Johns Hopkins Magazine -- April 1999
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APRIL 1999




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Alumni Notes
Editor: Julie Snyder

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1928 PhD (A&S): MILLICENT CAREY MCINTOSH, who received an honorary degree from Hopkins in 1955, is retired president of Barnard College. A mother of five, she was headmistress at the Brearley School and was the first married woman to head a Seven Sisters college. She recently turned 100 years old. In 1951, she was on the cover of Newsweek, which proclaimed that at a time when women's education was trying to figure out "whether it should turn out homemakers or Who's Whoers--or both," she had "successfully combined marriage and a career for 19 years." She was honored on the Barnard campus in November.


AHSEN T. OZARDA, of Kingwood, Texas, is chairman of Bellaire Cancer Treatment Center. He is writing a book of poetry.


RICHARD L. ALVERSON, of Cincinnati, Ohio, retired after 38 years with Proctor and Gamble. He is married and has six sons. ERVIN R. PRITCHETT, BS (ENG) '59, of Bethlehem, Pa., writes: "I am now retired and having a great time volunteering at Bethlehem Community activities, including Musikfest, Chriskindlemarkt, and the Banana Factory. I scored at the Lehigh Valley Nike Tour, and I am involved in many church activities. I'm also golfing, reading, and exercising. I need more time!"
   GERALD M. ROOD, MD New York Univ. '58, of Truro, Mass., is retired from the practice of pediatrics in New York City. He is now living on Cape Cod in Massachusetts.
   President and owner of Henderson Optometric Clinic, P.A., GILBERT F. SELLERS, OD New England College of Optometry '60, of Henderson, S.C., claims his hobby is "working full time." This year, he received the North Carolina State Optometric Society's highest award for service to patients and the profession on a national and state level.
   FREDERICK S. STEINBACH JR., of Cape Coral, Fla., has been retired since 1988. He is very active in Cape Coral clubs and activities.
   ALAN V. STONE, MS (ENG) '57, of Edison, N.J., has retired after 26 years with the Securities Industry Automation Corporation.
   ARTHUR M. THOMAS, MS Univ. of Delaware '56, of Morristown, N.J., has two grandchildren, Lindsay and Evan. He is retired and enjoys extensive travel, including trips to the North Sea, China, Antarctica, and Eastern Europe.


1958 PhD (A&S): MARY JEAN SCOTT, who is retired, still finds herself working. Last year, she attended the annual Congress of the South African Association of Physicists in Medicine and Biology (SAAPMB), where she was elected chairperson of the South African Radiation Protection Association (SARPA) for 1998-99. As a result, she also sits on the executive board of SARPA, the 1999 Congress planning committee, and on the executive board of the SAAPMB. She writes: "This past year we have both been so occupied we passed up all attempts to have a holiday. We feel ourselves imprisoned in our home by the criminal elements around us here (in South Africa)."


GERRY BARTELL, of Santa Maria, Calif., owner of Lens Masters/Central Coast Optical, has six grandchildren. He enjoys golf and travel.
   JED JACOBSON, MD Emory University, is medical director of Pediatric Associates. He writes: "I've been in pediatric practice for over 30 years, and my group, Pediatric Associates, has grown into the largest private practice pediatric group in the country."
   RICHARD H. LEASURE, of Ellicott City, Md., writes: "I am well into my second career, having completed 10 years with Harley-Davidson Motor Company. It's been exciting participating in the rebirth of this dynamic company. Sailing has become my main hobby and leisure-time activity since the old knee wouldn't take tennis or skiing anymore. Joyce and I are very proud of our two children, who have excellent careers for themselves: Rick in computer networking and Michele in physical therapy."
   First vice president for Merrill Lynch, MICHAEL A. MEREDITH, MA George Washington Univ. '62, JD Univ. of Maryland '68, of Baltimore, writes: "I am still a financial consultant with Merrill Lynch, working with institutions and individuals. My board memberships include Children's Hospital, Gilman School, and the Walters Art Gallery. I am currently the president of the Wine and Food Society of Baltimore. My wife, Carolyn, is very active in the community with the Johns Hopkins Women's Board, and the Walters Art Gallery Women's Board." They have four sons.
   MEREDITH HOPES MILLER, MD George Washington Univ. '63, of Sheridan, Wy., who retired from neurosurgery in 1995, practices neurology with Northern Wyoming Neurological Consultants. He is married and has three sons. He enjoys fly-fishing, hiking, snowmobiling, and history.
   ANDREAS RANNESTAD, of Norway, Sweden, was a research physicist with the Norwegian Defense Establishment from 1963 until 1970, when he joined NATO International in the defense support division. He retired in 1994.
   Administrative partner with Hudson Cook, LLP, DANIEL O'C TRACY JR., LLB Univ. of Maryland '66, LLM Georgetown Univ. '72, of Baltimore, enjoys sailing, skiing, and scuba diving.

1959 MD (Med): ROBERT J. RUBEN holds the title of chairman emeritus and has been granted the title of Distinguished University Professor of The University Hospital for the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.


