Space Weather
By Joanne Cavanaugh Simpson
Downed satellites, damaged spacecraft, widespread
blackouts. The fallout from solar storms can prove
disastrous to our increasingly technological world. At APL,
scientists are working to improve future forecasting.
The Sunkist
By Tyler Johnson
Assigned to write his "auto"-biography for a class on the
history of the American automobile, a student pens a tale
of the "mile"-stones he passed in the company of his
family's bright orange Mercedes-Benz.
Ready to Serve
By Jocelyn Kelly '02
In the months since last fall's terrorist attacks, the
world climate has changed considerably -- and so has the
outlook for Hopkins' graduating ROTC cadets.
High Rollers
By Dale Keiger
Thrills abound when two self-described "coaster freaks"
from Peabody set out on their summer tour of 15 amusement
parks across five states. Our intrepid writer tags along
for the fun.
An Unnecessary
By Dale Keiger
Putting cops in schools cuts down on student violence and
crime, and helps kids feel safe, right? Not so fast, says
Hopkins' Sheldon Greenberg, who contends that we've gone
overboard in creating a "school safety" industry.
Humanities: Scholar Curates Egyptian
Libraries: Library Star Joins Hopkins
Engineering: Busch-Vishniac to Step
Medicine: Grading on a New Curve
University: New VP Aims to Strengthen
Medicine: Temkin's Thoughtful Legacy
Technology: Inventive Device Within
Astronomy: The Push for Pluto
Sports: Blue Jays Pick Up Lacrosse
University: Unearthing House's True
Alumni: A Classic Affinity for South
Wholly Hopkins:
Syllabus | Datebook | Academese | Forever Altered | Here &
Abroad | Bottom Line | Vignette | Up & Comer | Findings |
JHUniverse | Vital Signs

Contributors to the September
The Big Question
Editor's Note
Alumni Notes
Alumni News
Your Other Life