Tales from the Crust
By Melissa Hendricks
Grab a pickax and join the fossil hunt in Meridian, Mississippi,
where paleontologist Christopher Beard (PhD '90) is putting forth
provocative ideas about how--and where--primates evolved.
Winter Escapes
By Joanne Cavanaugh Simpson
Side together, tap, step, triple step... January's Intersession
courses offer a welcome chance for students to relax and
"dabble," in classes ranging from origami to West Coast swing.
In the Neighborhood
By Emily Carlson (MA '01)
For Korean Americans living in the Baltimore community and
beyond, the barriers to healthcare are many. Nursing's Miyong Kim
has made it her mission to provide solutions.
Historic Obligations
By Dale Keiger
Civil war historian James McPherson (PhD '63) dignifies the dead
soldiers of 140 years ago, and the reading public as well. "I do
try to write for both the learned and the un-learned," he
Star Light, Star Bright, First One
Million Galaxies I See Tonight...
By Geoff Brumfiel (MA '01)
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey will answer questions about the very
origins of our universe--and forever change the way astronomy is

Breakthroughs and more, on the scientific front
News from across the university
Vital Signs
At the bedside and in the lab: the latest in medicine
Food for thought, from the arts and humanities
Policy matters from around the globe

Editor's Note
Alumni Notes
Alumni News
Contributors to the April Issue

Cover illustration by Guy Billout