STUART H. YUSPA, MD Univ. of Maryland '66, has been appointed deputy director for the division of basic sciences at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). He joined NCI in 1972 as a senior investigator in the Laboratory of Experimental Pathology, and in 1981 became chief of the NCI's Laboratory of Cellular Carcinogenesis and Tumor Promotion. He is internationally recognized for his studies of the influence of carcinogens and tumor promoters on the multistage nature of cancer development in epithelial target sites. His studies have focused on characterization of the complex set of genetic and epigenetic changes that occur during carcinogenesis.


ROBERT E. ULANOWICZ, of Port Republic, Md., has published his second book, Ecology, the Ascendant Perspective (Columbia Univ. Press).

1965 DrPH (PH): KAZUYOSHI KAWATA, of Gaithersburg, Md., a retired professor of environmental health engineering, has won the 1998 Oregon Stater Award for the Engineering Hall of Fame.


1966 MAT (CS): EMILY TOTH, PhD (A&S) '75, who is professor of English and women's studies at Louisiana State University, has co-edited Kate Chopin's Private Papers, published by Indiana University Press in October.


JOHN CHAFFEE, PhD New York Univ. '72, of New York, has published The Thinker's Way: 8 Steps to a Richer Life (Little, Brown & Co.).

1967 MAT (CS): TODD M. DALEY, of Rahway, N.J., has published an innovative textbook for college students, titled Mathematic Concepts: An Interdisciplinary Approach (Copley Custom Publishing Group), which combines mathematics and reading. The book features excerpts from a mix of contemporary and traditional classics, calling upon the student to utilize the three "R's." Daley teaches mathematics at Union County College in Elizabeth, N.J.

1967 PhD (A&S): TERRY K. SHELDAHL is visiting professor and special project officer at the Savannah Center of Saint Leo College, which opened in October. He is currently writing a book titled Roots of the American Philosophical Association, Western and Eastern, 1895-1902 and dedicated his Accounting Historians Journal article of December 1998 to the memory of one of the APA's foremost leaders, Professor Maurice Mandelbaum.


FRANKLIN NG has published The Taiwanese Americans (Greenwood Press, 1998) and edited Asians in America: The Peoples of East, Southeast, and South Asia in American Life and Culture, 6 vols. (Garland Publishing, 1998). He also is the series editor for Asian Americans: Reconceptualizing Culture, History, Politics (Garland Publishing, 1998), which has published seven titles.


JAMES B. JACOBS, JD Univ. of Chicago '73, PhD Univ. of Chicago '75, of New York, is professor of law at New York University's School of Law. He is on sabbatical "skiing the west" for the first five months of 1999.
   F. BARRY KNOTTS, PhD Univ. of California-Los Angeles '74, MD Univ. of California-Los Angeles '75, of Perrysburg, Ohio, is medical director of trauma care at Surgery and Critical Care Associates Inc. He writes: "I moved to Perrysburg in 1990 to start the Trauma Center at St. Vincent Medical Center in Toledo. I am currently in practice with three other surgeons. My son Ryan married Monica Shen in August. I am an active private pilot (Cessna C340), and I enjoy skiing and scuba diving."
   JAMES T. MCKINLEY, MBA Univ. of Virginia '75, of Woodside, Calif., is president and CEO of NuVasive Inc. He is a hang glider pilot and enjoys whitewater rafting and skiing.
   PATRICK F. MORRIS, of Bethesda, Md., who is a retired foreign service officer, has published Anaconda Montana, Copper Smelting Boomtown on the Western Frontier. The publication sold out the entire first printing during its first week of sales. It is "not only a colorful local history, but a sweeping view of development in the West from the civil war through World War I. It is a story of prospectors, pioneers, railroads, Indian battles and massive industrial development on America's last frontier."

1969 PhD (PH): CARL O. HELVIE, MPH (PH) '66, was awarded the 1998 Ruth B. Freeman Distinguished Career Award at the annual luncheon of the Public Health Nursing Section of the American Public Health Association meeting in Washington, on November 17. This national award is presented for a distinguished career in public health, through outstanding contributions or accomplishment in service or education. He has made exceptional contributions to community health and public health nursing throughout his 40 years in nursing practice, education, and research. His many publications include peer reviewed journal articles; undergraduate public health nursing texts; a public health nursing review book; and a graduate public health nursing text, titled Advanced Practice Nursing in the Community, and Homelessness in the United States, Europe and Russia. He is also associate editor of the journal Alternative Health Practitioner.


ARNO DRUCKER has written an article titled "The Britten-Pears School in Aldeburgh," which was published in the May/June 1998 issue of the Journal of Singing, the journal of the National Association of Teachers of Singing. His review of the Henle publication of Dvorak's Poetic Moods was published in the October/November issue of the American Music Teacher, the journal of the Music Teachers National Association. His book titled American Piano Trios: A Resource Guide is being published by Scarecrow Press.

1970 MA (A&S): MYRA SKLAREW, of Bethesda, Md., the American University's Scholar Teacher of the Year, welcomed faculty, staff, and new students during the August 1998 convocation.


B. MICHAEL BALTZELL, MS George Washington Univ. '76, has been named president, Alcoa World Alumina-Australia, and managing director of Alcoa of Australia Ltd. He was executive vice president of manufacturing for Alcoa's Primary Metals business unit located in Knoxville, Tenn.

