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Home Team
By Dale Keiger
For Johns Hopkins men's lacrosse, there are no bigger fans than Mom and Dad. Meet the diehard parents for whom Saturday — no matter what — is game day.
Plus: 100 Years of Homewood
Field History

By Neil A. Grauer, A&S ' 69

Neither Simple Nor Innocent
By Maria Blackburn
English professor Richard Halpern has spent a lot of time studying Norman Rockwell's work. Think it's the epitome of innocence? Think again.

More Than a Feeling
By Michael Anft
Allison Okamura and her team at the Haptics Exploration Lab want to give robots a sense of touch. Their work may make some surgery faster and safer.

The Merger State
By David McKay Wilson
Whether treating patients or treating audiences to a great show, psychiatrist and jazz musician Denny Zeitlin, Med '64, is looking for a deep connection.

  Wholly Hopkins

Wholly Hopkins: Matters of note from around Johns Hopkins

Peabody: Martha Clarke guides 'New Works'

University: The many faces of Hopkins

Bioethics: Learning to tackle tough questions

History: Peace via all-out war

Medicine: Catching, and releasing, a cold

Interfaith Center: Chaplain departs for Yale

Business: Students are open for business

Engineering: Solving a sticky problem

Sports: A banner year for basketball

Wholly Hopkins:   Syllabus | Investigations | Academese | Forever Altered | Here & Abroad | Bottom Line | Vignette | Up & Comer | Findings | JHUniverse | Vital Signs


Contributors to the April Issue
The Big Question: Will University Presses Survive Open Access?
The Big Picture: Images From the Field
Editor's Note: Tiger Mother
Essay: Inaction Hero
Alumni Notes and Awards
Alumni News
Your Other Life: Coach Cowboy

Johns Hopkins
Magazine, April 2007

  The Johns Hopkins Magazine | 901 S. Bond St. | Suite 540 | Baltimore, MD 21231
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