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Investing in Discovery, Teaching, Innovation, and Our Future
Campaign by the Numbers
Support for Research: $1.27 billion | for initiatives from malaria to nanobiotechnology
Support for Faculty: $236.7 million | 95 faculty chairs
Shelf Life
Support for Students: $301 million | 550 scholarships and graduate fellowships
Support for Programs: $1.01 billion | for academic, clinical, and policy efforts
In the News...
Support for Facilities: $680.4 million | 24 buildings constructed or renovated

Investing in Discovery, Teaching, Innovation, and Our Future

On December 31, 2008, Johns Hopkins concluded the Knowledge for the World campaign, raising more than $3.7 billion in support of student aid, faculty, research, programs, and facilities.

The campaign, which ran for eight and a half years, raised more money than all but one other campaign in U.S. higher education history and attracted contributions from more than 250,000 donors around the world. Gifts to the Knowledge for the World campaign helped establish the new Carey Business School and the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center, endowed the deanship of the university's Whiting School of Engineering, added a new quadrangle to the Homewood campus, and provided millions of dollars in ongoing annual support for the work of the university and the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System.

University President Ron Daniels points to the participation number as indicative of both the strength and depth of support for Johns Hopkins. "Our alumni and friends have put Johns Hopkins in a position to make extraordinary discoveries and to apply our knowledge for the common good," Daniels says. "We are committed to using these generous investments in Johns Hopkins wisely and effectively." In the following pages, we explore the impact of the Knowledge for the World campaign and how the investments by Johns Hopkins alumni and friends in discovery, teaching, and innovation will enrich lives around the world for decades to come.

Discover more about how gifts to the Knowledge for the World campaign are ensuring a brighter future at

Amount raised for faculty support: $236.7 million
Photo by David Current

Amount raised for program support: $1.01 billion
Photo by Bruce Weller

Amount raised for deans' and directors' priorities: $241.9 million
Photo by Richard Anderson

Amount raised for facilities: $680.4 million
Photo by Larry Canner

Amount raised for research: $1.27 billion
Photo by Clark Vandergrift

Amount raised for student aid: $301 million
Photo by Dave Harp

Campaign by the Numbers

Total amount raised during the Knowledge for the World campaign:

Length of campaign, in years:

Original goal set by trustees in 2000:
$2 billion

Extended goal set by trustees in 2006:
$3.2 billion

Total number of gifts:

Average gift amount:

Number of gifts made online:

Amount given by alumni:

Total number of donors:

Number of alumni donors:

Number of corporations that gave:

Number of faculty and staff who gave:

Number of parents of students who gave:

Number of first-time donors:

Number of states represented by donors:
50 (and Washington, D.C.)

Number of countries represented:

Percentage of total raised outside Maryland:

Number of scholarships and graduate fellowships established during the campaign:

Number of professorships established during the campaign:

Number of deanships, directorships, and curatorships established during the campaign:

Number of buildings constructed or renovated during the campaign:

Total square footage of new space:

Amount raised for faculty support:
$236.7 million

Amount raised for program support:
$1.01 billion

Amount raised for deans' and directors' priorities:
$241.9 million

Amount raised for facilities:
$680.4 million

Amount raised for research:
$1.27 billion

Amount raised for student aid:
$301 million

Support for Research:
$1.27 billion | for initiatives from malaria to nanobiotechnology

Discovering a World Without Malaria?

Sometimes the most important question a scientist can ask is a childlike one: What if?

Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena, an entomologist at the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute, wondered more specifically: What if we could create a new type of mosquito that could not transmit malaria to humans?

This kind of vision is the hallmark of the institute, which was founded in 2001 with a gift of $100 million from Michael R. Bloomberg, Engr '64, former chair of the university's board of trustees and mayor of New York City. Since then, scientists have worked to combat a disease that threatens 40 percent of the world's population and kills more than 1 million people every year. Malaria is caused by parasites that reproduce inside humans and are passed from person to person by female Anopheles mosquitoes.

