guestbook
cool site Im like it So far, the best website I've found for life insurance is www.livelife.com. I saw a few postings below and thought you might like this site better! Shannon <[email protected]> Las Vegas, NV - Wednesday, June 18, 2003 at 16:16:55 (EDT) I have just finished watching" Larry King Live."the show was on manic depression and bipolar. one of the guest's were Dr.Kay Jamison among several other well know people that have this illness. i would like to express my thanks to her for being an example of success to ones that was without hope of ever leading a normal life. my son Adam and daughter Angela have bipolar .so for the past eight years it has been a roller coaster ride trying medications until one or a combination has worked. both my children are doing well now but Adam is having a rough time adjusting to life in general, he no longer has friends ,only me his mother and brothers and sisters.he hasn't yet started working again and really doesn't have a work background to fall back on,for he was diognosed with bipolar when he was 18 but i am sure he was bipolr a year before that ,he is now 25 years old. the pain is undescribable as to how i feel because of what this illness has done to my family and i truly believe when a family member you love goes through manic depression they become ill as well. i have to take a combination of medicine for my anxzity and depression now and also have to see a therpist to be able to cope. one way i have been able to cope is writing poetry and i would like to include one with this message that i wrote during a very trying time. "Fear" The least little noise will make my heart race, And the heat and blood i feel come up in my face. With my heart pounding i can hardly hear, Was the noise coming from where i fear? I set there and listen still as a stone, Was it just the wind or is something wrong ? Please God i pray don't let it be from within, Let it be outside ,let it be the wind. In a little while i will call out his name , Yet fearing for that is where the noise came. In the tone that he answers i can tell if he is alright, If its going to be a restless or a peaceful night. Or will it be the same as so many nights before, My heart is breaking ,how can he take anymore. He seems to be getting better with each passing day, But the fear of the pass ,it just won't go away. Mary Joyce Lawhorn Mary Joyce Lawhorn <[email protected]> Bowling Green, Ky - Thursday, May 29, 2003 at 01:50:30 (EDT) ASABAAAAAAA. ASABA <[email protected]> USA, ASA - Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 05:43:39 (EDT) Great work! Mark <[email protected] > - Thursday, May 22, 2003 at 02:37:02 (EDT) go to Loopy Sheepys Rachael <[email protected]> loopysheepys.dot.nu, loopysheepys.dot.nu - Friday, May 02, 2003 at 17:53:00 (EDT) go to http://loopysheepys.dot.nu Rachael <[email protected]> loopysheepys.dot.nu, loopysheepys.dot.nu - Friday, May 02, 2003 at 17:52:24 (EDT) I liked the magazine a lot as I just 5 minutes ago remembered to take the . . . M.T. <[email protected]> SF, CA - Saturday, April 26, 2003 at 15:56:55 (EDT) This place This place all too familiar unwanted keeper of my soul Endless days and nights spent searching A life known long ago A place so dark and empty even angels fear to go All pathways lead to nowhere Vast caverns doomed to roam Memories hang like cobwebs This darkness is my home I remember music Walks in sunlights warmth Now laughters just an echo Faceless shadows are all i find Anguish to keep company This prison is my mind Nance Damico R.N.Attn Dr Kay Redfield Jamison <[email protected]> wilmington, de 19803 - Saturday, April 26, 2003 at 14:42:16 (EDT) This place This place all too familiar unwanted keeper of my soul Endless days and nights spent searching A life known long ago A place so dark and empty even angels fear to go All pathways lead to nowhere Vast caverns doomed to roam Memories hang like cobwebs This darkness is my home I remember music Walks in sunlights warmth Now laughters just an echo Faceless shadows are all i find Anguish to keep company This prison is my mind Nance Damico Attn Dr Kay Redfield Jamison <[email protected]> wilmington, de 19803 - Saturday, April 26, 2003 at 14:40:42 (EDT) This place This place all too familiar unwanted keeper of my soul Endless days and nights spent searching A life known long ago A place so dark and empty aeven angels fear to go All pathways lead to nowhere Vast caverns doomed to roam Memories hang like cobwebs This darkness is my home I remember music Walks in sunlights warmth Now laughters just an echo Faceless shadows are all i find Anguish to keep company This prison is my mind Nance Damico