Demanding a
By Maria Blackburn
Zara Husain, Ed '08, grew up deaf in Pakistan. She's now
determined to see her country embrace a new word for deaf
people: normal.
Boxed Volumes
By Dale Keiger
Johns Hopkins Magazine's resident bibliophile ponders the
question: When the books are gone from Gilman Hall, what's
Good Golly!
By Catherine Pierre
Sculpture at Evergreen 2008 brings a giant glowing cube and
a great green glob (among other works) to the stately
Evergreen Museum & Library's grounds.

Wholly Hopkins: Matters of note from around Johns
Medicine: Rapid relief for sickle cell pain
Homewood: The "hidden" memorial
Honors: Provost wins Fritz Medal
Engineering: Z rings yield their secrets
Education: Certifying summer learning
Books: A poet of the everyday
APL: Oceans under Titan's surface
Arts & Sciences: The film that became a
University: New money for diversity
Commencement: One student's banner day
Sports: A spring for the record books
Wholly Hopkins:
Syllabus | Investigations | Academese | Forever Altered |
Here & Abroad | Bottom Line | Vignette | Up & Comer |
Findings | JHUniverse | Vital Signs

Contributors: Inside Stories
The Big Question:
What Does a Rocket Scientist Think About?
The Big Picture: Agenda Item: New
Editor's Note: Our Small Part
Letters: Words Good, Bad, and
Essay: Miracles for Sale
Golomb's Gambits™ Common
Ruminations: From the Ancients to
the Moderns
Alumni Notes and
Alumni News
Your Other Life: House Calls for