* This file is construct.inp. * Usage, charmm Phi=x Psi=y construct.out. * Construct a peptide of 15 residues (specified below) with phi angles set to x * and psi angles set to y. * Phi Psi * Alpha helix -57 -47 * Beta sheet -120 120 * Polyproline II Helix -75 145 * ! Open and read amino acid topology and parameter files. open read card unit 20 name "top_all27_prot_na.rtf" read rtf card unit 20 close unit 20 open read card unit 21 name "par_all27_prot_na.prm" read parameter card unit 21 close unit 21 ! Read sequence of 15 residue peptide from this input script (Unit 5). read sequence card * This is the mandatory title * 15 ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ARG ! Setup arrays for the peptide, fill ic table from residue topology file. generate pep2 setup ! Complete ic table, if necessary using values from parameter file. ic parameter ! Each cycle through loop changes phi of a residue and psi of the next residue. ! Note that first residue has only a psi dihedral and last residue only a phi. set resno 1 set nextres 2 label loop ! Adjust the dihedrals phi of residue numbered nextres and psi of residue ! numbered resno to the passed values Phi and Psi. ic edit dihedral @resno C @nextres N @nextres CA @nextres C @Phi dihedral @resno N @resno CA @resno C @nextres N @Psi end increment resno increment nextres if resno lt 15 goto loop ! Having set internal coordinates, now build cartesian coordinates. ic seed 1 N 1 CA 1 C ic build ! Write out cartesian coordinates of the peptide. open write card name peptide2.pdb unit 30 write coordinates pdb select all end unit 30 * Peptide with all phi set to @Phi and all psi set to @Psi * stop