Agnew took a strong stand
Regarding H.R. Cluster's letter to the editor in April's issue: I
believe that William Safire was Agnew's speechwriter at the time
he spoke of "the nattering nabobs of negativism." Perhaps Safire
was the source of that expression and for "the fashionable
masochistic entrepreneurs of doom" as well.
Whether or not Safire was the original source, Agnew was still
responsible for all that he uttered. I didn't share his
viewpoint, but I respected his strong stand. His was almost a
lone voice echoing what many patriotic Americans were feeling at
that time. It happens that I graduated from high school in
February 1937 along with Spiro. He was quiet, well-mannered and
had a good sense of humor, but was otherwise unremarkable when I
knew him. Mr. Cluster does not recall ever seeing Spiro; that is
because Spiro attended night school. However, I cannot understand
how he was identified as belonging to the Class of '40, when mine
was the Class of '41. What do the Registrar's records show?
Ralph A. Carey, BE '41
[email protected]
Our records indicate that Spiro Agnew attended Hopkins part
time from 1937-39, but never earned his degree.
Quiz question based on faulty
There are few things more interesting than counterintuitive
answers to mathematical problems. But there is also nothing more
frustrating than a bad answer. Charles ReVelle's fascinating
piece on location science is a case in point ["Test Your Siting
Savvy," April]. To achieve a clever, counterintuitive answer,
he bends his definitions to create a solution that does not even
satisfy his own wording of the question.
Question #2 asks where a school should be placed "so that the sum
of student as small as possible." One of the possible
answers was "b) at a centrally located spot on one of the
roadways connecting the towns." This answer is then rejected
using convoluted logic that "proves" that the minimum sum point
must lie at one of the nodes.
This would perhaps be true if 1) every node were a town, and 2)
every crossroad were a node. But that is not how the real world
(even the real world of mathematics) operates! For example,
assume there are three towns (A,B,C) with 10 students each, lying
on a plane in a triangle as follows:
It is easy to see that total transportation for any school
located in A, B, or C would equal 340 miles, and a school located
on any existing road would be worse. But wait! We can build three
new roads as follows:
Call the intersection of those roads D. There is no town there.
There are no children there. It fulfills the properties
"centrally located spot on one of the roadways connecting the
towns." Yet a school built there has a total transportation
mileage of only 300--a clearly better solution. A vague warning
about "don't let the lines cross" doesn't eliminate this
solution, because while a new NODE may have been created, a new
TOWN wasn't; only a new LOCATION that satisfies all
My point is not that the problem is flawed (although it clearly
is); rather, it is that ReVelle has postulated a false general
principle, and he has the prestige to make it stick, perhaps for
another 70 years. The notion that "ALWAYS there will be an answer
within at least one of the towns" could lead planners to reject
clearly superior sites because they would not even look beyond
the three towns. Worse, ordinary lay persons would be subject to
ridicule (and don't believe for a minute that this doesn't happen
in the real world) by the site planners if they dared suggest a
site outside of the three towns, because "Charles ReVelle has
proved that no other sites can give us lower transportation
numbers--do you [want] to debate with him?"
If my argument is flawed, please feel free to correct me, but if
I am correct, please have Dr. ReVelle respond. Our local School
Board (of which I am a member) has enough problems without having
to deal with faulty principles of location economics in our
building programs.
Stan Katz '66
West Windsor, NJ
Professor ReVelle responds:
I always enjoy questions from my classes because they offer an
opportunity to clarify and expand the material I present. The
question from Mr. Katz is no exception.
The problem, once again, is to find that point on a network that
minimizes student travel, where students reside in towns, and a
road network, such as the one I drew, connects the towns. I
assumed that anyone trying the problem would, as I did in the
drawing, consider every crossroad location as a town.
Here is what I said about creating a sample problem: "Don't let
the lines cross or you will have created a new node with which to
contend." I then instructed the reader to "Try another point on
the network that is not a node" to see if student travel could
possibly be decreased from its least value at any of the nodes.
Then I said that I would be surprised if someone could find a
point that gave a lower value of total travel than that of a
node. Clearly I had made a transition to the idea that the
solution would occur at one of the nodes and that a node was the
equivalent of a town. Where lines cross, I said there would be a
new node and I warned against creating such a problem. Again,
this new node could be thought of as a town with population
Mr. Katz put in new lines and let them cross, thereby creating
the warned against new node. I suppose I should have realized
that someone would do this despite my cautionary statement. He
finds in his problem that the the lowest travel burden does
indeed occur at this new node. This result does not contradict my
claim that there will be a lowest travel burden solution at a
node ( I also said that the same lowest cost could occur
One remaining point is that you should carefully distinguish this
puzzle and its results from a policy prescription. A choice of
location requires more than a consideration of travel burden.