Johns Hopkins researchers like Marcelo Jacobs-Lorena are confronting pressing challenges — such as how to eradicate a disease that kills more than 1 million people worldwide each year.
Photo by David Cowell
"When I helped establish the Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute, I knew there would be no quick fix for malaria," says Bloomberg. "Basic research was needed to understand the parasite. And the institute's world-renowned faculty have delivered. Their insights are changing malaria science and providing new hope in the battle against one of humanity's most lethal diseases."

Since its founding, most of the institute's efforts have focused on traditional solutions like bed nets, insecticides, and antimalarial drugs. The institute set out to find new ways to fight this ancient disease. To this end, it serves as a gathering place for scientists from across Johns Hopkins, attacking the disease from every angle — from vaccines and treatment drugs to quicker diagnostic tests to building a "better" mosquito.

"Research is not about plowing the same row repeatedly or resting on your laurels," says Peter Agre, Med '74, director of the institute and a Nobel laureate in chemistry. "Research is about looking ahead for new ways to advance science with the goal of improving the well-being of humanity."

In 2002, Jacobs-Lorena and his colleagues gained worldwide acclaim for creating a mosquito that carried a gene that thwarted the development of the malaria parasite by 80 percent. More recently, they announced that after nine generations, when fed malaria-infected blood, their genetically engineered mosquito had out-survived the unaltered, malaria-friendly mosquitoes by more than two to one. The next challenge is finding a way to drive the gene into natural mosquito populations. "With the effort and financing being put forward," Jacobs-Lorena says, "I think we will start making much more rapid progress."

By thinking differently and researching doggedly, the scientists at the institute have reason to be optimistic that their already life-saving work will someday soon help save millions more.
—Kristi Birch

Support for Faculty:
$236.7 million | 95 faculty chairs

A Family Investment

Edith Salisbury, Bus '73, was only in her 50s when she suffered a major cerebral hemorrhage. She was taken immediately to the Johns Hopkins Hospital, but the outlook was grim, and the family was told to prepare for the worst.

Salisbury, "Bunny" to her friends, had led a healthy life and with her husband, Charlie, was an active member of the Baltimore community and busy raising two girls. But Salisbury was near death, and there was little hope for her family to cling to when she was placed in the hands of Daniele Rigamonti.

The Salisbury family — from left, Edith G. (Bunny) Salisbury, Katherine G. Salisbury, Ann Salisbury Staley, and Charles H. Salisbury Jr., with Daniele Rigamonti, center — created a professorship to support Rigamonti's research after the neurosurgeon saved Edith's life.
Photo by Bob Stockfield
Rigamonti, a world-renowned neurosurgeon, made his way to Johns Hopkins from Italy and quickly established himself as a gifted professor, a groundbreaking researcher, and a man of great compassion.

That day, he saved Salisbury's life. After months of rehabilitation, Salisbury left the hospital and returned home in good health. "I would not be alive today if Charlie had not gotten me to Johns Hopkins," Salisbury says. "Dr. Rigamonti and his colleagues saved my life, and by extension, saved my family."

Doctors told her husband: Never forget you are living with a miracle.

Over the years, the Salisburys quietly made gifts in support of Rigamonti's innovative research, which has advanced the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of vascular diseases that affect the brain and spinal cord. They dreamed of doing more, and in 2007, together with their daughters, made a commitment to establish the Salisbury Family Professorship in Neurosurgery with Rigamonti named the inaugural recipient.

"I witnessed firsthand the care and the skills of this department," Charlie Salisbury says. "I made a promise to myself to do something significant."

