Headlines at Hopkins
News Release

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Johns Hopkins University
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July 28, 2008
CONTACT: Phil Sneiderman

Students' Device Aims to Protect Electric Utility Workers
Additional Images
All Photos by Will Kirk

Device to Protect Electric 
Utility Workers
PHOTO D: Student team member Kyle Azevedo attaches the group's device to a transformer's power line during a demonstration. The electrical equipment is not "live."

Device to Protect Electric 
Utility Workers
PHOTO E: This picture show how the lightweight aluminum frame designed by the Johns Hopkins students clamps onto a residential transformer's power connector, known as a load break elbow.

Device to Protect Electric 
Utility Workers
PHOTO F: Like PHOTO E, this picture show how the lightweight aluminum frame designed by the Johns Hopkins students clamps onto a residential transformer's power connector, known as a load break elbow.

Device to Protect Electric 
Utility Workers
PHOTO G: When the frame is clamped on to the power line connector, a utility worker can pull on the rope from a safe distance to disconnect it. The student engineers tested the device on an unpowered out-of-service transformer box provided by the project's sponsor, Baltimore Gas & Electric Co.

Device to Protect Electric 
Utility Workers
PHOTO H: Student team member Doo Hyun Lee inspects the rope and lever-and-pulley arrangement. The device is an all-mechanical design, requiring no batteries or motors.

Device to Protect Electric 
Utility Workers
PHOTO I: Student team member Julie Blumreiter inspects the rope and lever-and-pulley arrangement.

Device to Protect Electric 
Utility Workers
PHOTO J: BGE, the project's sponsor, will conduct further tests and consider refinements before deciding whether to deploy it in the field.

Kyle Azevedo
PHOTO K: Kyle Azevedo

Julie Blumreiter
PHOTO L: Julie Blumreiter

Doo Hyun Lee
PHOTO M: Doo Hyun Lee

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