1971 MD (Med): A. EVERETTE JAMES, of Chapel Hill, N.C., retired chair of radiology and radiological sciences at Vanderbilt University, has acquired a collection of fine and folk art throughout his life and is working toward sharing his understanding of it with an audience that ranges from the general public to America's most discerning art critics and collectors. His collections have been exhibited throughout the United States, and he has donated collections to Duke University Medical Center; the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; the U.S. State Department; the medical schools of Johns Hopkins, Harvard, and Vanderbilt; and North Carolina State University School of Veterinary Medicine and many other institutions. He has recently published a book, Thoughts of a Collector, and he has found publishers for two books, Essays in Folk Art and Tales from the Dismal Swamp.

1971 PhD (A&S): ROBERT E. PROCTOR, professor of Italian at Connecticut College, has published Defining the Humanities: How Rediscovering the Humanities Can Improve Our Schools (Indiana University Press, 1998).


BILL CANIS, MS (SAIS) '73, has been named the executive director of The Manufacturing Institute, the educational and research affiliate of the National Association of Manufacturers. As executive director, he will direct efforts to educate policymakers, the public, and the media about manufacturing's important contributions to the U.S. economy.
   STEVEN C. HORII is professor of radiology at the University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. This fall, he was elected a fellow of the American College of Radiology.


JOEL FEINBERG, JD New York Univ. '78, of Newton Center, Mass., writes: "A group of colleagues and I resolved our collective mid-life crisis by starting our own law firm last year, and we've been working hard (and well) at it since."


1975 MPH (PH): VINCENT ROGERS, DDS took a position as associate administrator for health professions of the Health Resources Services Administration.


1978 MLA (CS): ROBERT P. HARRISON, of Chevy Chase, Md., has joined Baltimore-based Catholic Charities as director of major and planned giving within the agency's Development and Communications division. Prior to joining the agency, he was director of individual giving at Washington College in Chestertown, Md., where he supervised major and planned giving as well as the annual fund drive.

1978 PhD (A&S): CARL M. LENTZ, a member of the American Chemical Society, has been named manager of operations for Arkansas Eastman Division of Eastman Chemical Company.


ELLEN STECKER TAVIN, MS Sarah Lawrence Univ. '81, MD Albert Einstein Univ., of Charlotte, N.C., writes: "We moved to Charlotte two years ago. My husband, Ellis, started a plastic surgery practice, and I am working as a pediatrician for a multispecialty group here. We have three gorgeous, brilliant children--really! Andrew is in second grade, and the twins, Jonathan and Madeline, are in kindergarten."


HUBERT A. ALLEN JR., MPH (PH) '86, of Albuquerque, N.M., has authored a popular science book, titled The Petroglyph Calendar: An Archaeogastronomy Adventure.


1981 MPH (PH): AUSTIN L. MOEDE, of Albuquerque, N.M., has come out of retirement and taken the position of associate director of the student health center of the University of New Mexico.


1982 PhD (PH): GANI ASCOBAT is completing his second term as dean of the Faculty of Public Health at the University of Indonesia in Jakarta. Under his deanship, the program has grown to well over 1,000 students. He has started an innovative diploma program to train over 600 high school graduates per year to provide a basic workplace for the public health sector in Indonesia. The two-year "Executive MPH" is for 20 students per year, all senior health professionals from West Java.

1982 MPH (PH): CAMARA JONES, PhD (PH) '95, was awarded the Ian Oxford Fellowship in Public Policy to work in New Zealand for nine months on racial policy, race relations, and health in New Zealand (Maori's).


DAVID J. EDMONDSON, JD Univ. of Michigan, MA Princeton Univ., has joined the Washington office of Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley LLP. He concentrates his practice in the areas of patent application and preparation and prosecution, primarily in electrical arts.


S. TRACY COSTER, MBA Wharton School of Business, of Severna Park, Md., is general manager and vice president for G.E. Capital. She writes: "My husband and I have taken a joint sabbatical from General Electric and are renovating an old home on the Severn River outside of Annapolis, as well as reconnecting with friends and family after many years of corporate travel and transfers."
   STEVEN W. KASTEN, MS (SAIS) '85, is married to Susan Kasten. They have two young boys, Joshua and David. He is a trial lawyer in an international firm. His practice focuses on complex business disputes, often with an international component, including international arbitration. He has substantial experience in the areas of health care and employee benefits-related litigation.


EDWARD C. BROWN recently reported for duty at National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. He joined the Navy in September 1998.

1985 MS: RANDOLPH J. HUGENROTH recently reported for duty aboard the fleet ballistic submarine U.S.S. Tennessee.

1985 MS (CS): RALPH A. JORDAN, of Chattanooga, Tenn., was recently promoted to regional manager of Pep Boys, covering Richmond to Atlanta, and west to Oklahoma City. He has moved to Atlanta and is seeking contacts with the Atlanta Chapter's alumni events.

1985 PhD: KIMBERLY A. QUAID is co-author of Early Warning. It is a book of cases and ethical guidance for presymptomatic testing in genetic diseases.