The Salisburys' commitment will help Rigamonti further his pioneering work in several crucial areas, including reversing dementia caused by hydrocephalus and understanding the genetics behind cerebral vascular malformations. For Charlie and Bunny, the professorship is not a gift but an investment in Johns Hopkins neurosurgery-one that will allow Rigamonti to touch many more lives just as he touched theirs.
— Karen Rivers

Shelf Life

Go, Tell Michelle: African American Women Write to the New First Lady, compiled and edited by Barbara A. Seals and Peggy Brooks-Bertram, SPH '72, '79 (DrPH) (State of New York Press, 2009)
The compilers also are co-founders of Uncrowned Queens Institute for Research and Education on Women at State University of New York at Buffalo. About 80 respondents to an e-mail survey mostly praise Ms. Obama's blackness, beauty, family — especially her mother's presence in the White House — and values. Many say she shares their dreams and they pray for her. Inevitably, the off-beat are more memorable: the Mississippi teacher who sends her recipe for pecan pie, the Buffalo psychiatrist who says, "Open the door on mental illness." Oh yes, English majors, the preface explains that comma in the title. It's ethnic.

King's Dream, by Eric J. Sundquist, A&S '76 (MA), '78 (PhD) (Yale University Press, 2009)
This exegesis of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech finds the Bible, jazz, Jefferson, Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, FDR, and JFK among his inspirations. King's eloquence that day in 1963 followed 100 years of injustice to blacks since Emancipation. King often embellished his warning that the nation must rise "from the quicksands of racial injustice to the solid rock of brotherhood." Readers now have that basis to measure the responses of a new-age orator, Barack Obama, to such challenges bound to batter him.
— Lew Diuguid, SAIS '63


Support for Students:
$301 million | 550 scholarships and graduate fellowships

From Johns Hopkins to the World

As a Peace Corps volunteer in Panama from 2003 to 2006, Chris Meyer, SAIS '08, saw firsthand the devastating effects of deforestation on the country's eastern Darien Province. Subsistence farmers used slash-and-burn techniques to create grazing land for cattle, in the process hurting both the region's economy and its environment. But the farmers, caught in a vicious cycle, were unable to make a living off their land without destroying it. Meyer left Panama resolved to do something to help, a resolution that led him to the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies to study international relations and development.

"Scholarship money is necessary for SAIS to be able to compete and to continue to be the best, so it reflects a key priority of the institution," says Pamela Flaherty, pictured here with her husband, Peter. "We are both grateful for the education we received at SAIS. We have many close friends from that time at SAIS. ... So for us, it was the obvious way to give back." Pamela and Peter Flaherty had also resolved to make a difference. As SAIS alumni and Johns Hopkins leaders (Pamela, SAIS '68, is chair of the Johns Hopkins University Board of Trustees, and Peter, SAIS '68, serves as chair of the SAIS Advisory Council), the Flahertys understood the important role of fellowships in attracting and supporting future international leaders. And so they created a fellowship, giving promising students like Meyer, the 2007 recipient, the opportunity to build skills and acquire the knowledge necessary to carry out bold ideas and innovative projects.

"My goal in life is to do some work that benefits society," Meyer says. "SAIS prepared me by giving me a very good base in development theory and gave me the tools I needed to design contracts and negotiations and to build the relationships I needed to have success."

Chris Meyer, left, whose Johns Hopkins education was supported by a fellowship established by Pamela and Peter Flaherty, is tackling deforestation in Panama: "My goal in life is to do some work that benefits society."
Photo by Kent Vanderberg

In 2006, Meyer co-founded Planting Empowerment, an organization creating a new sustainable forestry model in Darien. Meyer's group leases land for 25 years, essentially paying farmers to plant local tree species, which provides monthly income to farmers and keeps their acres from being deforested, reducing erosion and enriching the soil. At the end of the lease period, the trees will be harvested, and the cycle will begin again. The end result: economically and environmentally sustainable timber plantations that will eventually be managed by local residents. Farmers who were once forced to slash and burn or sell their land to survive can now feed their families, send their children to school, and learn to operate plantations that will be profitable for many years to come.

