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Longtime alumni volunteer Charles Einolf, Engr '56, and son, David Einolf, A&S '81, celebrated their 50th and 25th reunions, respectively, during Reunion 2006: Homecoming at Homewood. Faithful members of the Atlanta Chapter, Charles and his wife, Dorothy, have endowed a scholarship in memory of his parents to support students in the Whiting School of Engineering.

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Alumni News

Chris Coppola, Med '94: A Surgeon's Letters from the Front
Emily Horgan, Bol '99, SAIS '02: SAIS Grads Go the Distance for Charity
Shelf Life
Chris Beard, Med '90 (PhD): The Origin of Primates
Cheryl Rosell, Nurs '67: Is Your Office Hazardous to Your Health?
Three's the Charm for Hopkins Fund Scholars
Alumni Association Announces Affiliation with the Penn Club of New York
In the News...
Alumni Notes & Awards
June 2006 Alumni Notes
Woodrow Wilson Award
Distinguished Alumni Awards
Send email to [email protected]

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