Attn Dr Kay Redfield Jamison <[email protected]> wilmington, de 19803 - Saturday, April 26, 2003 at 14:39:27 (EDT) Everquest Platinum EverQuest Platinum - Sunday, April 20, 2003 at 05:01:45 (EDT) wealth building day trading system stock trading strategies swing trading methods qqq trading futures trading system stock options trading strategies e mini trading commodity trading [email protected]> Los Angeles, CA - Sunday, April 13, 2003 at 15:31:51 (EDT) Thanks for the great site! Keep up the good work. Term Life Insurance Quote. I look forward to reading future issues. jake <[email protected]> - Friday, April 11, 2003 at 15:37:23 (EDT) Hallo, many greetings from Germany & peace for the world Frank Tickets f�r Musicals & Konzerte Frank - Thursday, April 03, 2003 at 03:15:43 (EST) I found this site very informative Vision Club Don <[email protected]> - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 01:24:50 (EST) I found this site very informative Vision Club Don <[email protected]> - Tuesday, March 25, 2003 at 01:22:55 (EST) HENRIETTA LACKS A PIONEER IN HER OWN TIME. ONE MORE BLACK WOMAN TO BE PROUD OF. HOW WE THINK, THAT WE JUST LIVE, NEVER KNOWING WE CONTRIBUTE EVERYDAY MAKING HISTORY. HATS OFF TO MRS. LACKS...YOU GO GIRL.... PAULLETTE SIMS WIMBERLY <[email protected]> MIAMI GARDENS, FLORIDA, 33056 - Friday, March 21, 2003 at 01:41:33 (EST) HENRIETTA LACKS A PIONEER IN HER OWN TIME. ONE MORE BLACK WOMAN TO BE PROUD OF. HOW WE THINK, THAT WE JUST LIVE, NEVER KNOWING WE CONTRIBUTE EVERYDAY MAKING HISTORY. HATS OFF TO MRS. LACKS...YOU GO GIRL.... PAULLETTE SIMS WIMBERLY <[email protected]> MIAMI GARDENS, FLORIDA, 33056 - Friday, March 21, 2003 at 01:40:09 (EST) i dey here oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo mugu <[email protected]> new york, new york - Thursday, March 13, 2003 at 18:50:05 (EST) Hallo, many greetings from Germany Frank http://www.aida-tickets.de Frank - Monday, March 10, 2003 at 15:26:32 (EST) Great guestbook and website design... Pat Darny, Miami, Florida. Pat Darny <[email protected]> Miami, FL - Friday, February 28, 2003 at 13:52:25 (EST) Your website design is cool... Vladimir, Courant, New York, NY. Thanks. Vladimir Courant <[email protected]> New York, NY - Friday, February 28, 2003 at 12:58:28 (EST) Great website design Ben Glimp Florida guestbook Thanks. Ben Glimp <[email protected]> FL - Friday, February 28, 2003 at 12:12:12 (EST) Hi, I found your site and spent a while surfing around. Great job! term life insurance Lew <[email protected]> Charleston, SC - Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 01:51:50 (EST) Wise Project Undertaken by Wise People Khalid Kurdi <[email protected]> Amman , Jordan - Thursday, January 30, 2003 at 14:14:46 (EST) Great Site! Interesting content! Vladimir Courant guestbook. Thanks... Vladimir Courant guestbook <http://www.math.nyu.edu/research/khasilev/> New York , NY - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 18:40:11 (EST) I awoke on April 5, 2002 to what would become a father's worst nightmare. My oldest son, Matthew, a First Class Midshipman (Systems Engineering Major)at the United States Naval Academy, had been born 22 years earlier that very day. I received a call from his mother at work informing me that Matthew had been admitted to Walter Reed Army Medical Center Psychiatric ward with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. Only six weeks from his graduation and commisioning. Our world had turned inside out and upside down. The recovery story is long and painful, he took his medicine and things got better. Your book, An Unquiet Mind, was an enormous help. But he has stopped taking his medication, got a job, moved out, and now he has that look in his eyes again. Please, Doctor Jamison, can you help us understand what is happening? What can we do? What can Matthew do to understand this condition better? Please, oh please, send back some sort of reply! Thank you for your time. bk Bill Kavanagh <[email protected]> easton, PA - Tuesday, January 28, 2003 at 16:44:14 (EST) This is a great sight. I was looking up information on my second cousin, William Foxwell Albright, for a report and I got all the information I needed. Thank you. Stephanie Foxwell <[email protected]> Monona, Iowa - Monday, January 27, 2003 at 22:24:56 (EST) Love the site day trading Terry day trading <[email protected]> - Thursday, December 26, 2002 at 08:51:28 (EST) Love the site day trading Terry <[email protected]> mi - Tuesday, December 24, 2002 at 11:53:23 (EST) please i don finish this site ohooooooooo beaware ejiro <mugu [email protected]> abidjan, - Saturday, December 21, 2002 at 08:29:09 (EST) I'm bipolar. I have long