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March 14, 2007
TO: Education reporters, editors and producers
FROM: Lisa De Nike | 443-287-9960 | [email protected]
RE: Johns Hopkins University "Brain Awareness" activities at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
WHEN: Wednesday, March 14, from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
WHERE: Baltimore Polytechnic Institute
1400 West Cold Spring Lane
Baltimore, MD 21209

Science students at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute will learn about and explore the wonders of the human brain on March 14. Faculty members and students from the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at The Johns Hopkins University will bring a host of neuroscience-oriented activities to the science and technology public high school in honor of "Brain Awareness Week," an annual effort started by the Society for Neuroscience to advance public awareness of the progress and promise of brain research.

Organized by Amy Shelton, assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences at Johns Hopkins, and Lissa Rotundo, a science teacher at Baltimore Polytechnic, this year's event will include several talks as well as "hands-on" activities. Students will have the opportunity to view brain slices with accompanying microscopy images and to conduct simple experiments — such as a brain imaging demonstration — on the computer.

"Our goal is to show these science-oriented students what scientists really do, and to get students interested in neuroscience," explains Shelton.

By the end of the day, Shelton and her group expect to have spoken with about 500 students in 17 science classes.

This unique collaboration is now in its fourth year. Reporters interested in covering this event should contact Lisa De Nike at 443-287-9960.

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