1985 MD (Med): CHARLES L. SAWYERS, who is director of the Prostate Cancer Program at the University of California-Los Angeles's Jonsson Cancer Center, has found a genetic mutation that affects growth of prostate cancer cells. He believes it may be relatively easy to develop a drug that could take the place of the mutated gene, thereby fixing what was broken in the cell that made it cancerous. Dr. Sawyers and his colleagues outlined their research in the December 22 edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. He recently received the first Franklin D. Murphy, M.D., Prize for achievements in prostate cancer and leukemia research. He won the award for the breadth of his research advances and innovative studies of new cancer treatments. His research has resulted in the publication of more than 50 peer-reviewed articles in scientific journals.


BRIAN DOUD and his wife, Leigh, announce the birth of their son, Patrick D.C. Doud. He spent the last two years as manager for global finance recruiting at Coca-Cola. He has now taken a new position within the Coca-Cola company, as business affairs manager, supporting the World Wide Sports group within the marketing division.
   "I just went back to work after three and a half years as an at-home mom," writes JILL SALZMAN LEVY, of Alexandria, Va. "I'm learning to juggle work and children, but I enjoy it! My kids are great. Daniel is three and a half, and Benjamin is two years old. My husband, MIKE LEVY '86, JD New York Univ. '89, is great, too!" She is director of human resources for Woodbine Rehabilitation in Alexandria.
   JANICE WINGO, BA Yale Univ. '88, National Taiwan Univ. '96, JD/LLM Univ. of Washington '98, of Hong, Kong, joined the China Practice of Baker & MacKenzie as an associate specializing in intellectual property. She serves on the executive board of the Hopkins Club in Hong Kong.

PhD (A&S): KATHY OGREN, of Redlands, Calif., has been named director of the Johnston Center for Integrative Studies at the University of the Redlands. She is professor of history at Redlands, where her work focuses on American intellectual and cultural history. She has written extensively on Western art forms, such as jazz and cowboy poetry. Her book The Jazz Revolution: Twenties America and the Meaning of Jazz (Oxford University Press) won the Deems Taylor Award from the American Society of Composers and Publishers in 1990. Ogren was also a featured speaker at the New Orleans Jazz Centennial Celebration in 1995.


ALLISON MARSH DEUR, of Oak Hill, Va., has been elected treasurer for the Potomac Chapter of Northern Virginia for Hadassah. She writes: "Being an at-home mom has opened new doors for me." CAROLYN FOX and ROBERT SCHWARTZBERG '87 announce the birth of their daughter, Alexandra, on October 17.

1987 MS: DONALD H. BRASWELL recently completed a six-month deployment to the Western Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, and Arabian Gulf with Strike Fighter Squadron 113, embarked aboard the aircraft carrier USS Abraham. While deployed in the Arabian Gulf, his squadron aided multinational interception operations in prohibiting contraband transports to and from Iraq. He is home-based in Lemoore, Calif.


JASON M. HANSON, MD Northwestern Univ. '93, and SUZANNE MCGINN HANSON '89, MD Northwestern Univ. '93, are celebrating the birth of their second child, Christopher Harold Hanson. He is finishing his last year of ENT residency and eagerly awaiting the "real world." She is in her second year of private practice as a pediatrician and is "enjoying every minute."
   JOHN PATTARAS, MD George Washington Univ. '92, of Vienna, Va., writes: "I will be completing my residency in urologic surgery at George Washington University in June 1999. After having already completed a fellowship at the National Cancer Institute/NIH, I will be pursuing an endourology/laparoscopy fellowship and junior faculty position at Saint Louis University. I then intend on entering academic practice. Just wanted to say 'hello' to my Alpha Delta Phi fraternity brothers and to invite anyone to exciting St. Louis."

1988 MPH (PH): WALTER TSOU has been elected to the American Public Health Association executive board.


BROOK WIERS, MD Stanford Univ. '94, of Santa Monica, Calif., writes: "I spent the year after graduating from Hopkins working in public health in the shanty towns around Lima, Peru, as a Fulbright scholar. After a medical degree at Stanford, I specialized in ophthalmology at Los Angeles County Hospital in east Los Angeles. My secret ambitions are to sail across an ocean, and to become a famous painter and nature guide."

1989 PhD (PH): ANDREA TAYLOR was a presidential appointee to the Chemical Safety Board, confirmed by the Senate.


LI-SU HUANG JAVEDAN and SAM JAVEDAN '93, MD (Med) '97, of Phoenix, Ariz., write: "We were married in a tricultural celebration at the Overhills Mansion in Baltimore last spring. Lots of alumni were there, including MATTHEW GRYGOCEWIEZ '94; ROB WOODS '94; SUSAN BOYLE '92; ELJIM TESORO '91; DARIN WEYHRICH, MD (Med) '97; J.P. RUE, MD (Med)'97; GYU GANG, MD (Med) '97; JEAN LIN CHAN '92, MD (Med) '97; and CHUCK CHAN '93. We are now in Phoenix, where Sam is a neurosurgery resident, interning under fellow Hopkins alum TED ROSENZWEIG '89. Li-Su works for a managed care management firm. We are enjoying what little time we have to spend together, hiking and basking in the warm climate in the great Southwest."
   EDWARD KEREKES, of South Euclid, Ohio, writes: "I currently am employed at The Cleveland Clinic Foundation as a technical support specialist. I have been with the clinic for over 1-1/2 years. My wife and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary in September. We also rejoiced in the birth of our son on Easter Sunday, March 30, 1997. His name is Edward John, and he is our beautiful miracle."
   MICHAEL W. MORRIS JR., of North Andover, Mass., has joined the law firm of Morris, Ross & Hayes of Andover. He comes to the firm after having practiced in the General Trial Department of Burns & Levinson LLP in Boston since graduation from Boston University School of Law. He is engaged in the general practice of law, concentrating in civil litigation, business and corporate law, probate law, and real estate law. He is a participant in the Central Catholic/Lawrence Boys & Girls Club Mentoring Program and in his free time enjoys mountain bike riding and military history.
   JULIO NAVAS, a graduate student in computer science at Rutgers University, was one of six graduate finalists at the AT&T Student Research Day competition. His work focused on geographical routing, or how computer technology can address sites from a geographic persepective.