The cost of developing or adapting a site is obvi-
ously a major consideration as well. So it may be that a number
of sites are available as choices for a high school. A good
analyst will consider all the choices and array those
alternatives--with their costs and with their travel burdens--
before those who are charged with a decision.
Exploring a different bond
Kudos to Ann Finkbeiner! Her unique approach in exploring the
bond between parents and children
("The Unbreakable Bond,"
November) recalled a conversation overheard. Twenty-six years
after the death of my mother, my daughter (17) and my niece (10)
began talking about her as they set the table for Thanksgiving.
They spoke of the grandmother they never knew and how she loved
church and children and the sea; they spoke of her dogs and
garden. "She would have really loved us," they agreed soberly.
Finkbeiner articulated the losses parents face at the death of a
child--legacy, potential adult friends, grandchildren, the
reflection of one's self-image. Perhaps as a next step she will
explore the reverse. When children lose (or never have) the
affirmation sparkling in the eyes of a parent or grandparent,
they gather the pearls of that life and create the continuum that
might have been.
Kathryn Amey Shelton (MAS '88)
Baltimore, MD
Credit where credit is due
I was pleased to read in
"Working smarter, not longer" (November, p. 18) that finally
some progress has been made in improving the status of women at
the Department of Medicine. The article states that "In 1990,
under then department chair John Stobo, Medicine set out to
reverse its poor track record in retaining and promoting female
faculty members.... Some of the steps taken were directly aimed
at women. For example, salary inequities were corrected... As a
result of these and other interventions, the total number of
female faculty more than doubled during the five-year period,
from 30 to 65. And the number of women at the rank of associate
professor jumped 550 percent, from four to 26--with no change in
promotions criteria."
To set the record straight and give credit where it is due, I
would like to point out that these changes were initiated in 1989
by the Provost's Committee on the Status of Women, and not by
John Stobo, as the article implies; Dr. Stobo simply implemented
the changes mandated by the Provost's Office. In fact, Dr. Stobo
was appointed department chair in 1985, and yet changes regarding
women faculty were not initiated until 1990--five years later,
and one year after the First Annual Report of the Provost's
Committee on the Status of Women was published in June 1989.
It was documented in the First Report (p. 40) that in the
Department of Medicine the average salary of men at the assistant
professor level was $17,001 higher than that of women assistant
professors; in contrast, there was hardly any difference between
men and women assistant professors in basic sciences.
The Provost's Committee also made several recommendations (p. 87)
aimed to correct the equally unfortunate situation of women
faculty with respect to professional advancement. For example, a
longitudinal analysis of 10-year records (1978-87) revealed that,
of the women who entered the rank of assistant professor at the
School of Medicine from 1978-79 until 1985-86, only 13.9 percent
were promoted, as compared to 26.2 percent of the corresponding
group of men; that is, the chance of women being promoted was
only about one-half that of men. Since 95 percent of the faculty
who were nominated for promotion were indeed promoted, the
difference between men and women occurred in the nomination
process itself. Therefore, this finding raised serious questions
about the procedures used in the decision-making to nominate a
faculty member for promotion. Since the initial step in this
procedure traditionally rested in the hands of a single person,
the conclusion was inescapable that these persons were biased
against nominating women for promotion. In fact, the statement in
your article [about the 550 percent increase in promotion]
confirms directly the conclusion of the Provost's Committee,
namely that women do not need any special criteria for promotion:
if they are nominated, they are indeed promoted.
I had the privilege of serving as a member of the Provost's
Committee on the Status of Women, as well as two subcommittees,
on salaries and professional advancement. I left Johns Hopkins in
1991 as our recommendations had just begun to be implemented. I
am glad to see that our efforts did have an impact on improving
the status of women, at least on salaries and professional
advancement in the Department of Medicine.
Apostolos P. Georgopoulos, MD
Professor, Brain Sciences
University of Minnesota
A disturbing abuse
As a professional writer and a recipient of a Hopkins MLA degree,
I find it disturbing to see abuse of the English language on the
pages of Johns Hopkins Magazine.
I call your attention to the center column of page 12 of the April issue. The first complete
sentence beneath the photo reads, "There are photos of Bass in
scuba gear." There's no problem here. The next--whatever--reads,
"Shots of him and Ann and their two sons, Alan and Gordon, on a
sailing ship." First of all, this is not a sentence. It lacks
both subject and verb. Second of all, it is customary with series
to place the subject of the series last, as in "shots of Ann,
their two sons, Alan and Gordon, and him on a sailing ship."
Either you have fallen prey to the vernacular, frequently heard
from the mouths of teens--notably, "Him and Tommy went to the
movies"--or you are contributing to this deprecation of our
Despite the minor grammatical blemish, Dale Keiger's article on
George Bass was most
Bud Russo (MLA '71)
Merton, WI