Just Give Me Something for the Pain
A drug index that is searchable by name of drug, action,
interaction, or brand. This is a good resource of information, if
you don't mind the offers of a 24-hour online pharmacy.
Another drug index. This one is run through the Medical College
of Wisconsin. Also includes a list of WWW drug information
provides abundant information about opioids and opiates. Includes
an interesting history of opiate use in America and of the first
legislation banning opium. The site is produced through the Drug
Reform Coordination Network (DRCNET), which, as its name implies,
is pro-drug reform. The DRCNET's Drug Library claims to be the
world's largest online library of drug policy. There's
interesting stuff here, whatever your bent. The same DRCNET site -- http://www.drcnet.org/ -- leads to information about the American Society for Action on Pain. ASAP is a group of chronic pain patients and others who advocate improved access to adequate pain control.
The American Pain Society (APS) is a 20-year old professional
organization. It does advocacy work and also offers resources for
both chronic pain patients and the professionals who treat
The American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM) is another
association of professionals engaged in the treatment of pain
patients. Its home page links to the AAPM's and APS's joint
consensus statement on the use of opioids for chronic pain.