1991 MS (SAIS): NATHAN MARTIN, of Oakland, Calif., will begin this spring a six-month hike of the Pacific Crest Trail to raise money for the San Francisco chapter of the Sierra Club's City Outings, an outreach program that offers wilderness adventures to people who normally would not be able to participate in them, such as low-income youth of diverse cultural backgrounds, hearing or visually impaired individuals, and the physically disabled.


JOHN M. BRISKI has joined the law firm of Jones & Askew, LLP, the Southeast's largest law firm exclusively practicing intellectual property law. Prior to joining the firm, he worked for more than eight years as a research engineer at the IIT Research Institute, where he developed and implemented electro-optical, radar, satellite, laser, and communications systems.
   DENISE A. FLOOD has been teaching Latin and ancient Greek at Fordham Preparatory School in the Bronx since graduating from Hopkins. On July 18, 1998, she married Thomas L. Doyle at Fordham University Church. Her husband is a graduate of Fordham College and Fordham School of Law. Many Hopkins alumni were present, including JAMIE LEVINE '92, who was a bridesmaid; JEREMY MEILMAN '92; LISA GREENING '92, who owns a bookstore in St. Louis; ADAM TOLL '92; JOSHUA STEBBINS '92; TED NIBLOCK '92; JILL BROWN '92; JOHN KEATING '90; and JOHN T. FAULKINGHAM '89.

1992 MS (SAIS): JOHN E. OSBORN, of Greenville, Del., traveled throughout Ireland as an Eisenhower Fellow during November 1998. He examined issues relating to the conflict in Northern Ireland, including the process of negotiation and reconciliation; the role of the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Ireland in attempting to resolve the conflict and establish new political institutions; the nature of Irish culture and identity; the role of religion in fomenting ethnic conflict; and the impact of long-term political discord on the level of economic devlopment and international investment in Ireland. He is senior vice president, legal with Cephalon Inc., a biopharmaceutical company based in West Chester, Pa.


GERALD A. ATKINS, of Columbus, Ga., a performing artist, recently portrayed the cowardly lion in the National Tour of The Wiz, with Peabo Bryson and Grace Jones. He also appeared in a production based on the life of jazz singer Phyllis Hyman at the Beacon Theatre in New York with recording artists The Whispers.Past performances also include lead roles in Guys and Dolls, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat, Ain't Misbehavin', and the original cast of the hit musical revue Songs from the Soul. He is currently performing in theater in the United States and continuing his solo performances.


KIMBERLY ENNICO, PhD Cambridge Univ. '98, of Tucson, writes: "I just completed my PhD in astronomy from Cambridge University, Cambridge, England. I have now traded in the rainy, gray skies of England for the bright, dry, sunny skies of Arizona. I have a postdoctoral position at the University of Arizona to help design, test, and deliver instruments for two space projects. My work will involve a lot of traveling and work at two aerospace companies, Lockheed Martin and Ball Aerospace, all in conjunction with NASA. In my four years in England I had the good fortune to rendezvous with fellow JHU alumni on both sides of the pond, MARC DEROSA '94; DIRK GILLESPIE '94; PETER MANGIAFICO '94, who was on his way to Scotland; BARBARA BECKER, PhD (A&S) '94; and ANNETTE FERGUSON, PhD (A&S).
   CHRIS IORIO, MD Vanderbilt Univ. '98, of Bridgewater, N.J., who is an internal medicine resident at Vanderbilt Hospital, writes: "My wife and I just bought a new house. We have planned our 2nd medical mission trip to Mexico."
   KUO BIANCHINI TONG and his wife, Tricia, proudly announce the birth of their daughter, Allison Patricia, on November 22. Their daughter was able to be discharged the next day to her new home in the Forest Hill neighborhood of San Francisco, where her parents are partners in Quorum Consulting, a health care research and consulting firm providing strategic product planning services to medical technology companies.


