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Office of News and Information
Johns Hopkins University
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Baltimore, Maryland 21231
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December 15, 2005
MEDIA CONTACT: Diana Schulin
Engineering & Applied Science
Programs for Professionals
(410) 579-4737

Johns Hopkins Engineering Programs for
Professionals and Army Corps of Engineers to Host
Water Resources Planning Seminar

Graduate-Level Seminar to Focus on Growing Need for
Better Water Resource Management

Registration is under way for a week-long graduate-level seminar in water resources planning that will be hosted in January by The Johns Hopkins University Engineering and Applied Science Programs for Professionals (EPP) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

The seminar is open to professional civil and environmental engineers and planners in the Baltimore-Washington area who wish to study and explore current issues and challenges in water resources planning. It is offered through Johns Hopkins' Environmental Engineering, Science and Management Program and is also designed to serve as the capstone course for the Corps-sponsored advanced degree programs at five universities.

The program will be held Jan. 23-27, 2006, at Johns Hopkins' Mount Washington Conference Center in Baltimore. The seminar and a follow- up two-month online course, designed for Corps planners, are open to other students and professionals with the necessary academic credentials in water resources planning and management. Those who would like to attend the seminar but not participate in the online course also are welcome.

According to John J. Boland, a Johns Hopkins professor emeritus and EPP's coordinator for the course, the seminar is a proactive step between academia and the Corps to improve retention of its most skilled planners, to create incentives for its existing employees and to train a future workforce. "This is a unique opportunity for water management students and professionals from across the U.S. to come together with some of the top water resource experts in the country and objectively look at some very critical challenges," he said.

Boland said that attendees who complete the online course will be working on an existing Corps project. For more information on the seminar and online course, contact Boland at 410-235-5515 or go to the web site at www.waterresourceeducation.us/advanced/capstone.cfm.

Part of the Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering Part-Time Programs in Engineering and Applied Science, the Engineering and Applied Science Programs for Professionals offers masters degrees in 15 distinct disciplines. There are currently more than 2,200 students enrolled in EPP programs at seven education centers throughout the Baltimore/Washington area. For more information on EPP programs and functions, contact Associate Dean Allan Bjerkaas at 410-540-2960, visit the Web site at www.epp.jhu.edu, or e-mail [email protected].

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