Planting Empowerment has already planted more than 22,000 trees. For Meyer, this is just the beginning: "Every month the trees are shooting up another foot," he says. "If we're able to make this a success, we're going to have more business than we know what to do with."
— Erin Baggett

Support for Programs:
$1.01 billion | for academic, clinical, and policy efforts

Reaching out to Students, Reaching out to the Community

The best place to apply a world-class education is often right in your own backyard.

This has been common knowledge-and common practice-at the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing for decades. With help from the France-Merrick Foundation, it's now part of the curriculum.

"East Baltimore has tremendous needs, and the project reflects our interest in supporting the area and in encouraging students to become community-service oriented," says Robert Schaefer, executive director of the France-Merrick Foundation, the organization whose gifts have helped fund an innovative program at the School of Nursing that enables undergraduate students to volunteer around the city.
Photo by Bill Denison
The school has developed an undergraduate elective course called Community Outreach to Underserved Populations in Urban Baltimore. Students who have completed the course can volunteer at one of more than 20 community-based organizations. The France-Merrick Foundation helps fund these community programs and clinics across the city and provides scholarships for undergraduate students interested in careers in community nursing.

In Baltimore, where one in four people lives in poverty, nursing students can learn to apply their skills while considering health problems within the context of communities. And they can improve the lives of people who might not otherwise have access to health care.

For some nursing students, this means volunteering just a few blocks away from the School of Nursing's Wolfe Street building at Tench Tilghman Elementary, where many of the children suffer from asthma and poor nutrition. Others work at an East Baltimore AIDS clinic, providing HIV testing and post-test counseling. Still others work at a shelter for abused women and at a high-rise building for elderly people. "East Baltimore has tremendous needs, and the project reflects our interest in supporting the area and in encouraging students to be community-service oriented," says Robert Schaefer, France-Merrick's executive director.

For the students, it's a chance to put their education into practice before they even graduate. "I always wanted to do international health, but this opened my eyes to what was needed right here," says Kaitlin Haws, Nurs '06. Haws volunteered with Baltimore City's Women, Infants, and Children's nutritional program, advising clients on making good nutritional choices for themselves and their children.

"I especially wanted to work with women because women are the ones who make decisions about health care — not just for themselves, but for their families," she says. "If we can empower these women, then their families can have far healthier lives."
— KB

In the News...

Mohamad Allaf, Engr '96, Med '00, '01 (PGF), HS '06, an assistant professor of urology at Johns Hopkins, in January successfully removed a donor kidney through a small incision in the back of the donor's vagina, leaving a much smaller incision than that of a standard procedure. Then, in February, Allaf was joined by Robert Montgomery, Med '95 (PGF), chief transplant surgeon at Johns Hopkins, Andrew Singer, Med '07 (PGF), and Dorry Segev, Med '96, '98 (PGF), '07 (PGF), on the surgical team participating in the first-ever multicenter, 12-patient kidney transplant. The domino procedure exchanged kidneys between incompatible donor-recipient pairs, allowing each recipient to receive a compatible organ. Although the six-way domino procedure has been performed at Johns Hopkins before, this is the first attempt at matching donors in three separate cities — Baltimore, St. Louis, and Oklahoma City.

Michael D. Griffin, A&S '71, Engr '83 (MS), a former NASA administrator, has received the Rotary National Award for Space Achievement. A strong advocate for education, Griffin holds six postgraduate degrees and has served as an adjunct professor and lecturer at three different universities. He is also the lead author for more than two dozen technical papers and has written the definitive textbook on space vehicle design.

Michael Steele, A&S '81, was elected as the first African-American chair of the Republican National Committee on January 20. Steele, the former lieutenant governor of Maryland and former state party chair, is leading a new public relations strategy aimed at reconnecting young, Hispanic, and black voters to the Republican Party.