GREG ASADOURIAN, of Relay, Md., is a manufacturing engineer with Owens Corning. He writes: "I am still making roofing shingles. Next year, I plan on returning to school for an MBA."
   IRENE KIM, JD Seton Hall Univ. '98, who plans a break after taking her bar exam, will begin a new job as assistant district attorney in the Philadelphia District Attorney's office. She writes: "I also managed to kick out the new year by getting my article on the unconstitutionality of anti-paparazzi legislation published in the South Dakota Law Review. I'm currently working on another, this time on Hillary Rodham Clinton and her role in Kenneth Starr's Whitewater investigation. At the New York City alumni Christmas party in Manhattan, I ran into MUSTAFA AHMED '95, BECCA SOPHIR '97, JULIAN (LEE) KIM '95 and her husband Philip Kim, as well as NELSON LEE '95, and SILU SAO '95. Also there was MARC SCHNEIDER '93, my old student advisor, who just finished clerking for a private sector. I also keep in touch with ERIC BLEICH '94 at the law firm of Chadbourne & Parke in Manhattan. KEIDI CARRINGTON '94 passed the bar in Massachusetts and New York and is now at John Hancock Insurance. I also keep in close touch with DEREK SEABURY '95, who is working for Speechworks, Inc. in Boston. STEVE MEGER '92 graduated from Georgetown Law School last year and moved back to New Jersey to work for Sills Cummins Zuckerman Radin Tischman Epstein & Gross in Newark, where we would hang out together in between my classes. MUSTAFA AHMED and his brother Mohammed have their own computer consulting company, based in Englewood, New Jersey. Best wishes to everyone--and keep in touch." Her e-mail address is [email protected].
   "A lot has happened," writes ADAM LIPPE. "I graduated from law school, got married to Wendy at the Hopkins Club, passed the New Jersey and Maryland bar exams, and I am now an assistant state's attorney for Baltimore County (a prosecutor). RAJ MALHOTRA '95 was my best man, with fellow alumni JOHN PFIEFFER '96, KIM FEHILY '98, PATRICK O'BRIEN '96, GORDON WILKIE '97, and B.J. SMITH in attendance."


   HEATHER BURKE, MPH (PH) '97, MS (SAIS) '98, works for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She is involved in the global campaign to eradicate polio.
   YVETTE M. BURKE recently departed on a six-month deployment to the Western Pacific and Indian oceans, and the Arabian Gulf, while assigned to the fast combat support ship U.S.S. Rainier, homeported in Bremerton, Wash.
   A law student at the American University, FARAH PERVEZ, of New York, writes: "I am currently in my second year of law school. I live with MARLYNN PERNA '96, who just graduated with her master's degree from SAIS. She is currently working for the Defense Department."
   1996 MS (CS): BRENDA D. JONES, BA Univ. of Baltimore '90, of Pikesville, Md., retired from the federal government in December 1996. She is starting a training consultant business and has had a consulting contract. She writes: "I would like to connect with other graduates of the organization development program."
   GARY RUBIN, of Chicago, writes: "Law school is a good way to kill time until I can get a job. I'm in my second year with SETH MORGULAS '93. I often see JUSTINE VAN STRAATEN '96, who is a first-year student at Loyola Law School. JAY SHAH, a Hopkins grad student and teaching assistant in Lou Galambos's U.S. History Class, is a first-year student here at the University of Chicago."

1996 MHS (PH): LAURA K. LEWIS announces the birth of her first child, a girl named Katrina Marie Lewis, who was born on May 31, in Frankfurt, Germany.


STUART CLUTTERBUCK, of Glen Ridge, N.J., and TOM BREWSTER '97, are currently in Melbourne, Australia. They are planning to work and travel their way throughout the country, spending time in the Outback and the Great Barrier Reef.
   A student at Boston University School of Public Health, NICHOLAS B. GALIFIANAKIS, of Salisbury, Md., is working on a dual-degree (MA/MPH).
   AARON VANHORN, a graduate student at the University of Baltimore, has been selected as the JHU Army ROTC Distinguished Military Student for the graduating class of 1999. While attending Hopkins, he was an outstanding lacrosse player. He joined ROTC as a graduate student and was awarded a full tuition scholarship from the Army. He plans to serve in the Army as an infantry officer.


JOE GROSSBERG and NICK SCHAGER are currently on the road with their heavy metal band, Cain and Abell. Their first album, "My Love for You is Like a Truck," hit the stores in March. ROBERT R. SMITH, of South Glastonbury, Conn., has been awarded the East-West Center Study Grant. The grant includes tuition and a stipend to study at the center, a University of Hawaii-affiliated think tank that researches issues involving Asia and the United States. He will spend two years at the East-West Center in Honolulu working on his master's degree in Asian Studies. While at Hopkins, he was a member of Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, the debate team and the Olympic Weightlifting Team. In the summer of 1997, he received a Johns Hopkins undergraduate research grant and traveled to the mountains of Tibet in order to research the Tibetan resistance movement.
   BRIAN E. WEINTHAL, who is in his first year at Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago, traveled with his family to Glacier Bay National Park this past summer. During the trip, he viewed the Hopkins Glacier, the Gilman Glacier, and Mount Bloomberg via boat, and he was able to convince the ship's personnel to announce on the loudspeaker that the moment was dedicated to all loyal Blue Jay fans!


1929: W. GRAFTON HERSPERGER, MD (Med) '93, a retired internist and member of the famed 1928 U.S. Olympic lacrosse team, died in November of heart failure. He practiced medicine for 48 years, until his retirement in 1985. In addition to his private practice, he served as a physician at Keswick Multi-Care Center for 30 years and was medical director of the retirement community for 10 years. He was a member of the American College of Physicians, the Baltimore City Medical Society, the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, and the Maryland Board of Physical Therapy. He also was a member of Grace United Methodist Church. He is survived by his son, Grafton R. Hersperger.

