* This file is interface.inp. * Usage, charmm interface.out. * Input files, top_all27_prot_na.rtf, par_all27_prot_na.prm, subunit1.pdb, subunit2.pdb from * fixpdb.awk. * Reads proteins, adds H atoms, adds missing side chain atoms, determines atoms of subunit 1 * that line within 4 Angstroms of any atom of subunit 2 * ! Open and read topology and parameter files open read card unit 20 name "top_all27_prot_na.rtf" read rtf card unit 20 close unit 20 open read card unit 20 name "par_all27_prot_na.prm" read parameter card unit 20 close unit 20 ! Read in the subunits open read unit 21 card name "subunit1.pdb" read sequence pdb unit 21 generate pro1 setup rewind unit 21 open read unit 22 card name "subunit2.pdb" read sequence pdb unit 22 generate pro2 setup rewind unit 22 read coordinate pdb offset -6 unit 21 close unit 21 read coordinate pdb append offset -6 unit 22 close unit 22 ! Build missing atoms ic fill preserve ic parameter ic build hbuild open write unit 30 card name prot.pdb write coordinates pdb select segid pro2 .and. (segid pro1 .around. 4) show end unit 30 * Coordinates of all atoms in protein, pdb format * stop ! Write outputs open write unit 30 card name prot.pdb write coordinates pdb select all end unit 30 * Coordinates of all atoms in protein, pdb format * open write unit 31 card name prot.crd write coordinates card unit 31 * Coordinates of all atoms in protein, crd format * open write unit 32 card name prot.psf write psf unit 32 card * psf of the protein * coor stat select all end system - "echo Xmin=?XMIN Xmax=?XMAX $'\n'YMin=?YMIN Ymax=?YMAX $'\n'Zmin=?ZMIN Zmax=?ZMAX > /dev/tty" stop