Support for Facilities:
$680.4 million | 24 buildings constructed or renovated

A Place to Move the World

Support from alumni and friends during the Knowledge for the World campaign helped change the face of Johns Hopkins. Literally. Nearly a fifth of contributions went toward renovation and new construction projects. From new academic buildings in Bologna, Italy, and Nanjing, China, and renovations at Peabody to the virtual overhaul of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, the sights and sounds of construction crews were a near constant over the last eight and a half years at Johns Hopkins' campuses around the world.

In East Baltimore, the largest academic medical center construction project in U.S. history is under way, with the new clinical towers — the Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Cardiovascular and Critical Care Tower and the Charlotte R. Bloomberg Children's Center at Johns Hopkins — scheduled to open in 2011. The S. Anne and C. Michael Armstrong Medical Education Building will open next fall, providing a new home for the School of Medicine and a launching pad for Genes to Society, the school's new curriculum built on the insights of the Human Genome Project, molecular biology, and genetic biology. And patient care and research were strengthened through generous gifts supporting several new buildings.

"The extraordinary donors to the Knowledge for the World campaign have immeasurably strengthened our abilities on every front," says Edward Miller, Baker Dean of the Medical Faculty and CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine. "They are creating new world-class space for patient care, research, and education. They have helped us to recruit incomparable teams of physicians, researchers, and teachers. They have supported research that will make a huge difference in people's lives for many decades to come. We are immensely grateful."

The two-year Decker Quadrangle project developed the last contiguous sizeable tract of land on the Homewood campus, marking the beginning of a physical renewal of the campus.
Photo by Will Kirk

The revitalization of the Homewood campus included the restoration of an aging icon, Gilman Hall, and the construction of the Decker Quadrangle — which includes Mason Hall, the new visitors and admissions center, and the Computational Science and Engineering Building. Student life also received a much-appreciated jolt of energy with the new Charles Commons residence hall and the Smokler Center for Jewish Life.

Across Johns Hopkins, from patient care rooms equipped with technology that allow clinicians to test and diagnose on-site to classrooms equipped with instant access to the right tools and resources for faculty and students, every lab, practice space, and classroom has been built as a tool as much as a workspace. Archimedes spoke of needing only a lever and a place to stand to move the world. In a sense, all this building and renovation is providing Johns Hopkins and the world with both.
— Brian J. Shields, A&S '08 (MA)

Building the Future
Facilities impacted by the Knowledge for the World campaign

Peabody campus
- Reconstruction of campus, creating a well-integrated environment for music education and public performances

Homewood campus
- Renovation of Gilman Hall
- Mason Hall admissions and visitors center
- Charles Commons residence hall for undergraduates
- Computational Science and Engineering Building at the Whiting School of Engineering
- Smokler Center for Jewish Life (Hillel)
- Brody Learning Commons, an addition to the Milton S. Eisenhower Library

East Baltimore campus
- Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan Cardiovascular and Critical Care Tower
- Charlotte R. Bloomberg Children's Center at Johns Hopkins
- David H. Koch Cancer Research Building at the Kimmel Cancer Center
- Robert H. and Clarice Smith Building and the Maurice Bendann Surgical Pavilion of the Wilmer Eye Institute
- David M. Rubenstein Child Health Building
- Hackerman-Patz Patient and Family Pavilion at the Kimmel Cancer Center
- Broadway Research Building
- Armstrong Medical Education Building at the School of Medicine
- John G. Rangos Sr. Building in the Science and Technology Park
- Additions to the Bloomberg School of Public Health's Wolfe Street building for teaching and research
New space for the Berman Institute of Bioethics

Other campuses near and far
- Samuel Pollard Building at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center
- SAIS Bologna Center renovation and expansion
- Additions and renovations to the Howard County General Hospital campus for patient care

Return to April 2009 Table of Contents

  The Johns Hopkins Magazine | 901 S. Bond St. | Suite 540 | Baltimore, MD 21231
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