Tenure Under Scrutiny
In 1983, Jeffrey Duban (PhD '75) left the classics faculty at Georgia State University, embroiled in litigation over a promotion dispute. During the course of his lawsuit, his attorney suggested that he might make a good lawyer himself. Duban took the remark seriously, and today has a legal practice in New York that includes a specialty in tenure and promotion disputes. He is outspoken in his views about how universities administer tenure, at least as regards his clients. JHM: What sort of cases are you seeing, primarily?
JHM: On what basis do the institutions deny tenure?
Duban: There is always some ground that someone can point
to in withholding your tenure. The typical pattern [of my cases]
is where the faculty member has a unanimous or near-unanimous
departmental vote in favor of tenure. It goes up to the college
committee, which gives it a unanimous endorsement. It goes up to
the dean, and the dean says no. So those people most in the
position to adjudicate have been annulled, and deans and
provosts, who know nothing of the subject matter, nothing of the
scholarship, for reasons entirely of their own which are rarely
explained, decline to accept these advisory recommendations.
JHM: Are tenure cases difficult for faculty to win?
Duban: Yes, because the courts are reluctant to engage in
what the court considers second-guessing the judgment of trained
professionals. That's not to say a promotion and tenure case
cannot be won, but when they are won it's only after the longest
time, the greatest ardor, and [great] expenditure of money.
[Even then] the best thing you can hope for is some kind of