admired Dr. Jamison beginning with her book, "Touched With Fire." I would like to share some interesting information with her. It's about how I have apparently cured my pervasive depression, at least since July, as well as most of the rest of the normal symptoms of manic-depression. I'm 54 years old, so this is very unique, I think. I have suffered from severe Bipolar Affective Disorder all my life. No one in my family ever recovered from depression in their mid-fifties. It appears that I have. I would appreciate it if you could give me her email direction, or else, ask her to get in touch with me. I think this is potentially a significant thing, however, I'm reticent to discuss it with anyone else. Thanking you for your expedient attention to this matter, I remain, Very truly yours, Mark <[email protected]> Santiago, Chile - Tuesday, December 03, 2002 at 22:35:47 (EST) Hi! I'm Brian. I really like your site, it's usefull and informative. I am working for discount magazine subscription comparison service. I find your site while searching for magazine related sites and It's a pleasure to sign your guestbook. Thanks! Brian - magazine subscriptions <[email protected]> Texas, Texas - Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 05:08:29 (EDT) I just discovered your site and want to thank you for all your work. Hope there will be more and more resources provided. Thanks again wooden toys Kevin <[email protected]> Manville, RI - Friday, August 30, 2002 at 01:47:57 (EDT) Very nice website. Please visit my website!!! :) http://www.metropolis5000.com Webmaestro Miami, Florida - Wednesday, August 21, 2002 at 03:07:08 (EDT) Hi, I found your site and spent a while here. It's quite interesting and informative...I'll probably visit again soon. take care, chris day trading chris <[email protected]> sf, ca - Wednesday, August 07, 2002 at 20:32:08 (EDT) THIS SITE WAS AN EXCELLENT FIND! PLEASE KEEP THIS THING REAL. THANKS NIA nia redmond <ROXCELANNA @ AOL,COM> BALTIMOR, MD - Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 03:02:41 (EDT) We have given piano recitals at the famous Pump Room in Bath for the last 23 years. Pianists from all over the World come to play for us. We are in need of a good rehearsal piano, as the Pump Room is a reasturant throughout the day. Can you help us out? Contact me at Tom Clarke. A.R.A.M. The Bath Recital Artists' Trust 1 North Parade Buildings, Bath BA1 1NS, Somerset, England. Telephone 01225-314344. Thanks a million times. Tom Clarke <Tm [email protected]> Bath, England. - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 09:54:51 (EST) Enjoyed the site immensely. Well layed out and very informative.contact-lenses-direct Michael Ferrar <[email protected]> Fullerton, Ca - Thursday, December 13, 2001 at 00:10:20 (EST) Today I sent this email to the President of the USA. His minions may no doubt ignore it but we cannot allow that - please therefore support my request by doing the same, in thousands. [email protected] 9 December 2001 Mr George W Bush President of the United States Dear Mr President Today I stand at your door and knock. Today I ask you to do what you must know in your heart, is right What I ask, you can do - it is very much within your power. Whatever cloak of justification or motive you may wear in doing it, is of no interest to me - I just ask that you do it. If I can appeal direct to the Lord God himself and he will hear this supplicant Surely I can speak direct to the President of the United States - a personage much lesser than the Almighty Why should I not be considered? Today I am one. Tomorrow I will be many Tomorrow, what I ask will be exactly the same as I ask today No more, no less. I will keep asking the United States until I can no longer draw breath. After me, many others will ask this same thing The United States must rectify this shame There is no other way of honor, dignity or integrity Tenets your office claim to hold so highly. "I am a 51 year old Afro Caribbean. I have only once since a boy, wept from obvious distress. Today I did, when I read about the travesty of white America's contempt towards the legacy of Henrietta Lacks. What then in the name of all that is right before Almighty God, can the words of the battle hymn of the Republic mean! His truth is marching on? The USA continues its actions across the earth, of killing people of colour. Yes, it also feeds many but it kills them too. Many. I appeal to you as the highest power of the most powerful nation on the face of God's earth, Rectify the injustice relating to the memory of Henrietta Lacks I am resolved to keep asking you and your successor(s), again and again and again and again and