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Sooner or Later, You Have to Get Out of the Car
By Maria Blackburn
Johns Hopkins sociologist Stefanie DeLuca wanted to see the faces and hear the stories behind all that data. So she headed into the streets of Baltimore.

In the Finest Tradition
By Jim Paterson, SPSBE '04 (MS)
From the sublime to the ridiculous, when it comes to crazy customs and rituals, Johns Hopkins won't be bested. We go in search of famed — and forgotten — traditions.

The Secret
of His, uh,

By Margaret Guroff, A&S '89 (MA)
Mark Friedman, A&S '91 (BA, MA), '99 (MA), has an established reputation as a successful screenwriter. And soon, you'll even be able to see one of his films.

Humans Behaving Badly
By Dale Keiger
Researchers in the Bloomberg School's new Department of Health, Behavior, and Society want to know: If we know it's bad for us, why do we keep doing it?

  Wholly Hopkins

Wholly Hopkins: Matters of note from around Johns Hopkins

Research: A stem-cell first

Development: Up to the "Knowledge" challenge

Peabody: New dean lays out vision

Research: Yes, there's magic in those mushrooms

Environment: Greening, ideas major and mundane

Africana Studies: New director, faculty, and major

Biomedical Engineering: Undergraduate innovation

Sports: New take on lacrosse classic

Sports: Tierney heads to Hofstra

Medicine: 25 years on the HIV/AIDS frontline

Astronomy: A million-dollar discovery

History: The Hungarian revolt reconsidered

Libraries: Best wishes, Mencken

Wholly Hopkins:   Syllabus | Investigations | Academese | Forever Altered | Here & Abroad | Bottom Line | Vignette | Up & Comer | Findings | JHUniverse | Vital Signs


Contributors to the September Issue
Ruminations: Multitasking State of Mind
The Big Question: How Did you Spend Summer Vacation?
The Big Picture: "That's Frahnkensteen"
Editor's Note: Traditionally Speaking
Essay: No Joke
Alumni Notes and Awards
Alumni News
Your Other Life: Nuevo Nursing

Johns Hopkins
Magazine, September 2006

  The Johns Hopkins Magazine | 901 S. Bond St. | Suite 540 | Baltimore, MD 21231
Phone 443-287-9900 | Fax 443-287-9898 | E-mail [email protected]