Johns Hopkins Gazette: January 2, 1996

WJHU Radio Program Notes

     The Marc Steiner Show airs five days a week, from noon to 2
p.m., and features a different guest or topic in each hour.
Guests and topics are subject to change.

     Scheduled for this week:

Tuesday, Jan. 2
Noon--Discussion of prison reform with Frank Dunbaugh, who
advocates abolishing the current prison system.

1 p.m.--How to prioritize Maryland's economic strategies.

Wednesday, Jan. 3
Noon--A discussion of managed care: Is it hurting mental
healthcare patients and workers?

1 p.m.--WJHU Radio's Tom Olson discusses his recent trip to
Estonia and explains Maryland's Estonia connection.

Thursday, Jan. 4
Noon--A talk with well-known AIDS researcher Robert Gallo.

1 p.m.--Should the state of Maryland require licenses for the
ownership of handguns?

Friday, Jan. 5
1 p.m.--Local news round-up.

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