again. and again and again. To our last breath. "Please order the uplift of the remains of Henrietta Lacks and re-inter them in the US national cemetery with full honours." Read this righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps. We have sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat. Let America sift out its heart before His judgement seat. He is wisdom to the mighty, He is honor to the brave. Until the day America faces this shame and rectifies it, We as children of the living God of all peoples, Will not become weary, and our numbers shall multiply. The truth can never be defeated. Our God is marching on. Do the right thing. Thank you, sir. . Winston S Wallace <[email protected]> Chelmsford , Essex UK - Sunday, December 09, 2001 at 08:10:11 (EST) I am a 51 year old Afro Caribbean. I have only once since a boy, wept from obvious distress. Today I did, when I read here the travesty of white America's contempt towards the legacy of Henrietta Lacks. What then in the name of all that is right before God, can the words of the battle hymn of the Republic mean! His truth is marching on? The USA still continues its actions across the earth, of killing people of colour. I have today written in strongest terms to the American embassy with my protest about the injustice to the memory of Mrs Lacks and I will continue to do so, again and again and again and again and again...... We must stand together on this. We must keep appealing to America. We must keep doing so to our last breath. I am resolved to keep appealing to America to uplift the remains of Henrietta Lacks and re-inter it in the US national cemetery with full honours. Until America faces its shame and rectifies it, we as children of the living God of all peoples, must not become weary, for the truth can never be defeated. Winston Samuel WALLACE <[email protected]> Chelmsford CM1 6LA, Essex, United Kingdom - Sunday, December 09, 2001 at 06:56:43 (EST) This site is very interesting indeed, and it has enlightened me. It is crucial that we all know and understand the importances of these scrolls and other docuements...and just as important that we know WHO was and is responsible for helping all to uncover the truths in regards to the age and authenticities of such as well. A very helpful site....thank you Charlotte Fay Cannon-Asher charlotte fay cannon-asher <[email protected]> jackson, missouri - Wednesday, November 14, 2001 at 21:16:13 (EST) Anything Dr.Jamison writes is a blessing to read. I have learned so many things from her. It's people like her who will make it easier for people with manic-depression to get help and see that there truly is hope!! Sheri <[email protected]> Billings, MT - Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 00:07:38 (EDT) Enjoyed the site immensely, particularly the SIMPLY CPR notes re defibrillation. Is it possible that Dr Kouwenhoven visited the Colorado Medical Society in late 50's? Someone from JH did and provided the schematic diagram for an AC defibrillator. Built one and saved a couple of lives! JGP James G. Price, M.D. <[email protected]> Leawood, KS - Monday, March 26, 2001 at 09:50:31 (EST) I enjoyed my visit. Your site was informative and well organized. Best regards and many blessings, http://expage.com/seeingthefuture Doug Snedden <[email protected]> Ottawa, Canada - Thursday, February 08, 2001 at 09:44:31 (EST) I enjoyed my visit. Your site was informative and well organized. Best regards and many blessings, http://expage.com/seeingthefuture Doug Snedden <http://expage.com/seeingthefuture> Ottawa, Canada - Thursday, February 08, 2001 at 09:43:32 (EST) I would like to say hello and to establish correspondence with Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Srsic, a contemporary during our JHH residency training days. May I request you to please forward this message in my behalf, my e-mail address is: [email protected] Thank you for your kind help. Sincerely, Dr. Jose S. Baens Dr.Jose Baens(OB-GYN)Res. 1954-59 <[email protected]> Manila, - Monday, December 11, 2000 at 20:34:55 (EST) Truly enjoyed the issue with the exception of the Stephen Teret article. As evidenced by the on-line responses to date, I don't have to go further...they say it all...... Maybe future issues could carry more anecdotal short comments about these and other Pioneers such as C.D. Long, Owen Lattimore, Lynn Poole (Dir. of PR) etc. Richard Zibner BS'56 Long Island, NY Richard Zibner <[email protected]> Roslyn Heights, NY - Sunday, April 23, 2000 at 21:11:21 (EDT) It's wonderfull magazine that I know Congrats Sugiono sugiono <[email protected]> Atlanta, Georgia - Thursday, April 13, 2000 at 18:27:16 (EDT)