* This file is langevineef1.inp. * Usage, charmm langevineef1.out. * Runs Langevin dynamics with eef1 implicit water. * ! Open and read topology and parameter files for eef1 representation. open read card name "toph19_eef1.inp" unit 20 read rtf card unit 20 close unit 20 open read card name "param19_eef1.inp" unit 20 read parameter card unit 20 close unit 20 ! Read sequences and coordinates from the pdb file. open read card name "domain.pdb" unit 21 read sequence pdb unit 21 generate prot setup rewind unit 21 read coordinate pdb offset -6 unit 21 close unit 21 ! Add missing atoms ic fill preserve ic parameter ic build hbuild open write card name lang.psf unit 31 write psf card unit 31 *psf of arm * system - "echo Finished adding atoms > /dev/tty" ! Set frictional coefficient for Langevin. scalar fbeta set 1 select all end ! Setup for EEF1 eef1 temp 300 name solvpar.inp unit 93 update ctonnb 7. ctofnb 9. cutnb 10. group rdie minimize abnr nstep 1000 nprint 100 open write card name "before.pdb" unit 41 write coordinate pdb select all end unit 41 * Coordinates before langevin dynamics * system - "echo Starting simulation > /dev/tty" open write file name "langevin.dcd" unit 32 ! Heating dynamics dynamics leap langevin strt - nstep 200000 timestep 0.002 - nprint 100 nsavc 100 - ilbfrq 500 rbuf 0 tbath 300 - firstt 300 finalt 300 twindl -50 twindh 50 - nsavv 0 inbfrq -1 iprfrq 100 - iunrea -1 iunwri -1 iuncrd 32 iunvel -1 kunit -1 - iasors 0 iasvel 1 iscvel 0 ichecw 0 - ! iasors 1 iasvel 1 ichew 0 echeck 100 system - "echo Ran Langevin > /dev/tty" open write card name "after.pdb" unit 41 write coordinate pdb select all end unit 41 * Coordinates after langevin dynamics * stop