1929: WILLIAM E. C. SWOPE, who lived in Towson, died in December. A retired insurance executive who was associated with the James Lawrence Kernan Hospital for more than 40 years, he lived at the Blakehurst Life Care Community. He was a 50-year member of the Elkridge Club and a former member of the Wednesday Club and Bachelors Cotillion. He was also a member of Trinity Episcopal Church in Towson. He is survived by his wife of 62 years, the former Margaret A. Dill, a daughter, a brother, and three grandchildren.

1931 (ENG): H. NORMON MILBURN, a former instructor at the University of Baltimore and the Johns Hopkins University who ran a personnel management consulting business, died of injuries suffered in a car accident in Daytona Beach, Florida. He served in the Navy during World War II, attaining the rank of lieutenant commander. After the war, he was a personnel director during the day and taught management courses at night. He is survived by his wife, the former Jean Culotta, a son, three daughters, eight grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren.

1932: JOHN W. DORMAN JR., MD (Med) '36, a Baltimore native and obstetrician who delivered more than 9,000 babies in his nearly 30 years of practice, died in November of pneumonia at Church Home in Baltimore. He was chief of obstetrics at Church Home and Hospital from 1961 to 1974 and a force in persuading the hospital to allow fathers in delivery rooms during childbirth. He retired in 1974. He enjoyed traveling, gardening, and swimming and was a member of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, and the Maryland Chirurgical Society. For many years he was a member of University Baptist Church in north Baltimore, where he taught Sunday school, sang in the choir, and was a deacon. He is survived by his wife, the former Martha Ethel Hollifield, a daughter, two sons, and 11 grandchildren.

1933 MD (Med): IRVING H. SCHWAB, BA Lehigh Univ. '29, who lived in Colorado Springs, Colo., died on September 1. He was a life member of the American College of Surgeons, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the El Paso County Medical Society, and the Colorado State Medical Society. He practiced in Colorado Springs from 1936 to 1983, and he was chief of staff at Memorial Hospital in 1945 and on the staff of St. Francis and Penrose hospitals. He was a member of the first Presbyterian Church, and of the al Kaly Shrine Temple and the Masonic Temple. He is survived by his wife, Lillie Schwab, a daughter, a son, five grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.

1935: ROBERT C. ADAMS, MD (Med) '39, died in November at his Baltimore home. He was an orthopedic surgeon and teacher who served as medical director of Kernan Hospital for 25 years. His specialty was orthopedic pediatrics, and his career began with his association with Kernan in 1950. One of his interests was the club foot, and he introduced to U.S. doctors the Evans procedure, which helped sufferers of the malady. He enlisted in the Navy in 1941 during World War II and served as a medical officer in the Pacific. He became chief of pediatric orthopedics at Hopkins Medical School and held the position until 1977. After he retired, Dr. Abrams volunteered at Kernan, helping to establish an archive at the hospital. He was a member of Baltimore Hebrew Congregation. He is survived by a son, three daughters, a sister, and six grandchildren.

1942: WALTER EDWARD POCOCK, MS Columbia Univ. '47, who lived in Severna Park, Md., died after a long bout with cancer in Arnold, Md. on October 1. He retired in 1984 from his position as a civilian chemical engineer from the former U.S. Naval Ship Research and Development Center in Annapolis. Previously, he worked on metal finishings research for Allied Research Products in Baltimore. During World War II, he served in the Army Corps of Engineers, Manhattan Project, in New York; Oak Ridge, Tennessee; and Los Alamos, New Mexico. He holds numerous patents in metal coatings and deep-ocean technology. His wife, the former Sylvia Domingo, died in 1980. He is survived by a son, two daughters, and two grandchildren.

1949: MARTIN RODBELL, a biomedical research scientist at the National Institutes of Health who won a Nobel Prize in 1994 for discovering a vital molecular mechanism that helps cells respond to stimuli, died on December 7 at the University of North Carolina Hospital in Chapel Hill. He shared the Nobel Prize in physiology and medicine with Alfred G. Gilman, a Dallas pharmacologist, for work done separately during the 1960s and 1970s on a process that has come to be known by cell biologists as "G-protein" signal transduction. He did most of his research in this period at the NIH facility in Bethesda. In addition to his research at the National Institute of Environmental Health Science, he was an adjunct professor at the University of North Carolina and Duke University. He was one of six recipients of the 1998 North Carolina Award, which is the state's highest honor. He is survived by his wife of 48 years, Barbara Rodbell, four children, and seven grandchildren.

1949 (ENG): HENRY GEORGE SCHOBER, who lived in Bethesda, Md., died on November 9. He was a petroleum engineer who retired in 1984 from the energy department of the World Bank and was a consultant there until the early 1990s. He served in the Army in Europe during World War II, and was awarded two Bronze Stars and a Purple Heart. He began his career with the Navy Department and then was a process engineer working on refineries and petrochemical plants for Aramco. He also worked for Hercules chemical company. He moved to the Washington area in 1975. He is survived by his wife of 56 years, Janet Schober, four children, and a brother.

