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Office of News and Information
Johns Hopkins University
901 South Bond Street, Suite 540
Baltimore, Maryland 21231
Phone: 443-287-9960 | Fax: 443-287-9920

October 12, 2004
CONTACT: Amy Cowles
[email protected]

Journalist Jack Germond to Speak at
Johns Hopkins University

Political columnist and author Jack Germond will speak at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 21, in the Shriver Hall Clipper Room on the Homewood campus of The Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St. in Baltimore.

The talk is part of the Press and Public Policy seminar series presented by The Johns Hopkins University Institute for Policy Studies. The series spotlights the common ground between those who study and those who report on domestic policy issues. New York Times senior writer Jason De Parle will speak at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Nov. 4.

Germond will share his thoughts about the domestic policy implications of the upcoming presidential elections. After his lecture, he will sign copies of his new book, Fat Man Fed Up: How American Politics Went Bad, (Random House, July 2004), which offers his observations on political discourse in the United States. Germond has covered every presidential campaign since 1960, according to the Baltimore Sun, where he was a columnist. Germond was also the Gannett bureau chief in Washington, and a columnist and editor for the Washington Star. He first appeared on "Meet the Press" in 1972 and has been a regular on the "Today Show," CNN, and "The McLaughlin Group." He now serves as a panelist on WUSA-TV's "Inside Washington" and writes occasional newspaper pieces. For more info, visit www.randomhouse.com/randomhouse/authors/ results.pperl?authorid=9924.

The lecture is free and open to the public. Because seating and parking are limited, reservations are requested at 410-516-4186.

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