* This file is correl.inp. * Usage, charmm correl.out. * Generates the chi1 and chi2 rotamer angle distributions in a trajectory. * Requires on the order of 380 KB of memory. * ! Open and read amino acid topology and parameter files open read card name "top_all27_prot_na.rtf" unit 20 read rtf card unit 20 close unit 20 open read card name "par_all27_prot_na.prm" unit 20 read parameter card unit 20 close unit 20 ! Open and read psf file open read card name "fullprot.psf" unit 20 read psf card unit 20 close unit 20 open read unit 51 file name sim.dcd trajectory query unit 51 open write unit 52 card name rotamer.tst correl maxtime ?nfile maxseries 2 maxatoms 10 enter chi1 dihe PROT 7 N PROT 7 CA PROT 7 CB PROT 7 CG geom enter chi2 dihe PROT 7 CA PROT 7 CB PROT 7 CG PROT 7 OD1 geom trajectory firstu 51 nunit 1 begin ?start stop ?nstep skip ?skip write all unit 52 card *angles * stop