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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University October 6, 2003 | Vol. 33 No. 6

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Investing in youth
One United Way agency adds learning to exercise with healthy results

Ron Fairchild

Getting kids to participate in sports, says Ron Fairchild, requires little arm twisting. Provide a ball and a court, and the bigger problem might be getting them to stop. A tougher sell is to persuade a child to do his homework or sit down and read a book, particularly a child who receives little to no learning encouragement at home, says Fairchild, who sits on the board of directors for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Maryland.
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ISIS project takes first big steps
ISIS dwells among us. While that might sound ominous, it's magic to thousands of ears. Although still 24 months away from full implementation, the Internet Student Information System is out of the starting gate, as a permanent executive director for the project has been appointed and ISIS's development teams have knocked down the first in a series of "go live" target dates.
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Searchable database of human proteins unveiled
Like expert curators who verify and create catalogs of the world's great art collections, an international team of scientists has developed a human protein database they say will change the way biology is done. The team unveils the online Human Protein Reference Database in the October issue of Genome Research.
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Obituary: Phoebe Stanton, 88, outspoken guardian of city's architecture

Obituary: Andrew M. Munster, 67, was chief of burn center at Bayview

Global study of atmospheric frontier goes on; NASA's TIMED extended

Center for Adolescent Health appoints Sonenstein new director

LaPlante to head APL Strategic Systems

APL creates system to detect digital video tampering

Depression in African-American men may bar blood pressure control

MSE Symposium: Michael Moore to discuss the state of American politics

PET scans are used to determine the progression of HIV infection

New from JHU Press

Building demolitions impact public's air quality

Illiterate and poor in Brazil have lower life expectancy, study shows


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