1949 PhD (PH): PHILIP E. SMITH died on December 9 after a brief illness. He devoted almost his entire professional career to the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. In 1983, he retired as dean emeritus and Regents Professor. He enjoyed gardening, dog obedience training, genealogy, and computers. He and his wife, Vivian, each served terms as president of the Oklahoma Alliance on Aging. They were active members of the Friendship Force and traveled extensively. He was an active member of the Golden Retriever Club. He is survived by his wife and four daughters.

1950 PhD (ENG): MERLE BISKEBORN, a telephone cable developer for Bell Laboratories in Hollister, Calif., died on October 18. He was an electrical engineer who held numerous patents in the field of Trans-Atlantic telephone cables. After retiring, he worked as director of research and development for the copper cable division of the Phelps Dodge, Corp. until two years ago. He is survived by two sons, a daughter, two sisters, and four grandchildren.

1952 PhD (A&S): ROBERT D. JACOBS, a former English professor at Georgia State University, died on October 28. He collaborated on one of the first critical studies of the Southern Renaissance literary movement and helped shape the way people think about William Faulkner, Flannery O'Connor, and other Southern writers. He earned an international reputation as an authority on Edgar Allan Poe. He is survived by his wife, Mildred Simons Jacobs, and a daughter.

1954 (PH): WILLIAM KENNEDY DOUGLAS, MD Univ. of Texas, the doctor who cared for Lieutenant Colonel John H. Glenn Jr. and the nation's six other original astronauts, died on Nov. 15 at Lewisville Medical Center in Texas. He was assigned to NASA's Manned Spacecraft Center at Langley Air Force Base in Virginia between 1959 and 1962. After leaving the Air Force in 1977 with the rank of colonel, he joined the McDonnell Douglas Corporation as life sciences director to help with the design of an orbiting space station. In 1988, he retired to Albuquerque and the life of an amateur radio operator. He was inducted into the International Space Hall of Fame in Alamogorado, New Mexico, in 1992. He is survived by his wife, Mariwade McIlroy Douglas, their son, and two grandchildren.

1961 (ENG): SALVATORE N. CUOMO, MS (ENG) '62, who lived in Ellicott City, Md., died in October. He was general manager for Northrop Grumman. An electrical engineer, he joined Westinghouse Electric Corporation in Linthicum in 1961 and rose to his position as general manager of the electronic warfare systems division. He coached soccer, lacrosse, volleyball, and baseball in the Howard County Youth Program and was president of Plaza Condominium Association in Ocean City. He was a communicant of Roman Catholic Church of the Resurrection. He is survived by his wife, the former Darlene Bush, two sons, a daughter, three brothers, and two grandchildren.

1962 MD (Med): FELIX GOTTLIEB, who lived in Bethany, Conn., died on November 15, after a brief illness. He graduated from Princeton University. After finishing a surgical internship at Cornell University, he completed a residency in psychiatry at the University of Rochester. He was a captain in the U.S. Public Health Service and former director of the Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Program at Bridgeport Mental Health Center. An avid cosmologist, he enjoyed theorizing on the origins of the universe and the space-time continuum. He loved quantum mechanics, medicine, inventing, and laughing. He was a private pilot, certified flight instructor, and an enthusiastic motorcyclist. He is survived by his wife, Lenore Gottlieb, and his children and grandchildren.

1967 (ENG): ALLEN E. HOLMES, who lived in Columbia, Md., died at his home in November. A former electronics engineer and dog fancier, he was a longtime Charles Village Resident, and a former president of the Baltimore Doberman Pinscher Club. He was also the chairman of the board of Pets on Wheels and a member of the board of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. He began his engineering career in 1956 with Glenn L. Martin Co. as a liaison with the Air Force. He also assisted in the design of tools used in the space program to gather core samples on the moon. He is survived by his wife of 49 years, the former Bettie S. Bowers, a daughter, a brother, a sister, and four grandchildren.

1973 PhD (A&S): RICHARD S. IDE, who lived in Hollywood Hills, Calif., died on December 25 of complications following abdominal surgery. A University of Southern California authority on Elizabethan drama and literature, he was the author of Possessed with Greatness: The Heroic Tragedies of Chapman and Shakespeare (Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1980) and co-editor of Composite Orders: The Genres of Milton's Last Poems (Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, 1983). His articles appeared in a variety of scholarly journals, including English Literary History, Shakespeare Studies, Studies in English Literature, Modern Philology, and Comparative Literature. He was vice provost for undergraduate studies from 1994 to 1997, and associate dean of the school's Leavey Library, in addition to holding the title of full professor.

1976 MLA (CS): HOWARD HALL GREEN, a former social worker in Baltimore and Howard County, died in December. He was president of the improvement association in Haywood Heights and belonged to the Johns Hopkins Alumni Association. He was involved in many social activist organizations in the 1960s, including Baltimore Fellowship House. He was also a regular contributor of letters to the editor of the Baltimore Sun.

1984: FLORENCE L. WALSH, MBA Univ. of Pennsylvania '84, a fast-rising executive at Lucent Technologies Inc. who helped engineer the company's split from the AT&T Corporation in 1996, died in November of toxic shock syndrome resulting from an infection during pregnancy. After graduating from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, she joined the General Motors Corporation in New York City, rising to director for corporate finance and capital markets. She joined AT&T in 1994. She is survived by her husband, Mark; a son, Carter; and her parents, brother, and maternal grandparents.