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Plenty to do, if you know where to look
As an undergrad, Will Kirk, A&S '99, was never at a loss for things to do. He worked five jobs, studied full time at Hopkins, and took classes at Maryland Institute, College of Art. "I always saw Baltimore as more of a college town than a lot of people," says Kirk, the Hopkins photographer who shot "It Takes a Village — Charles Village — to Make a College Town." "I can understand why kids might think Baltimore doesn't have as much to do as New York, but I've liked Baltimore ever since I've been here." Kirk's work has also been published in The Baltimore Sun, New York Newsday, and The New York Daily News.

So you think you know local politics?
Michael Anft had long wondered about the prevalence of political pundits in news coverage. "I never put much stock in what these guys say," says Anft, who once covered city government for Baltimore City Paper. "What makes these guys experts?" But when he interviewed Matthew Crenson for "The Accidental Pundit," he came to appreciate Crenson's active mind and scholarly research. Says Anft, "He's got a good sense of the history of the political issues he's discussing." Anft — who contributes regularly to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Hopkins Medicine, PressBox, and The Washington Post — lives in Towson with his family.
— MB

Freelance writer Michael Anft ("The Accidental Pundit") writes from Towson, Maryland. Contact him at [email protected].
Serge Bloch ("Leading the Way") is based in Paris. Contact him through his Web site at
Illustrator William L. Brown (Wholly Hopkins: "Just What Is 'Full Disclosure'?) lives in Takoma Park, Maryland. Reach him at [email protected].
Photographer Mike Ciesielski ("Big Question" and "The Accidental Pundit") is based in Baltimore. Call him at 410-253-8274.
Photographer Bill Denison ("Your Other Life") lives and works in Baltimore. Phone him at 410-823-0001.
Freelance writer Jim Duffy ("Leading the Way") lives in Cambridge, Maryland. He can be reached at 443-799-8627.
Illustrator Jud Guitteau (Wholly Hopkins: "Defining Minimal Surfaces Isn't Child's Play") lives in Portland, Oregon. He can be reached at 503-282-0445, through email at [email protected], or through his Web site,
Illustrator Brian Hubble (Wholly Hopkins: "Lead Paint Studies") lives and works in New York City. His art work and contact information can be viewed on his web site at
New York-based freelance writer Virginia Hughes, A&S '06 (MA) (Wholly Hopkins: "Hopkins Researcher Wins Lasker" and "Lead Paint Studies") was the magazine's Corbin Gwaltney Fellow. She be reached via email at [email protected], or visit her blog at
Will Kirk �99 (�It Takes a Village — Charles Village — to Make a College Town� and �Leading the Way�) is a photographer for Homewood Photographic Services. E-mail him at [email protected].
Illustrator Michael Morgenstern (Essay: �Sing Out�) is based in New Jersey. His Web site is Call him at 609-823-2420 or e-mail him at [email protected].
Writer Greg Rienzi (Wholly Hopkins: �In Kids, Sleep Apnea Has Serious — and Lasting — Effects�) is a freelance writer and staff member of the Johns Hopkins Gazette. E-mail him at [email protected].

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