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The newspaper of The Johns Hopkins University December 13, 2004 | Vol. 34 No. 15

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Bio class gets extreme makeover
New technology turns lecture-based course into interactive experience

Rebecca Pearlman, Richard Shingles and Theron Feist, part of the team whose use of new technology is getting students more engaged in learning biology.

At a recent session of the undergraduate General Biology I course, students clogged Homewood's Mudd Auditorium seats from the front to its very rear rows. Not a bad turnout for a class that three years earlier had had trouble getting half its number to show up.
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Training the next leaders in public safety
One word that perhaps best portrays SPSBE's Division of Public Safety Leadership is innovation. How else to describe an academic unit that in one year can host a national meeting on gang violence (with prominent gang leaders in attendance); conduct a ride through the Gettysburg battlefield to teach leadership and management principles; and place city, state and federal law enforcement leaders from around the country into one classroom.
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Scientists ponder whether stress affects skin cancer
Does stress speed up the onset of skin cancer? The answer, in mice anyway, appears to be yes. Scientists at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center say that chronic stress may speed up the process in those at high risk for the disease.
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It's a wrap

Improved molecular switch could serve as sensor, medical tool

United Way update

Preliminary report out on health effects of assisted reproductive tech

Big draw: Student-designed robots try 'hands' at creating art

A message to JHU cell phone users from Johns Hopkins IT Services

MRI helps detect breast cancer but does not eliminate need for biopsy


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